Minutes of a meeting of the Full Council held on Monday 7th November 2016 at 7.30pm in The Parish Rooms, Hall Street, Crowland.

Present - Coun B Alcock, Mr D Ancill, Mr M Atkinson, Mr P Bird, Mr J Boor, Mr R Boot,

Miss C Elphee, Mr P Haselgrove, Mr D Kempton, Mr J Parnell, and Mr G Quince

Also Present - Coun N Pepper, PCSO Sally Pusey and PCSO Tracey Abbott

In the Chair - Mr D Ringham

Clerk - Mrs D Halliwell

262. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Mr P Cooper, Mrs T Croxford, Mrs J Head & Coun J Astill

Mr Ringham welcomed Mr Boor to the Parish Council and also welcomed back Mr Cooper in his absence

Mr Ringham informed members of the sad passing of Mr Frank Barrett who served on the council for many years.

This was followed by a minute’s silence.

The Parish Council is very grateful for all that Mr Barrett achieved during his time with the council and would like to honour his service.

The Parish Council would like to support the cancer group with their aim to create a memorial to Mr Barrett.

263. Police Matters

PCSO Pusey introduced PCSO Tracey Abbott who covers Spalding Estates.

PC Perring is our new neighbourhood officer for Crowland replacing PC Cinnavas

PC Perring has been walking around Crowland in the evenings following the large number of ASB issues.

Three youths have received letters regarding their anti-social behaviour.

PCSO Pusey reported on crimes for the past two months and for the same period last year, These were:-

This Year2015


Criminal Damage83


She reported that Halloween had produced more problems than Bonfire Night.

PCSO Pusey has been opening the police office and making herself available in the library.

She will be available in the Library on 16th November 2016 between 12 noon and 4.00pm.

PeterBird précised the response to our letter expressing concerns over the response times to answer 101 calls. They are making changes to improve the service.

A local youth had contacted PCSO Pusey to ask if he could attend a council meeting to talk to members about what it is that the young people of Crowland would like to see.

She will give Mr Ringham his details to contact him about coming to a meeting.


264. Declaration of Interests as per the LGA 2000

Allotments - Mr Haselgrove

Abbey - Mr Atkinson

British Legion - Mr Boot & Miss Elphee

Crowland Cares - Mr Ringham & Mr Atkinson

Land - Mr Boor

265. To Agree as a correct Record the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Page 37 - item 257 Should read - The signage for the weight limit on the B1040 has been delayed but will be put up as soon as it arrives

Add - There is a large amount of residue from vehicles wheels left on the road outside of Decoy Farm.

Following the amendment of this item the minutes were proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting by Mr Ancill and seconded by Mr Haselgrove. All agreed.

266. Reports on matters outstanding of the previous meeting not on this agenda

Page 37 - item 254 - The signage is still incomplete for directions regarding the new weight limit.

The paints that we had ordered from Wicksteed and contained lead have been returned.

The Parish Council still has concerns over the service in Lloyds Chemist. Mr Ringham will set up a meeting with the Manager. Action - Mr Ringham

267. Assets working party – Update

The AWP would like to recommend to full council that the areas for the new allotments and the new graveyard should be reversed.

They would also like to recommend that the allotment area is under drained.

Coun Alcock proposed this recommendation and Mr Atkinson seconded it. All agreed except Mr Haselgrove who abstained. Action AWP

The AWP have received a quote from DMJ at Boston for the under draining and this was for £4738.00 + VAT.

Two quotes were requested but it transpires that the second company is the same as DMJ so no second quote was sent.

Mr Alkinson proposed that the council goes ahead and gets the land under drained.

Seconded by Mr Ancill. All agreed except Mr Haselgrove who abstained.Action - AWP

Coun Alcock suggests that the remaining piece of land near the new Allotments and Graveyard is let to a local farmer in order to keep it clean.

The graveyard working party are to look at the cemeteries in Sutton Bridge and Thorney.

Action - Graveyard Working Party

268. Report from the Finance Committee

Finance had held a very constructive meeting with the chairs of the Committees.

There is a finance meeting on the 29th November 2016.

269. Report from the Farms & Gardens Committee

There has not been a meeting of this committee.

The committee needs to review its tree and hedge programme.


There have been two concerns received regarding the trees in Normanton Road. However, searching through the original planning application, it was proved that it was the developer (Persimmon) who planted the trees

Mr Parnell proposed that a letter be sent to the developer. Mr Atkinson seconded this. All agreed. Mr Ringham will compose a letter and update the residents who have been in touch with the council. Action - Mr Ringham & Clerks

There have been ongoing problems with the trees and hedges on The Chase. Highways have now accepted ownership and dealt with the problems.

