Académie de Poitiers


Baccalauréat professionnel Exploitation des Transports

Session 2007

Epreuve orale

Durée de l'épreuve : 20 minutes

Préparation : 20 minutes

  1. Première partie : durée 10 minutes, préparation 10 minutes.


Document jury

Keep new technology secret.

Travail à faire par le candidat

Role play:

You work as an assistant operator at Heartgraves Ltd, a British haulage company located in Manchester. Your boss, Mrs Shortsight, 55, started working in this company as a driver when she was 18. Her staff appreciates her dynamism although she can be too rigid sometimes.

Yesterday Mr Brown, the young fleet supervisor, had a heated discussion with the boss. He declared it was high time for Heartgraves Ltd to modernize its operations methods in order to remain competitive. When he suggested using some computerized systems, Mrs Shortsight replied that she was suspicious about new technology and the firm had no cash to invest in such systems.

Then Mr Brown declared he would look for a job in a more forward-looking company and left Mrs Shortsight’s office.

Early this morning, Mrs Shortsight asked you to collect information about new technology and to find some suggestions for suitable solutions liable to improve operations methods in a haulage company.

Of course you must keep your task secret and never tell Mr Brown what you have

been asked to do.

You spent two hours on the internet and finally selected two potential suppliers.

(see Document ONE and document TWO) .

Now you are about to have a face to face conversation with Mrs Shortsight to present her the results of your search.

The scene takes place in Mrs Shortsight’s office.

The teacher plays Mrs Shortsight’s role.

You play the assistant.

ENCLOSURES: DOCUMENTS ONE and TWO- Advertisements for tracking systems.

Académie de Poitiers


Baccalauréat professionnel Exploitation des transports




With over ten years experience, Trucktrack System is a leading supplier in software solutions for the road haulage industry. There are more than 650 satisfied companies throughout Great Britain!

We can provide you with valuable tools that will change the way you manage your fleet.

GPS Fleet Management:

-Real-time mapping

-24h /7 days vehicle tracking

-Detailed information on vehicle activities

-Registration information

-Optimising schedules and shipping route plans

-Checking the authorised use of vehicles

-Maintenance schedules

Report on drivers’ activity

-Daily summary report including:

  • Start and end time for each day
  • Total time on route and rest time
  • Total distance travelled
  • Speeding exceptions
  • Lunch breaks and other allowed breaks

- payroll details, days off and annual leave.

Road costs management

Detailed cost management is essential for an efficient fleet manager.

Our systems include a cost management function taking into account:

- fuel consumption and the fuel costs

- road tolls

- insurance costs

- vehicle purchases (tyres, tarpaulin, brakes, etc ...)

- registration costs

Contact us on: [email protected] or T: 0187 879 554 Ask for Mr Blind.

Académie de Poitiers


Baccalauréat professionnel Exploitation des transports Session 2007


Contact Cargo Fleet

Our systems can provide your company with:

- vehicle positioning ( 24h / 7 days). Operators and customers know

exactly the position of goods and the exact time of delivery.

- a two-way communication e-transport system: your operators send all useful information by e-mails on drivers’ display screen.

- delivery information: at the customer’s request, a reply text message is

delivered to confirm the delivery hour. Scanned documentation can be viewed over the internet through our e-Transport module.

drivers’ detailed working time data.

- drivers’ behaviour report (breaks, speed)

- cargo security warning: if you carry high-risk goods, high- value cargo or

have very short delivery time, we can fit your vehicles with alarms and alert systems.

Whatever happens, your operations department is able to react in real time to any event.

Our integrated solutions have been developed to be used simply and are adaptable to meet

new business requirements such as customers’ follow up deliveries.

Your staff is expected to attend a two-day training period. Our technical experts will show

them how to use our services efficiently.

Our affordable solutions will also help you to reduce telephone costs and paperwork

Contact us on: ContactCargoFleet or T: 2154 256 587 Ask for Peter

- Objectifs du sujet proposé:

  • Communiquer oralement dans une situation de face à face.
  • Informer et répondre aux demandes.
  • Relever et sélectionner les avantages les plus importants dans une liste.
  • Estimer ces avantages selon le contexte.
  • Argumenter face à sa hiérarchie.

- On donne:

  • Deux publicités concernant le problème à résoudre, vantant les mérites de différents outils informatiques adaptables aux entreprises de transport routier (logiciel de gestion de parc, suivi des véhicules, localisation …..)

- Matériel: aucun

-On demande/ on attend du candidat:

  1. Le jury précise la situation au candidat lorsqu’il a terminé sa préparation et arrive face à lui.
  1. Le jury commence le jeu de rôles en saluant le candidat puis il demande le résultat des recherches quant à l’introduction de l’outil informatique dans l’entreprise.
  1. Le candidat informe le jury: il a sélectionné deux fournisseurs sur internet, il donne leurs noms .
  1. Le jury demande une description des avantages de chacun.
  1. Le candidat relève sur les documents les arguments qui lui semblent les plus appropriés
  1. Questionnement du jury sur ces avantages.
  1. Le jury peut poser des questions plus précises sur ces avantages tout en veillant à ce que la réponse figure sur les documents.Cependant, toute réponse pertinente montrant une connaissance du candidat (acquise en stage par exemple) peut être acceptée.
  1. Le jury demande l’opinion du candidat sur le choix de l’un ou l’autre des fournisseurs et lui propose de contacter ceux-ci par téléphone ou courriel pour obtenir des renseignements complémentaires (sur le prix par exemple).
  1. Le jury remercie le candidat pour ses informations et lui donne rendez-vous la semaine suivante pour prendre une décision.
  1. Salutations d’usage de fin de conversation.

-On exige du candidat:

  1. Correction de la langue orale. 10 points
  2. Compréhension de la situation. 5 points
  3. Utilisation de termes professionnels 5 points
  4. Attitude professionnelle dans ses propositions 5 points
  5. Justesse et précision du relevé des éléments nécessaires 10 points
  6. Volonté de s’impliquer dans le jeu de rôles (ton, dynamisme) 5 points

La note sur 40 points sera reportée sur la grille d’évaluation de l’évaluation spécifique.
