Leadership Directory

Head of the Church: The Lord Jesus Christ
Ministers: Every member of the church

Pastor: Rick Negley 740-548-7407

Preschool Co-Director: Michelle Kaylor 330-806-1248

Preschool Co-Director: Charlene Russo 614-946-3175

Administrative Assistant & Treasurer: Carrie Cline 614-441-5190

Church Custodian: Chara Spears 614-551-9499

Preschool Custodian: Karen Negley 614-586-3300

Clerk of Session: David Beck 614-488-8969

Music Ministry Team Leader: Todd Reed 614-839-6748

Financial Secretary & Video Technician: Jim Innes 740-965-4163

David Beck / 614-488-8969 / Becky Alred / Tami Baus
Jason Cline / 614-595-2564 / Tama Haferman / John Haferman
Charles Glass / 740-548-7027 / Shelly Harmon / Jeff Harmon
Dave Howell / 614-296-9045 / Mary Howell / Jim Innes
Fred Mau / 614-453-0928 / Wendy King / Dan Negley
Cloyce Miller / 614-846-1525 / Hope Negley / Kyle Reineke
Bob Schmidt / 614-579-3845 / Madeline Reed / Rich Winchel
Naomi Reineke
Connie Schmidt

Life Groups available this Week (August 27 – September 2)

(Please call to make sure the group is meeting as scheduled)

Day / Description / Time / Location / Contact/
Telephone / Child
(1st and 3rd) / Women’s Bible Study / 10:00 AM / Berlin Church / Karen Negley
614-586-3300 / X
Wednesday / Lewis Center Life Group / 7:00 PM / Berlin
Church / Rick Negley
614-586-3333 / X
Wednesday / Worthington Life Group / 7:30 PM / Home of the Millers / David Beck
Thursday / Men’s Group / 8:00 AM / Scrambler Marie’s / Bill Low
(Bi-monthly) / Ladies Titus Group / 6:30 PM / Home of the Schmidts / Connie Schmidt

Attendance & Financial Summary

Worship Attendance / Worship Attendance / General
Last Sunday / 77 / Average per week in 2017 / 78 / Through 32 weeks in 2017 / $136,455.08
1 Year Ago / 71 / Average per week in 2016 / 70 / Through 32 weeks in 2016 / $118,743.46

Berlin Presbyterian Church

A member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (www.epc.org)

5175 South Old State Road

Lewis Center, OH 43035-9254

(740) 548-6856


Twitter: @2Delight_In_God www.Facebook.com/DelightingInGod

Our mission is to delight supremely in God through Jesus Christ

by the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God’s name and

for the good of neighbors and nations.

Berlin Church

Founded 1829 in Berlin Township

August 27, 2017 10:30 A.M.

Worshiping God through Song / Prayer

Welcome and Announcements Rich Hartzell

Lighting of the Candles Brewer family

Worshiping God through Song

Scripture Reading: Acts 4:31-35

Worshiping God through Dance Daughters of the King

Worshiping God through Praise & Prayer

Blessing of the Children

Worshiping God with Tithes and Offerings

Offertory Tristan Baus, piano

Worshiping God through the Word Rick Negley

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Message: “Delighted to Share Our Own Souls”

Worshiping God through Song

Blessing and Sending of God’s People / Prayer and Ministry

Sunday Morning Schedule

9:30 AM – Classes

Age/Grade Location

“Foundation” Adult Class Chapel

Multi-Generational Class Fellowship Hall

10:30 AM – Worship

Age/Grade Location

Children, Youth & Adults Sanctuary

WE ARE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Please let us know how we may serve you by completing the Response Form and placing it in the offering plate. Please feel free to contact the pastor, an elder or the church office. See the back page of this bulletin for contact information.

ENTER HIS GATES WITH PRAISE: As you come into the sanctuary, you are encouraged to enter in an attitude of worship. Please help us all to focus on the Lord by joining in songs of praise and worship and waiting to connect with people in fellowship following worship.

CHILDREN ARE WELCOME in worship with their family. We believe that God has called us to strengthen families which are often separated and torn apart in society. One way for families to experience unity is by worshiping together. We want to help parents fulfill the responsibility God has given them for helping their children know and love Jesus (Ephesians 6:4).

IF YOU NEED to take your child out of the Sanctuary, we offer a video monitor in the Fellowship Hall and in the Nursery for your convenience. We also have a team of loving volunteers who are willing to help care for little ones (age 3 and under) if needed.

Calendar of Meetings & Events This Week

Today, August 27

·  Fellowship with refreshments and ice cream Following worship

Tuesday, August 29

·  Session Meeting 6:00 PM

Wednesday, August 30

·  Lewis Center Life Group 7:00 PM

·  Worthington Life Group 7:30 PM

Thursday, August 31

·  Men’s Group (at Scrambler Marie’s) 8:00 AM

·  Worship Team Practice 7:00 PM

Saturday, August 2

·  Surrounding the Throne in Prayer 8:00 – 9:00 AM

DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Today we welcome this group of young women with Down syndrome who meet at Berlin Church for fellowship and to practice dance. We thank God for these young ladies and their desire to honor God in all of life and their willingness to dance for the glory of God.

COMMISSIONING: Today we are commissioning Mary Negley as she prepares to move to Edmond, Oklahoma (just north of Oklahoma City) to serve with Arrows International in the ministry of dance and worship arts.

KITCHEN REMODELING UPDATE: The oven cabinet is scheduled to be delivered this week. Then the built in-oven and range hood will be installed. Sinks and faucets are now installed and functional. Baseboard trim, door trim and a replacement window are still in process. Thank you to all who have labored and given and prayed for this project. We plan to have a service of dedication when the kitchen is fully finished.

LIFE GROUPS: We believe that the life of the church takes place in the context of relationships. God desires us to experience community—a common unity in Christ. In addition, these groups can serve as “entry points” into the church, as we invite those who do not have a church home. Currently we have two groups that meet on Wednesday evening, one in Lewis Center and one in Worthington. If you are not currently part of a group, you are encouraged to visit one of these groups.

MEN’S & WOMEN’S MINISTRY: We offer a Men’s Group on Thursday morning and a Women’s Group that meets on Thursday evening. If you would like to join in fellowship with other men or women, you are encouraged to take part in one of these opportunities.

SHARING OUR OWN SOULS: As you respond to God’s Word today, please note on the Response Form how you believe God wants you to share your life and your own soul with others. We want to pray for you as you serve others in the name of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

PRESCHOOL: Please be praying for our preschool, Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool, as we seek to serve our community and bless our neighbors. Pray for the preschool children and their families, as well as our preschool staff as they share with us in this ministry to the community.