Michael McGee

Michael McGee, Ph.D., M.Ed., C.S.E.

804 West 180 Street, Apt. 36

New York, NY 10033


646-872-3711 (cell)

Experienced sexuality educator and trainer, with expertise in university instruction, professional development, and curriculum design. Strengths in teaching about human sexuality, history of sexuality, controversy in sexuality education, personal health, popular culture, media and the Internet, male sexuality, and family communication. Well-honed ability to engage learners in sensitive material. Consistently ranked by students as superior in advanced planning, supportive class discussion, personal help, presentation clarity, increased knowledge, pedagogical skill, and rapport. Passionate and ethical advocate for sexual health and social justice.


Widener University, Ph.D., M.Ed.

Field of study – Human sexuality education at the Center for Human Sexuality Studies, School of Human Service Professions

Dissertation: An Exploratory Study of Computer Mediated Communication and Perceptions of Intimacy, Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction in Emerging Adults

Dissertation advisor: Don Dyson

East Side Institute for Short Term Psychotherapy. Therapist Training Program. Certified Social

Therapist. Chartered by the State University of New York.

State University of New York, Empire State College. Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)


2013-PresentAssistant Professor, Health Education Department, Borough of Manhattan

Community College, New York, NY

2012- Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for Human Sexuality Studies, School

of Human Service Professions, WidenerUniversity, Chester, PA

2008-2013Adjunct Professor, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ

2006-2010Adjunct Professor, FairleighDickinsonUniversity, Madison, NJ


Vice President for Education – Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan New Jersey 2010-2011

Led the education department of the agency, managing professional staff and teen peer educators, participated in the leadership team of the affiliate, and developed funding and external affairs initiatives to support PPMNJ’s mission.

Executive Director – World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)2009-2010 Managed project development and implementation; researched potential funding sources and developed fund raising proposals; maintained the WAS office, managed association finances and membership, and coordinated all WAS related business.Led the development of new website for the association.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York, NY 1981-2008

Twenty-seven years of continually increasing responsibility for the national organization’s educational efforts and leadership to the field.

Vice President for Education and Social Marketing1996-2008

Provided sexuality education resources, technical assistance, and professional development opportunities to over 900 Planned Parenthood affiliate educators, 1,000 volunteers working in education, and to other professionals in the field. Oversaw development of sexual health curricula, videos, and brochures. Trained affiliate staff in sexuality issues and the Management Mastery Series (MMS), focusing on issues ranging from personal management considerations to developing staff, to providing leadership and supervising others. Assisted in developing evaluation methodologies for MMS, and in online learning modules. Developed curricula on sexual health, and represented PPFA in coalitions related to sexuality. Media spokesperson on sexuality education. Represented PPFA at meetings of other national organizations and professional conferences:

  • Board member North American Federation of Sexuality Organizations
  • Steering committee member of National Coalition to Support Sexuality Education
  • Guidelines Working Group of the Prevention Collaborative, CDC
  • National Adolescent Reproductive Health Partnership
  • Editorial board, American Sexuality magazine, and the American Journal of Sexuality Education.
  • Produced “Starting Smart,” a manual for new Planned Parenthood education directors, on management, planning, and program development.
  • Initiated an evaluation strategy to assist affiliates in assessing the outcomes of their education and training programs – training, technical assistance, and manual.
  • Developed program guidelines and sexuality education value statements via consensus-building process throughout Planned Parenthood’s 105-affiliate network.
  • Produced “Talking About Sex: A Guide for Families,” a home sexuality education kit with 30-minute animated video, extensive guidebook for parents, and activity book for youngsters age 10-14. The first product PPFA designed for the home market was enthusiastically received, winning 15 national and international awards. Secured over $350,000 funding, and over 2,000 copies of the kit were sold.
  • Led collaborative project with ScenariosUSA and Planned Parenthood affiliates to develop teen-written short films “Lipstick” and “Choices: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.” Secured $50,000 in funding.
  • Launched the Network For Learning training initiative to strengthen the ability of Planned Parenthood affiliates to offer high quality, cost effective professional training for their communities.
  • Initiated bi-monthly, award-winning serial publication, Educators’ Update, providing annotated listings of new resources for sexuality educators, and original articles on issues of interest to the field.

