October 7, 1963

Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, October 7, 1963, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, chairman; Councilmen Earl Wengreen, Alvin Rowley, Harley Gillman and Lowell Thomson. Laird Billings, absent. Also present were City Manager Bennie Schmiett, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Treasurer Victor H. Christensen, Park Superintendent Robert Mellor and Recorder Anne Cooper. Others present were:

Jack Jones Bid Opening

A. T. Madsen Building

Meeting opened with prayer by Alvin Rowley.

Bids on paving were opened as follows:

Campus Drive to 300 South 700 North-600 W. to 800 W.

W. W. Clyde $ 3,087.84 $ 6,291.54

Superior Asphalt 2,993.35 5,942.41

Engineer's Estimate 2,990.13 5,177.13

Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept the low bids of Superior Asphalt. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Lowell Thomson to appoint E. H. Johnson to the Safety Committee. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley and passed unanimously.

The City Manager was asked to advise DeVere Brough of the appointment and to notify E. H. Johnson of his appointment.

City Manager Schmiett reported that the P.T.A. group from Windsor School and others have suggested widening Main Street. Harley Gillman stated it would be hard to persuade the property owners to give the property for widening the street without compensation.

City Manager Schmiett stated that consideration should be given to condemn the Main Street to Windsor School.

Chester Kocherhans stated that Mr. Moon has asked to have 1100 South 190 West included in Special Improvement District J.

City Manager Schmiett and Councilman Harley Gillman were authorized to work toward clearing weeds and debris from planter strips and along State Street.

Mayor Jameson suggested that the Acting Engineer proceed to obtain property descriptions for Special Improvement District J ready for the Notice of Intention.

City Manager Schmiett reported that the City needs 495 feet of pipe to run overflow water to the drain pond from the water storage tank.

Motion was made by Lowell Thomson to authorize the City Manager to purchase 495 feet of pipe to provide an overflow and flushline as proposed. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed unanimously.

Victor Christensen gave a report that the Orem City Cemetery was dedicated in 1945. To date there have been 443 interments. Presently the average is thirty-five burials per year. There is space for approximately 50,000 burials.

Mr. Christensen stated he had talked with DeLance Squire, C.P.A., about providing perpetual care funds for the cemetery. Mr. Squire advised that perpetual care is not mandatory but should be studied.

Mr. Christensen also reported that there have been requests for raised head stones of various sizes which are prohibited now.

Earl Wengreen stated that Political Science students might make a study just for the experience.

Motion was made by Earl Wengreen to authorize the City Manager to hire a man to make a study on perpetual care rate structure and on giving people a choice of type of stone. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley and passed unanimously.

City Manager Schmiett reported that there are trees and shrubs at Lincoln Junior High that the City can have for moving them.

Robert Mellor stated that the plants can be cut back and the trees and plants moved successfully.

The Council advised that it would not be worth while to try moving the bushes. The City Manager and Park Superintendent were advised to study the moving of the trees to see if adviseable, and to plant according to plans on record.

Victor Christensen was advised to work with the City Attorney to make up a contract agreement to be signed by persons purchasing cemetery lots.

Mayor Jameson reported that he has had complaints about students working in unsuitable establishments and suggested that employment management be more careful where girls are sent.

Mayor Jameson also reported that he has received complaints about the poor type of moving pictures being shown.

Vern Stiel, Police Lieutenant, stated that they have more trouble at drive-in theaters which can be patroled.

Attorney Wentz reported the Court fined DeRae Broderick $50.00 for violating the Building Code. However, Inspector Pace has "red tagged" a wall in the same structure.

The problem was referred to Attorney Wentz, City Manager Schmiett, and Inspector Pace.

City Manager Schmiett reported that the City will soon have the Utah County Packers (P.G. Canning Co.) ready to be hooked onto the sewer line within the next few weeks. Glen Sagers gave him an ordinance that is being prepared to control operation.

Motion was made by Earl Wengreen to pay Dean Cox $5,114.25, estimate No. 2, on Sewer Schedule Number One, as recommended by Fuhriman, Rollins and Company. The motion was seconded by Harley Gillman, and passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn was made by Lowell Thomson.

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 a.m.