Course Syllabus

Beginning Group Fitness- PHYE 119-M01

Tuesday – Thursday

7:15 – 8:15 pm

1 Credit Hour

Semester/Year: Spring 2009Studio Address: 1222 Overland Ave. Burley

Instructor: Josh BurgessStudio Phone: 208-878-5425Cell Phone:208-431-4946

Email: r Office Hours:anytime phone or email


This is a beginning group fitness class set to music that will focus on cardiovascular activities such as, cardio-kickboxing and other drills. Class activities include warm-up, cardio, bag workout, strength/tone, flexibility, and cool down. Other fitness activities may be included and modifications for all fitness levels will be provided. Pre and post testing of individual fitness levels will be measured to determine outcomes. Proper exercise attire is required.


SUPPLIES: Note book &hand wraps required ($5.00) Optional: Bag gloves


By the end of this course students will be able to participate in a variety of exercise activities.


Learning Outcome 1:Students will demonstrate appropriate safety practices.

Activity:Students will complete a pre/post safety assessment to measure progression of safety knowledge

Outcome Assessment:Pre- and post-assessment.

Learning Outcome 2:Students will improve and/or maintain their level of cardiovascular fitness throughout the semester.

Activity:Students will measure their resting heart rates and record in weekly notebook.

Outcome Assessment: Weekly

Learning Outcome 3:Students will improve and/or maintain muscle/joint strength, endurance, and agility.

Activity:Students will participate in a pre- and post- semester evaluation including curl-ups, push ups and wall sits.

Outcome Assessment:Weekly

Upon the completion of this course, students will fulfill objectives 2, 3, and 4 of the following Physical Education Program objectives:

1)To provide a high-quality university parallel education for students seeking careers in elementary and secondary physical education.

2)To provide a high quality education to serve the needs of degree and non-degree seeking students interested in personal fitness enhancement, health education, first aid, and skill development associated with intercollegiate athletics.

3)To provide a life long fitness and wellness education helping to fulfill the graduation components for students who are pursuing an Associates of Arts Degree.

4)To provide effective fitness enhancement, health education, and involvement for community members.


  1. Attendanceis required to be successful in this class.
  2. Absence Policy -An absence is considered to be less than 30 minutes of active participation. School activities and doctors’ notes are the only acceptable reason for an excused absence. Should some unforeseen emergency occur (i.e. death in the family) it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor ASAP to discuss options.
  3. Students will be allowed to miss 2 days after which 5 pts will be taken for every day missed after the 3rd day.
  4. Complete and turn in the health history form first week of class. If anything on the health history changes during the course of the semester, i.e.... pregnancy, medications, injuries etc., please notify the instructor immediately.
  5. Come to class prepared for a workout, dressed with athletic shoes and comfortable clothes.



Attendance / Grade
89.5 – 100 % of Classes: / A
79.5 – 89.4 % of Classes: / B
69.5 – 79.4 % of Classes: / C
59.5 – 69.4 % of Classes: / D
Less than 59.4 % of Classes: / F

It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course.

During the first two weeks of the term, a student may drop a course or completely withdraw without it being recorded on the student's official transcript. After the first two weeks a “W”will be recorded in any course the student drops.

A student desiring to drop a course during the first two weeks of the term may do so on-line. In order to drop or completely withdraw after the first two weeks, the student must complete and submit a drop or complete withdrawal form to the Admissions and Records Office.

NOTE: No course may be dropped or withdrawn from after 75% of the course or twelve weeks of the term has elapsed, whichever is earliest.


Since email is the primary source of written communication with students, all registered CSI students get a college email account. Student e-mail addresses have the following format: . Students can check their CSI e-mail online at Instructors and various offices send messages to these accounts.Students must check their CSI e-mail accounts regularly to avoid missing important messages and deadlines. At the beginning of each semester free training sessions are offered to students who need help in using their accounts.


Activities that will be practiced throughout the semester:

*Proper Warm-ups and Cool Downs

* Resistance Training

* Cardio

*Bag Work out

* Push ups & Set ups



To help instructors continually improve courses, students are strongly encouraged to go online to and complete anonymous evaluations which open two weeks before the end of the course and close the last day of class. When students enter the site, they find evaluations for their enrolled courses. Thank you for this valuable input!


Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for related accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact the coordinator of Disability Services at their first opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the TaylorBuilding on the Twin Falls Campus. 208.732.6250 (voice) or 208.734.9929 (TTY), or e-mail Candida Mumford, .