Director of Education 1994-1996

Consulted with over 500 individuals annually, providing technical assistance via telephone, mail, and on-site visits on: community organizing, responding to opposition, media relations, program development, strategic planning, message development, marketing, program evaluation, etc. Developed department strategic plan and budget, recruited, trained and coached staff. Presented workshops/speeches on sexuality issues to diverse audiences.

  • Developed "REAL Life Kit," a set of 18 documents to assist parents and professionals to advocate for responsible sexuality education programs. Over 2,000 copies sold.
  • Directed the development and use of the first software for Planned Parenthood affiliate educators to track statistics from their programs.
  • Produced yearly education directors' conferences to train affiliate staff in a broad range of skills, from evaluation to proposal-writing. These conferences were consistently evaluated as excellent.
  • Wrote and produced ten television public service announcements featuring celebrity spokespersons encouraging parent-child communication about sexuality. Aired on all major networks, and in affiliate markets nationally.

Associate Director of Education 1990-1994

Directed Library and Information Network (LINK) operations, educational resources databases and publications (20,000 records), and supervised LINK staff. Oversaw $3,000,000 division budget, monitored expenditures and variances. Provided technical assistance and training on broad range of topics. Collaborated in development of annual program plan, goals, objectives, and evaluation strategies. Directed National Family Sexuality Education Month activities, including leading a coalition of 50 national organizations. Wrote parents’ brochures and produced national radio and television PSAs.

  • Developed and managed PPFA’s first computer network.

Administrative Manager, Education 1986-1990

Coordinated initiative with the National Institute on Drug Abuse for AIDS and Planned Parenthood affiliates. Provided ongoing technical assistance to the field

Editorial/Administrative Coordinator 1983-1986

Managed financial, personnel and administrative matters for Education Department. Co-edited department publication series, Emphasis journal, Reference Sheets, White Papers, Bibliographies and LinkLine newsletter. Coordinated grant proposals. Liaison with national board Education Committee. Oversaw annual department budget.

Public Relations Assistant 1981-1983

Provided administrative and program assistance to Director of Public Relations and Editor of Planned Parenthood Review. Drafted responses to correspondence from the public, proofread galleys, maintained mail lists and billing of quarterly magazine, researched articles, public and professional contact on the telephone.



Widener University

  1. HSED 646: Human Sexuality for the Education & Counseling Professional II, Spring 2013
  2. HSED 593: Behavioral Foundations in Human Sexuality, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014
  3. HSED 592: Core Concepts in Human Sexuality, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014

Montclair State University

  1. HLTH 577: Social Marketing for Health Promotion, Summer 2012
  2. HLTH 592: Controversies in Sexuality Education, Fall 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, Spring 2012


Borough of Manhattan Community College

  1. HED 100: Health Education, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Summer 2014, Fall 2014
  2. HED 220: Human Sexuality, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014
  3. HED 110: Comprehensive Health Education, Spring 2014, Fall 2014

Montclair State University

  1. HLTH 428: Program Planning for Health Promotion, Fall 2011, 2012, Spring 2013
  2. HLTH 290: Human Sexuality, Fall & Winter 2010, Summer & Fall 2011, Spring & Summer 2012

Fairleigh Dickinson University

  1. BIO 1010: Human Sexuality, Fall 2007, Spring & Fall 2008, Spring & Fall 2009, Spring 2010
  2. HIST 3316: History of Sexuality in the U.S., Fall 2008



McGee, M. J. (2014). Is texting ruining intimacy? Exploring perceptions among sexuality students

in higher education. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 9(4), 404-427.

McGee, M. (2014). Safe Zone Resource. Education Committee, Safe Zone Allies. Borough of

Manhattan Community College.

McGee, M. (2003).Promoting healthy sexuality in an era of abstinence-only programs. American

Sexuality, 1(6) National Sexuality Resource Center.

Kelly, M. & McGee, M. (2003). Report from a study tour: Teen sexuality education in the Netherlands,

France, and Germany. In R. Heasley & B. Crane (Eds.) Sexual lives: A reader on the theories and realities of human sexualities. McGraw-Hill.

McGee, M. (2002).Talking with kids openly and honestly about sexuality. Parents' Sex Ed Center, Advocates

for Youth.

McGee, M. (2001, February). National discussions about sexuality: What are we saying? Educators’

Update, 5(4).

