Course Number : CE369 / Course Title : Steel Structures
Required / Elective : Elective / Pre-requisite : CE 201
Catalog Description: Introduction to steel structures. Safety. Steel connection design: Riveted connections, pinned connections, welded connections. Tension rods, compression rods, rods subjected to flexure. Truss systems. Tension and compression members. Beams and beam-columns. Roof design and construction. / Textbook / Required Material :
E.H. Gaylord, Design of Steel Structures, McGraw Hill Companies, 1991.
Course Structure / Schedule : (3+0+0) 3 / 5 ECTS
Extended Description: Introduction: Review of structural design process; loads on structures, codes, specifications and standards. Philosophies of design; Load and Resistance Factor Design, Properties and types of structural steel; Residual stresses. Beams: Elastic and inelastic behavior (plastic moment); Local buckling; Lateral torsional buckling; Design of laterally supported and laterally unsupported beams; Design for Shear. Compression Members: Failure mechanisms; Elastic and inelastic behaviour; Column curve; Effective length factors. Tension Members: Failure mechanisms; Effective net areas; block shear. Essentials of Bolted Connections: Types of Connections; Mechanical and physical properties of bolts; Installation techniques; Failure mechanisms; Design of bolted connections. Essentials of Welded Connections: Welding techniques; Types of welds; Welding symbols; Strength of welds; Design of simple welded connections. Beam-columns. Truss systems Roof design and constructions.
Design content: Lectures and problem solving. / Computer usage: ---
Course Outcomes: [relevant program outcomes in brackets]:
After successfully completing this course students should gain:
1-  an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering [1]
2-  an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs [2]
3-  an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems [2,3,4]
4-  a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning [9,10,13]
5-  an ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice [12,13,15]
6-  an ability to understand the codes used in steel design. [2,4]
7-  an ability to determine the loadings and load combinations. [2,4]
8-  an ability to design structural steel components. [2,4,15]
9-  an ability to show the steel details on drawings. [2,4]
Recommended reading :
1.  H. Deren, E. Uzgüder, F. Piroğlu, Ö. Çağlayan, Çelik Yapılar, Çağlayan Kitabevi, 2008.
2.  Y. Odabaşı, Ahşap ve Çelik Yapı Elemanları, Beta Yayın Dağıtım, 2004.
3.  L.S. Negi, Design of Steel Structures, Tata Mgraw Hill, 2005.
Teaching Methods : Lectures, homework, term paper.
Assessment Methods: [Related to course outcomes]
2 Midterm Exams [1, 2] (Average) 40%
Homework [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (Average) 10%
3 Quiz (1,2,3) (Average) 10%
Final Exam [1] 40%
Student workload:
Preparatory study 50 hrs
Lectures, discussions 40 hrs
Homework, term paper 20 hrs
Midterms, final 15 hrs
TOTAL ……………………………… 125 hrs = 25 x 5 ECTS
Prepared by : Esin Inan / Revision Date : 7/4/2012