SDMC meeting minutes 12/6/2016

Present: Houston, Rubacalva, Tamez, Adams, Martinez, Mora

Welcome: overview of what is to be discussed

Last time we talked about SIP everything has been approved and currently working on the progress fo the SIP

As we mover forward we have a plan for what it is we are doing on our campus. What are the next steps for data?


Concerns: toner, paper, supplies

We need a clear tracking system in order to better manage our supplies and budget. Extra money can be better used. Maybe for more man power to improve academic achievement.

Paper: Spent $14,700.00 Palacios has ordered paper over and over again, lots of money is being spent on paper alone. Print what you need then make copies for of what original instead of printing all copies on personal printer. We need to be smarter about what we print. Things that are digital we should use digital version if possible. We need regulations on what needs to be printed. Too much money is being wasted on these items. When teachers are absent consumables should be used instead of making copies for subs. Another solution could be give each teacher a box of paper for the year. This could give us the opportunity to open up positions to support us where we need it the most. Request supplies from students at the beginning of the year. Only ask for supplies that you will really use. Another solution for this is resending the supply lists the second semester in order to restock teachers’ supplies for students. Create an “I have” “I need” supply list for teachers to trade and barter with one another. This will be discussed in next week’s faculty meeting.

Campus needs and concerns

Workroom needs work. Set up a teacher supply donation area for teachers to share supplies that they are short on. Make the room more functional.

Follow ups

RTI updates – We are now doing data tracking, and we are doing things now that we were not doing last year. We need to be aware of what we need to do for our students to move to the next level successfully. We need to be aligned vertically. It is our job to teach our students, do not settle for minimum. Teachers want to really have a genuine VAM in order to support levels above and below. When we approach teachers about the VAMs we need to be keep in mind the approach that we present the info. Every grade level needs to be present for VAMs (pk-5th). Teachers want to have a conversation with other teachers to share what should be taught for their grade level. Give pointers and tips to other teachers so that everyone is on the same page and learning is uniformed.


All teachers stay after school once a week and teach one another how to teach what others are weak in. how do we get teachers to agree to this? What happens if they are not willing to do so? Gaps are created. Culture plays a big role so maybe we need to work on our culture. Maybe we can create a teacher to teacher observation based on admin highlights and observing those who have strengths where our own weaknesses are.

RTI structured schedule for sped. And data collection update. Data tracking systems are going very well. Students are being tracked by individual students rather than by tiers.

Christmas celebration for staff

Will be held here in the library. Spread the word. Program will be next Thursday am and pm. 4:55