McGee, M. (1999, October).Preparing for new male contraceptives. Educators’ Update, 4( 2).

Kelly, M. & McGee, M. (1998, December).Report from a study tour: Teen sexuality education in the

Netherlands, France, and Germany, SIECUS Report: Sexuality and Human Rights Worldwide, 27(2).

McGee, M. & Schroeder, E. (1997, October). What do we mean by “what works?” Educators’ Update,




McGee, M. (2008, November). A five-session curriculum evaluated in diverse communities. Society for the

Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) annual conference. San Juan, PR.

McGee, M. (2003, Marach).Promoting healthy sexuality. World Congress of Sexology, Havana, Cuba

McGee, M. (1999, May).Family planning provider barriers to working with men in the U.S. Planning for New

Male BC Methods, London, England convened by AVSC International and World Health Organization.


McGee, M. (2014, June) Integrated or Alienated? Sexuality in Health Education. American Association of
Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) annual conference. Monterey, CA.

McGee, M. & Jordan, P. (2013, November) Safe is Sexy. Borough of Manhattan Community College,

LGBTQ Awareness Month, New York, NY.

McGee, M. (2013, June). Tech between us: Computer mediated communication & relationship maintenance.

American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) annual conference. Miami, FL.

McGee, M. (2012, March). Relationships: From getting one to ending one. Rutgers University, Sex, Love,

and Dating Conference. New Brunswick, NJ.

McGee, M. (2011, May). Media training for sexological professionals. American Association of Sexuality

Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) annual conference. San Diego, CA.

McGee, M. (2010, April).Planning for children. Head Start professional staff training, Paterson, NJ.

McGee, M., Rivera, B., Rogers, R., & Rosarian, R. (2010, June).Making connections: Mothers and daughters

talk about sexuality.Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan New Jersey. Newark, NJ.

McGee, M. (2009, October). Presenting at professional conferences: The ins and outs.Widener University

Careers in Sexuality Conference. Chester, PA

McGee, M. (2009, May). Race, class, and gender: Teaching the history of sexuality in the U.S. AASECT annual

conference, Phoenix, AZ.

McGee, M. (2008, October). How to be a successful sex ed consultant. Widener University Careers in Sexuality Conference, Chester, PA

McGee, M. (2008, May).Internet relationships: Hype, harm, or hope? AASECT annual conference, New Orleans, LA.

McGee, M. (2007, May).Deeply held beliefs: Inviting the faithful to healthy sexuality. AASECT annual conference, Charlotte. NC.

McGee. M. (2006, November).Media make the man? SSSS annual conference, Las Vegas, NV.

McGee, M. (2005, February).Male sexuality. PPFA OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner Program specialty course, Drexel University, Philadelphia.

McGee, M. (2002).Promoting healthy sexuality. SSSS Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.

McGee, M. (2002, May).Real life-real talk: Using social marketing to promote sexual health. AASECT Annual

Conference, Miami Beach.

McGee, M. Pawlowski, W. (2001, May).Assessing new technological tools for sexuality education. AASECT

annual conference, San Francisco, CA.

McGee, M. (2001, 2000). What about the boys? Workshop for Title X providers in Memphis, TN,

Wichita, KS, Orlando, FL, Lansing, MI

McGee, M. (2000, June).Raising healthy kids. Training of trainers for national Boys and Girls Clubs,

Washington, D.C.

McGee, M. (1999, May). Let’stalk about sex: Parent/youth communication. Global Meeting of the

Generations, Washington, D.C.

Huberman, B., Berne, L., & McGee, M. (1998, October).European approaches to adolescent sexual behavior

and responsibility.Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.

McGee, M. (1997, May).Sex in Advertising.AASECT/SSSS annual conference,

Arlington, VA.

McGee, M., Caldwell, P. (1995, May).Invisible diversity: Sexual orientation. PPFA annual conference, San

Diego, CA.

McGee, M. (1994, October).Talking about sex: Helping families promote prevention.Workshop at annual

conference of National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting and Prevention, Tampa, FL.

McGee, M. (1994, April).Promoting adolescent sexual health through parent-child communication.Keynote at

Arizona Teenage Pregnancy Resource Coalition annual conference, Phoenix.

McGee, M. (1993).Safer Sex/Better Relationships. Workshop for HIV-positive men, Long Island Jewish

Medical Center.

