CREATIVE EUROPE - MEDIA - FESTIVALS – Call for proposals EACEA/17/2017







NO GLOBAL ANSWER !! Please answer each question in the form (write "not applicable" where questions are not relevant).

A.1 Festival Description
Please briefly describe the festival edition for which a MEDIA support is sought, including the objectives and expected results (In English, maximum 25 lines).
Please list here Website URL for documentation linked to the action only of interest for the evaluation of your proposal (e.g. catalogues of previous editions, screening programmes of previous editions, didactic materials if available):

A.2 Relevance

1. Please present the existing audience, including demographic information, of your festival and evaluate any potential new audience.

2. Please describe the activities towards the audience, notably the opportunities for the audience to meet the European talents (Q&As, workshops, masterclass, etc.) as well as satellite events and year-long activities and/or decentralisation to other cities to promote European films (with smaller partner festivals).

3. Please describe all the festival's outreach mechanisms, including the use of the latest digital technologies and tools such as social media. Please explain the innovative aspects of your outreach strategy.

4. Please describe the film education initiatives and other educational actions for young audiences (young audience includes children and teenagers up to 18 years). Please attach (or provide the link) to any didactic material edited as part of the film education activities of last festival edition. Please note that these initiatives should be related to European films.

A.3 Quality of the content and activities

1. Please describe the programme structure (sections, competitions, cartes blanches, tributes etc.) and its European dimension. Please detail any focus (a country, a film-maker, etc.) and/or themes that are already foreseen for the next edition. The evolution of European film programming over the last years and the evolution foreseen can also be explained.

2. Please describe how do you collaborate and build partnerships with other European film festivals. What are the common activities runned within the network? How do your activities benefit from the networking? Please highlight the added value and impact in terms of increase of resource efficiency (as examples sharing of subtitling/dubbing, online viewing platforms etc).

3. Please describe your strategy in exposing the European non-national films and the programming originating from European countries with low audiovisual production capacity.

4. Please comment briefly on the geographic diversity and your strategy to extend the number of eligible countries represented?

A.4 Dissemination of project results and impact and sustainability

1. Please comment on the expected size of audience including evolution of the audience over the last years and method applied to measure the scale of the audience. If an increase or a decrease is already foreseen, please explain.

2. Screening locations: please fill in the table below:

Name / Description / Maximum Capacity / Number of screeenings during last edition

3. Please describe the mechanisms in place for the follow-up during and after the festival for the sale of the films presented, any commercial or alternative forms of distribution including results and the use of digital technologies.

4. Please describe the actions for the promotion of the European programming and European talents beyond the event.

A.5 Organisation of the team

1. Please describe the structure of the organisation (including the number of permanent/temporary staff/volunteers, etc). Please present the key members of the management team and explain their role in the festival (director, artistic director/programmer, general coordinator, responsible for audience activities, etc.).