WindsorAthletic BoosterClubScholarshipApplication



  • Applicant’s parents/guardians must be an active WABC member.*
  • Requirements for active members shall be attending 5 regular meetings per calendar year, as well as,volunteer and work minimum of 3 concession stand shifts per school year.
  • Applicant must be a graduating Senior of Windsor High School.
  • Applicant must have earned a Varsity Sport Activity Letter.
  • Applicant must have a satisfactory citizenship record.
  • Applicant must be enrolled for college in the fall of graduation year.

Instructions - These steps must be completed before April 4, 2014

  1. The applicant will complete pages one, two and three, sections I through VI. Turn the application in to a varsity coach by March 14th. Applicants Need to Follow Up with Coach to make sure it is turned in to Ms. Reed by March 28th.
  2. The varsity coachwill complete section VII on page four. Turn the application in to Ms. Haegle by March 28th.
  3. The Principal or Assistant Principalwill complete section VIII on page four and returnthe application to the Counselor’s office by April 4th.
  4. A WABC representativewill pick up the applications by April 4th. The applications will be processed by a scholarship review committee.

Scholarship recipients will be announced at the senior awards ceremony held in May. For the scholarship to be paid, eachwinning applicant must provide proof of registration and a paid receiptfrom the college that the student is attending. The proof of registration and receipt must be for the fall semester of the student’s high school graduation year. After the paper work is received it will be reviewed at the next Booster Club meeting and, if everything is in order, a check for $500.00 will be issued. Proof of registration and receipt from the college must be turned in to the Windsor Athletic Booster Club by December 1st of that year or scholarship will be forfeited.

I.Personal Information

Name______Date of Birth______

Complete Address______

Home Phone______Social Security Number______

Parents/Guardians Names______

*Are your parents/guardians members of the Windsor Athletic Booster Club?______


WindsorAthleticBooster ClubScholarshipApplication

II.Name and address of college you plan to attend.



Have you applied? ______Have you been accepted?______

What is your intended major or career interest?______

III.List all high school activities, other than sports, that you were involved in.






IV.List all sports that you participated in during high school.






V.List any awards that you have received related to high school.







WindsorAthleticBooster ClubScholarshipApplication

VI.In five hundred words or less, tell us what playing on a Windsor team meant to you.

You may attach a type written sheet to this application.























WindsorAthletic BoosterClubScholarshipApplication

Additional comments are welcome. Please do not use the athlete’s name in the comment section. So that we may complete the selection process in time for the Senior Awards Ceremony, please turn in the completed form by the dates listed below. We’re sure that the athletes receiving these scholarships will be very grateful for the time you took to answer these questions and return the forms.

On a scale of one to five, one being the lowest, five being the highest, please rate the student athlete on the following:

VII.Coach’s Input - Please turn this completed form in to Ms. Reed by March 28th

He/She made my job as a coach more positive by his/her attitude.1 2 3 4 5

He/She was a “team player”.1 2 3 4 5

He/She always worked to better him/herself.1 2 3 4 5

He/She supported other teams/activities at school.1 2 3 4 5

Additional Comments ______



Coach’s Signature ______

VIII.Administrative Personnel Input - Please return this completed form to the Counselor’s office by April 4th.

He/She is a good student.1 2 3 4 5

He/She supported all school activities, not just sports.1 2 3 4 5

He/She promoted WindsorHigh School in a positive way.1 2 3 4 5

Additional Comments______



Administrative Personnel Signature ______