The grass continues to grow and we are still having to cut it.

Mr Harris is returning to flail the allotments hedge. Mr Boot will ask him to flail the edge of the new allotments and cemetery and the dyke on the edge of the A16. He will also ask if he would flail the hedge beside the West Bank junction as it is obscuring vision.

There is to be a dog fouling sign put up at the entrance to the Snowden field near the health centre and another on the edge of the Kissing Ground.

Clerks to write to the owners of 113 North Street about the ivy on their wall overhanging the carriageway and causing vehicle to cross the white line on a blind bend to pass it.

270. Report from the Planning Committee

Everyone has received a copy of the minutes.

The Parish Council needs to consider the name Snowden Field going forward. If it is to be Snowden Park instead of Snowden Fields this may help in asking developers for contributions.

271. Report from the Amenities Committee

Everyone has received a copy of the minutes.

There are some proposals from those minutes in committee.

Clerks to amend minutes to say “Rate Relief” and not “no rateable value” Action - Clerks

Mr Ringham has spoken to Mr Singh from the cricket club and arranged a meeting with him.

272. Report from the Health & Safety Committee

There has not been a meeting of this committee.

The damage to the Youth Shelter was put right without delay as this could have become a Health & Safety issue.

273. A16/Highways Matters and Report of a meeting with Cowbit Parish Council

There had been a meeting with representatives of Cowbit Parish Council. They were looking for support to introduce traffic calming measures. As they understand that we at Crowland have similar issues with increased traffic and speeding on James Road.The meeting agreed to support.

There has been a survey carried out on the A16, James Road, Eye Road and Spalding Road, Cowbit . Clerks to write and ask for the survey results. No-one knew who carried out the survey, it could be LCC Highways or Lincs Road Safety Partnership. Action - Clerks

274. Standing Orders

Mr Quince reported that he is nearing completion with this project.


275. Correspondence

  1. Sybil Speechley - Letter from Sybil asking if it would be possible for the Parish Council to sponsor this year’s Art Festival by donating towards the prize money. There is an adults and Children’s class with 1st and 2nd prizes in each so Mrs Speechley hopes the Parish Council can be as generous as possible. Send the same as last year £25.00.
  2. Coun N Pepper - Coun Peppers October Newsletter which includes details of a video of Lincolnshire Life, Community Safety Priorities, Energy from waste plant, art at Lincoln Museum, museum of Lincolnshire Life, Lincolnshire energy switch and Fire & Rescue Emergency Planning. Noted
  3. Todd Circus Tyriana – Request to come to Crowland next May as part of their 2017 tour. Write and ask if their dates are flexible and ask them to come and take down this year’s posters
  4. Pinder Circus – Asking permission to visit Crowland in April 2017. They last came to Snowden 25 years ago. They have 11 staff members and can seat 150 people in the audience. They are members of the Showman’s Guild and £10million Public Liability Insurance. Write and say we would like to have them and let us have details of their requirements
  5. NHS Lincolnshire – Medicines Management Consultation. View required on the proposal to restrict the prescribing of over the counter medicines for short-term, self-limiting conditions. Survey attached for completion by 18th November 2016. Mr Ringham and the Clerks to complete the survey.
  6. Valuation Office Agency – Renew draft ratable value on line at by 30th November. Mr Ringham will draft a letter to our MP, and we should put something in the Town Mag.
  7. Mr & Mrs J McGrath – Thank you to the Parish Council for playing a part in their wedding. A beautiful venue and a perfect day. Noted
  8. LCC – Notification of Temporary Road Closure on Saturday 3rd December from 1pm to 8pm in North Street for Christmas Lights switch on. Noted
  9. Christine Holland – Very disappointed that her planning application in Crease Drove was refused due to the carriageway. Is Crowland Parish Council aware of any plans to repair or upgrade this carriageway in the near future or wouldrequest and support in the interests of local development. Coun Alcock declared an interest. Clerks to respond and suggest she contacts LCC
  10. Andy Antcliff, LCC – Works on Fen Bridge are now to be undertaken with road closure when only absolutely necessary. Work to commence on


3rdJanuary 2017 with 4-way traffic signals until 20th February with full road closure from 20th February until completion on 3rd March 2017. A pedestrian route will be maintained. Clerks to write and check that all appropriate residents have been informed and put up notice in town notice board

