Purpose of the agreement

The agreement is in place to ensure that where the host Local Authority has agreed to undertake some part of the support for a child who is looked after by Hull CYPS, there is clarity about which tasks each authority is responsible for so that all of the child / young person’s needs are met.

This is an agreement between HullChildren and Young People’s Services(CYPS) and

…………………………………………………………………………..…. (Host Local authority)

It sets out the arrangements to support ………………………………………..………………………….

(child/young person), who is looked after by Hull CYPS.

Child / young person’s name
Date of Birth
Legal status of child / young person
Host local Authority
Reason for the arrangement
(Explanation of the placement and how it fits with the wider Care Plan for the child / young person. This should be a brief explanation as full details should be included in the Care Plan and Placement Plan)
Social work support
Named sw in host LA
Named Hull sw
Who does the child contact when they need to talk to their social worker?
Arrangements for statutory visiting
Arrangements for ad hoc visits when needed
Arrangements for the sw from the host LA reporting information to the Hull social worker / ICRO
Arrangements for contribution to assessments and reporting to reviews
Arrangements for liaising with and engaging the necessary support from other agencies such as education, health or specialist services.
Arrangements forthe recording of visits and social work activity by the host LA and the communication of these to the Hull social worker.
Management oversight and care planning
The responsibility for making key decisions rest with Hull CYPS (although if the child is accommodated it rests with those with parental responsibility) however the responsibility for agreeing smaller decisions may be delegated to the host LA. Provide details of such delegated decision making. This may be further expanded in the Care Plan and the Placement Plan.
Parents’ involvement
Agreement regarding parents’ involvement in decision making, keeping parents informed and who is the point of contact for parents.
Contact arrangements
State the respective roles of Hull CYPS and the host Authority in facilitating contact.
Support of carers
The arrangements to support the carers including routes of communication between social workers supporting the child and those supporting the carers
Hull ICRO Team is responsible for holding LAC reviews.
Name of ICRO:
Please state the arrangements for reviewing this formal agreement between Hull CYPS and …………… (host Local Authority)
Financial Arrangements
Provide details of any payments agreed
Area manager ………………………………………………….. ………………………….
(Signed) (Date)
Assistant Head of Service ……………………………………………….. …………………………..
(Signed) (Date)
Host Local Authority …………………………………………………………………………………….
………………………………… ……………………………………………………. …………………………..
(Job title) (Signed) (Date)
…………………………………. …………………………………………………….. ……………………………
(Job title) (Signed) (Date)
Parent(s) or person with parental responsibility
NB if the child is s20 accommodated the agreement is between those with PR and the host local authority. If the child is subject to a (s31) care order parents retain PR but the extent to which they can exercise it depends on the circumstances in each case
………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………
(Name) (signed) (Date)
………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………
(Name) (Signed) (Date)