Forward Township
Planning Commission
July 28, 2015
Present -Planning Commission Members Steve Longwell, Spike McElhinny, Tom Pferdehirt, Carl Powell, Jim Rape and Stuart Thompson.
Visitors – Steven Victor, Danny Hixon
Chairman Jim Rape called the meeting to order at 7:00PM
Approval of minutes – Steve Longwell moved to approve the minutes of the June 23, 2015 meeting as presented. Tom Pferdehirt seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Steven Victor was present to discuss Meadow Ridge Plan 3 that was approved in 2006. It needs to be reapproved and the mylar resigned. Mr. Victor said his NPDS plan was renewed and is good for five (5) years. There are four lots in phase 2 left to be built on and one lot in phase 1 left.
Steve Longwell moved to reapprove the plan. Tom Pferdehirt second the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Danny Hixon was present to present his lot line revision. It has been approved by the County.
Spike McElhinny moved to accept the plan as presented. Carl Powell seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
A variance request letter was received from Pedro Mayorga who lives on Rader School Road. Jim Rape said he discussed this with Brian Miller.
Steve Longwell moved to accept the variance and pass it on to the Supervisors and the condition of receiving a sketch in relation to the property line and the roadway. It can infringe no further than the existing house. Tom Pferdehirt second the motion, motion passed.
A brief discussion on the Colosimo Auto Sales. Jim said he was told by the Soil Conservation District that he needs to do a review. He is shut down for now.
Adjournment – Spike McElhinny moved to adjourn the meeting. Steve Longwell second the motion, motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM
Minutes recorded by
Mary McElhinny in
Debra Rajchel’s absence