  1. Satish Shah, LCC Highways – All communications from Parish Councils will now be shared with their County Councilors. Noted
  2. Coun Pepper – Confirmation email that the overgrown hedges in The Chase are being dealt with. Covered in Farms & Gardens, Many thanks to Coun Pepper for his help with this one.
  3. Bruno Peek, Pageant Master – Requesting we join in on 11th November 2018to light a beacon for “The Battles over – A Nations Tribute and WWI Beacon of light.” Clerks to acknowledge and we will join in.
  4. Denise Searle, Crowland Cares – Request fora donation towards a raffle/tombola prize on their coffee morning on 25th November. Clerks to send £25.
  5. As`ka Baran, Friends of South View – Email requesting if they can hire the sports hall for a roller skating disco. They would like to hold one each quarter. Can we let them know if this is possible, the availability and charges and any rules/regulations that are applicable. Mr Ringham will respond to say that this will be fine as long as the appropriate wheels and stops are on the skates so as not to mark the floor
  6. Guy Greaves, For the Somerley Estate – Mr Greaves acts for the Somerley Estate and has been discussing the area on the plan with the Forward Planning Team for the South-East Lincolnshire Local Planand would like to discuss their proposals with the Parish Council or its Planning Committee. Planning committee will arrange a meeting with them.
  7. LCC – Notification of Road Closure on East Street for Remembrance Sunday, Hall Street to North Street from 2.15 to 3.30pm. Noted
  8. Brian Lever – Thank you to the Parish Council for the hire of the Snowden Field for the Flying Club day. They had a very successful day with entries from Manchester, Brighton, Colchester, Essex and Devon. Noted


  1. Lincs CC – Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan, Publication of the Site Locations (Pre-Submission Draft) Consultation. The Statutory

Consultation is from 7th November to 19th December 206. Document copies available for inspection at the SHDC office at Spalding and the LCC Office at Lincoln. Noted

  1. Kier – Main work on the Library car park will commence on 21st November for 4 days, the normal working hours are 8-4 Monday to Friday. Noted

276. Accounts for Payment

CREDITOR / VOUCH / DETAILS / Total / Net / VAT / Code / Paid chq no
Elston Environ / 103 / Mole Control / 359.10 / 299.25 / 59.85 / M / 4586
Classic printers / 104 / Playground Notice / 51.60 / 43.00 / 8.60 / R
Chisletts / 105 / Strimmer line / 31.71 / 26.42 / 5.29 / M
Broadway Garage / 106 / Play area Repairs / 120.00 / 80.00 / S
Puncture / 20.00 / 20.00 / Q
M A Cleaning / 107 / Parish Room Windows / 12.00 / 12.00 / 0.00 / T
Ricoh / 108 / Copier hire & Usage / 73.49 / 61.24 / 12.25 / M
Bridgehardware / 109 / Misc Hardware Sept/Oct / 60.89 / 50.73 / 10.16 / M
T Bennet & Sons / 110 / Snowden Pavilion Locks etc / 80.00 / 80.00 / 0.00 / S
Anglian Water / 111 / Water - P/Field / 67.65 / 67.65 / S / 4598
Britim / 112 / Inks / 20.56 / 17.14 / 3.42 / M
Southern Electric / 113 / Electricity - Imp Shed / 15.91 / 0.75 / 15.16 / M
PWLB / 114 / Loan Payment / 137.63 / 137.63 / M
FLP / 115 / Annual Playground Inspection / 120.00 / 100.00 / 20.00 / R
ESPO / 116 / Stationery / 45.67 / 38.06 / 7.61 / M
BT / 117 / Broadband / 19.20 / 16.00 / 3.20 / M / DD
Skate Park Group / 118 / Donation / 200.00 / 200.00 / 0.00 / N
Jensen’s / 119 / Annual Service-CCTV P/Room / 84.00 / 70.00 / 14.00 / T
RDC / 120 / Section 73 - ongoing work / 442.50 / 368.75 / 73.75 / Y
Totals / 1941.91 / 1688.62 / 253.29
PAYE / 1966.93
Staff Pension / 1661.10

The above accounts were approved for payment


S137 payments

No S137 payments

Mr Haselgrove proposed the accounts for payment and seconded by Miss Elphee.

All agreed.

277. Matters to be considered for inclusion on a future Council Agenda.

Include fireworks event on next agenda for the council to discuss. Action - Clerks

Include CCTV on next agenda. Action - Clerks

Note to groundworkers that more concrete to be used in the siting of litterbins as one on the Snowden had been uprooted, damaged and thrown in a dyke.

Meeting closed at 10.35pm


In Committee - The Public and Press were excluded from the meeting in accordance with the provision of section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960, the items to be discussed being of a confidential nature.