Timeline for investment 2015/16 to 2024/25

Major Projects – Business Case for Investment

School/ Service:

Project Title:

Project Lead:

The purpose of this business case is for the project sponsor to set out the justification for the University to make the requested investment. The project will be assessed and scored using each of the INVESTOR criteria. When explaining the project and completing each of the sections it is important that quantifiable and evidenced commentary is provided to ensure that it is easy to score the project appropriately.

The University needs to become more long term in its view of investment requirements so a financing strategy can be developed for replacement, maintenance and on-going investment so project sponsors are asked to look over a 10 year planning period, not just the next financial year; especially for larger projects that require a significant amount of planning.

Executive Summary


I- Improved Utilisation

Description of how the project will impact on the utilisation of the UniversityEstate. Think about the wider opportunities it may offer to improve teaching or office usage in other areas as well as the direct impact of the project itself.

N - Necessary to meet Legal Obligations

Description of how the project is necessary to meet legal obligations; statutory, regulatory and contractual. Things to consider include whether or not there is a contract in place, heads of terms or agreement in principle with an external body or if there are advanced discussions in place which create clear promises or moral obligations. Many bids will require aspecific procurement process to be followed depending on the size and cost involved. Please confirm that you have spoken to Procurement to ascertain any timelines that might affect any output deliveries due to purchases relating to the bid. ( For example, if a proposed individual purchase is over £177k, this will be subject to specific EU procurement regulations)

V - Value for Money

An explanation of the predicted financial impact of the project.Please complete the associated financial appendix template. Give as much detail as possible in the costs associated with the investment to enable the finance department to make the relevant assessments on whether the expenditure is revenue or capital in nature (and calculate any associated depreciation costs). Where you expect your project to result in an increase in tuition fees please set out your expected tuition fee growth by class of student (eg; UG, PGR etc) along with the associated contribution level. Is your proposal included in your operational plans for current and future years?E.g. if a significant increase in student numbers is predicted, how will the teaching resource be provided?


E - Environmental Sustainability

Description of how the project contributes to a reduction in the use of carbon in building energy and travel or encourages more sustainable uses of University facilities, or encourage students and staff to behave in a more environmentally sustainable manner.

S - Student Experience

This section needs to detail how the project contributes to the improvement of the student experience. Where possible it needs to tie into improvements that can be made to NSS scores and the number of students that it can impact.

T – Teaching, Learning, Research & Enterprise

Description of how the project contributes to the delivery of a quality space for modern usage – include an explanation on the significance of the offer, eg; local, regional.


O – Operationalization

Description of the timescale for the proposal to be delivered and to realise its intended benefits.

R - Realisation (Certainty)

This is the certainty with which the project sponsor believes the project can be delivered. For example; the project may require external resources and approvals but an agreement in principle is in place. Resources include land, capital and staff. Approvals can include funding approvals, use of other’s land, regulatory permission (LPA, EA, HSE, HEFCE etc)

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