Healthcare Experience Programme / Clinical Work Experience


Please complete this form and email it to

Personal Details – please complete all fields
Full Name
Date of Birth
You must be aged 17 to apply
Telephone Number(s)
Please provide home and mobile numbers where possible
Email address
All correspondence will be by email so please provide an email address
School / College*
School / College Year*
*If neither applies, please attach a copy of your CV
The Healthcare Experience Programme provides a 5-day (Monday to Friday) placement– please provide the following information
Areas of specific interest
Please provide details of any areas of healthcare that you are particularly interested. For example, Medicine, Physio/ OT, Audiology, Nursing (Adult or Child), Radiology, Pathology.
Please provide dates that would not be possible for you. For example, due to holidays, exams, etc.

Thank you for submittingyour application.

Placement will be considered and an email sent to you in due course.

Information for Clinical Work Experience Applicants

  • You may observe ward rounds and patient activities with the patient’s consent, but you will NOT be involved in the personal care of patients
  • Work experience placements are not permitted within Operating Theatres, Critical Care or A&E

You will be required to adhere to a strict dress code:

  • Men: Shirt and tie with smart-casual trousers
  • Women: Blouse/ smart top with smart-casual trousers or skirt / smart dress
  • Clothing should cover the body from the shoulder to the knee as a minimum.
  • Bare midriffs willNOTbe accepted
  • Clothing should be clean and ironed
  • Shoes must be neat and clean, flat or with a minimal heel, and with fully closed toes (to minimise injury).
  • Footwear should be comfortable but trainers are NOT acceptable.
  • Jewellery should be kept to a minimum: dangling earrings and facial piercings are NOT allowed
  • Clothing should not restrict easy movements.
  • Clothing should not display prominent logos or pictures.
  • Combat-style trousers, jeans and shorts are not allowed
  • Your face should be fully exposed when working; head attire worn routinely for religious observances should not cover the face.
  • Hair should be clean and tied back off of the face if long.

Please be aware that unsuitable attire may result in a request to return home and change.

Yeovil Academy, Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Higher Kingston, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 4AT Tel 01935 384529