McGee, M. (1992, April).Get real! Winning education battles.Workshop at PPFA Public Policy retreat,

Washington, DC.

McGee. M. (1990, May). Youth advocacy for sexuality and AIDS education. Camp Fire Youth Leadership

Conference, Washington, DC.


  • American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) workshops for 20+ years
  • Advance Sexuality Educators and Trainers (ASET) Retreat 15+ years
  • European Study Tour on Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Responsibility, Advocates for Youth, 1998
  • SIECUS HIV/AIDS & Sexuality Advanced Training for Educators, 1998
  • New York University AIDS/SIDA Training for Health Professionals, 1998
  • Train the Trainer in Sexuality Education, PPFA, 1998
  • Thornfield Workshop on Sexuality, 1995
  • American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. Train the trainer institute for sexuality educators, 1994
  • Training of trainers for AIDS Education, ETR Associates, 1992



  • Guest on “State of Mind” YouTube program produced by BMCC in July 2014. Three-part series “Let’s Talk About Sex.” Sexual freedom, experimentation, and beliefs: Sexual assault and date rape: Gender equality on campus:
  • American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists as chair of the Public Relations, Media and Advocacy Committee 2008-20012
  • Planned Parenthood on sexuality education in: New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, CNN, PBS, BET, BBC, Good Morning America, It’s Your Call, Seventeen, Family Safety and Health, Contemporary Sexuality, The Guardian, Cleveland Free Times.
  • Filmed appearances in documentaries Abstinence Comes to Albuquerque (2006), and Sex Ed and the State (2007).


  • American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists – Board of Directors, 2013-Present, Outreach Steering Committee Chair; 2008-2012, Public Relations and Advocacy Committee Chair, 2008- 2012, Membership Committee, 2000, 2001, Chair 2002-04; Awards Committee Chair 2004-2006; nominated for president 2004
  • Editorial boards ofAmerican Journal of Sexuality Education, 2005-2012, 2014-present; and American SexualityMagazine, 2003-2008
  • Advance Sexuality Educators and Trainers (ASET) Retreat program chair, 2014
  • Academic Advisory Board, Annual Editions, Gender 10/11 and 12/13, McGraw-Hill
  • Parents Resources, Board of Directors, Editor, quarterly newsletter, 1981 – 1984


  • Panelist on sexual assault for Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault activities, November 2014.
  • Guest on three segments of BMCC YouTube program, “State of Mind,” titled “Let’s Talk About Sex,” 2014
  • Member, Safe Zone Allies; Chair of Education Committee, BMCC, trainer for allies 2014
  • Search committee, Admissions Specialist/Nights and Weekends, BMCC February/March 2014
  • Search committee, Student Life Specialist/Student Peer Mentoring, BMCC June/July 2014
  • Member, Curriculum Committee, BMCC Health Education Department, 2013-present
  • Member, Research Committee, BMCC Health Education Department, 2013-present
  • Member, LGBT Month Planning Committee, 2013, 2014


  • William R. Stayton Award for applied leadership in the field of human sexuality as a student, scholar, and practitioner, Center for Human Sexuality Studies, Widener University, 2013
  • Gamma Eta Rho, A National Honor Society in Human Sexuality, Alpha Nu Chapter, 2012
  • Apple Seed Award for outstanding support of sexuality education, Association of Planned

Parenthood Leaders in Education, 2002

  • PsychOut Award, for contributions to new approaches in human development, East Side Institute for Short Term Psychotherapy, 2002
  • 15 national and international awards for producing “Talking About Sex: A Guide for Families” 1996-1997


  • American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists – 1990-Present
  • Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality – 1996-Present
  • Advanced Sexuality Educators and Trainers – 1996-Present
  • American Public Health Association – 1996-2000
  • STD Prevention Partnership (Co-chair, 2001) – 1996-2006
  • National Consensus Process (designee) former Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher’s initiative to find common ground on promoting sexual health – 2004-2006
  • North American Federation of Sexuality Organizations (NAFSO) Charter board member – 2002-2008
  • Guidelines Working Group for the Prevention Marketing Initiative of the Office of HIV/AIDS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – 1994-1996
  • National Adolescent Reproductive Health Partnership – 1994-1998
  • National Coalition to Support Sexuality Education, Steering Committee – 1995-2006