
Summer Term 2017 Class 5

In Literacy we will be examining the book ‘Greek Myths’ by Geraldine McCaughrean. This will provide the theme for the majority of our work across other subjects. Pupils will have the opportunity to read ancient myths as a class and to reflect on them. We will be focussed on giving opinions supported by quotes from the text. We will also develop understanding of how a myth can be told and change over time. Pupils will also be writing their arts showcase.

The focus of our work in Science also links to this theme and we will be exploring Forces. We will use practical tasks to explain air and water resistance, gravity and friction. Pupils will design and make their own parachutes and record observations. Practical tasks will include making and testing their own model chariots, making a sundial and using electrical circuits to power a simple clock mechanism.

In Maths we will continue to develop our use of the four operations with a focus on mental skills. Times tables and corresponding facts will also be tested weekly. There is also a focus on problem solving with a special emphasis on using talk and drawing to explain our maths reasoning. All pupils will be exploring number patterns and puzzles as part of this. Numbergym supports this work and can be used at home.

In PE we will be improving our athletics and netball skills. We will continue to take part in competitions. Our days for PE continue to be Monday and Wednesday but please ensure that PE kit is in school all week.

In Art and D.T we will be preparing work for our summer showcase. The pupils will write this and their art work will decorate the hall during the performances. We will also look at the work of Georgia O’Keeffe.

In R.E we are investigating inspiring people and how their religion has helped to shape their achievements. We will also explore how we can lead and inspire others.

Our ICT will be led by Mr. Wilson, we will be focusing on using the world wide web.

In music, we will be composing and performing pieces inspired by our showcase preparation.

The Year 6 SATS will start on Monday 8th May and it is important that the pupils are in school on time. They will obviously benefit from a good night’s sleep and eating breakfast. The timetable for the tests is as shown below.


Monday 8 May 2017 / English reading
Tuesday 9 May 2017 / English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling
Wednesday 10 May 2017 / Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic
Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning
Thursday 11 May 2017 / Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

Homework will be set on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. There will be activities such as reading and times tables which benefit from daily practice. The maths work will focus on calculations. Don’t forget to check Marvellous Me for further information on what is going on in class! Throughout the year we will be trying to develop as much independence in our learning as possible. We will work in a variety of ways from individually to whole class projects so that all learners can benefit.

Mrs Jackson and Mrs Stansfield