ActivInspire Tutorial from Promethean Planet

Before you begin

Tutorial 1 - Using the Activpen

  1. Left-click - Tap the pen nib firmly but quickly on the Activboard. Example: To select an object.
  2. Right-click - Hover the pen over the Activboard, less than 5mm away from the board and press the button. Example: To show the 'Object Edit Menu'.
  3. Click and drag - Click on the object you want to move, hold the pen nib down on the board and then move the pen. Example: To move objects around the page.
  4. Double-click - Two firm but quick taps with the Activpen's nib performs the same action as double-clicking with a mouse. Example: Double clicking on the 'Object Browser' allows you to show/hide an object.

Tutorial 2 - Calibrating your Activboard

  1. Computer- Click on the 'Activmanager' icon in the menu bar.
  2. Select 'Calibrate'.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Activboard- Hover the pen over the lit flame in the top left hand corner of the board, don't push the pen.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

A tour of ActivInspire

Tutorial 1 - Starting the software

  1. Double-click on the program icon on your desktop.
  2. In the welcome screen select 'Promethean Activstudio'. (Note this screen only appears when you first run the software). You can change this option later in the 'Dashboard' under 'Configure'. Click on the 'Continue' button.
  3. The 'Dashboard' gives quick access to some key features. When ready, close the 'Dashboard'.

Tutorial 2 - The software interface

  1. Use the thumbnail slider to change the size of the thumbnails in the 'Page Browser'.
  2. Unpin the 'Browser'.
  3. Click on the 'Main Menu' button.
  4. Select 'View'.
  5. Select 'Menubar'. This will remove the Menubar from the top of the flipchart.
  6. Click on 'Toolbox Options'.
  7. Select 'Roll In' to hide/show the shortcut bar.
  8. Select 'Dock top' to reposition the 'Main Toolbox' at the top of the page. Use the 'Toolbox Options' to reposition it again.
  9. Unpin the 'Main Toolbox'.
  10. Click on the 'Roll Up' button to minimize the toolbox making more space on the flipchart page.

Tutorial 3 - Customizing the interface

  1. Before you begin, double-click on the file '2_tutorial3.flipchart' to open it. Click on the 'Select' tool. You can now click on the flipchart object to select it.
  2. Click on the 'Main Menu' button.
  3. Select 'Edit'.
  4. Select 'Profiles'. Here you can change the size and features of the 'Main Toolbox'.
  5. Select 'Commands'. This panel allows you to add tools to the 'Main Toolbox'.
  6. Select the 'Handwriting Recognition' tool.
  7. Click on 'Add'.
  8. Select the 'Handwriting Recognition’ tool in the right hand panel then click on 'Move Up' or 'Move Down' to change where the tool appears in the 'Main Toolbox'.
  9. Click on the drop-down menu.
  10. Select 'Marquee Handles'. Select the 'Delete' tool and click on 'Add'. You can now see this tool when any object is selected. Click on the tool to delete the object.

First steps with ActivInspire

Tutorial 1 - Opening a flipchart

  1. Click on the 'Main Menu' button.
  2. Select 'File'.
  3. Select 'Open'.
  4. Navigate to where you have saved the file '3_basic_start.flipchart' and select it .
  5. Click on 'Open'.

Tutorial 2 - Writing on a flipchart

  1. Click on the 'Pen' tool.
  2. Change the pen size.
  3. Make sure the pen color is black and write 'Inspire' on the banner.
  4. Click on the 'Highlighter' tool.
  5. Change the highlighter width by dragging the width slider to the right, then highlight the word 'Inspire'.

Tutorial 3 - Inserting resources

  1. Open the 'Resource Browser'.
  2. With 'Shared Resources' selected open the 'General' folder by clicking on the '+' button. Then open the 'People' folder.
  3. Select the folder 'Boys'.
  4. Select the 'Boy06.as2' image.
  5. Click on the 'Popup Menu'.
  6. Select 'Insert into Flipchart'. TIP: You can also drag the image directly onto the flipchart page.

Tutorial 4 - Manipulating objects

  1. Using the 'Select' tool, click on the image of the boy.
  2. Use the 'Size Object (Maintain Aspect)' icon to resize the image.
  3. Click on 'Freely Move Object' to reposition the image.
  4. Click and drag over all the people to select them. Click on 'Grouped'. You can now move and resize all the objects in the group.
  5. Click on the cat image.
  6. Click on 'Duplicate'.
  7. Click on the 'Object Edit Menu'.
  8. Select 'Transform'.
  9. Select 'Flip in Y axis'.

Tutorial 5 - Deleting objects

  1. Click on the 'Clear' tool.
  2. Select 'Clear Annotations'. Notice how the writing on the banner is deleted.
  3. Click on the 'Clear' tool again and select 'Clear Objects'. Notice how all the objects are deleted from the flipchart page except the background.
  4. Click on the 'Undo' button twice to return the page to its original state.
  5. Select the 'Eraser', make it wider, then erase the annotation over the banner.
  6. Click on the 'Select' tool.
  7. Click on the people.
  8. Click on the 'Trash can' to delete the image. Click on the 'Undo' button twice.
  9. Click on the cat and click on the 'Object Edit Menu'.
  10. Select 'Delete'. Click on the 'Undo' button.

Tutorial 6 - Copying and moving objects between pages

  1. Open the 'Page Browser'.
  2. Click on 'Pin Toolbox'. This will stop the Browser window closing.
  3. Click on the 'Next Page' button.
  4. In the 'Page Browser' click on the first page to return to it. TIP: You can also use the 'Previous Page' button. Drag the 3 images shown from the first page onto the second page in the 'Page Browser' (you will need to ungroup them first).
  5. Click on the second page.
  6. Click on the images and move them to the bottom of the page.

Tutorial 7 - Using Grids

  1. Open the 'Resource Browser'.
  2. In 'Shared Resources' open the 'Grids' folder then click on the 'X-Y lined' folder.
  3. Select the grid 'XY lines grid.ao2'.
  4. Click on the 'Popup Menu'.
  5. Select 'Insert into Flipchart'. TIP: You can also drag grids directly onto the flipchart page.

Tutorial 8 - Adding objects

  1. Click on the 'Shapes' tool.
  2. Click on the 'Vertical Line' tool.
  3. Select a suitable line thickness, then draw a vertical axis. Use the 'Horizontal Line' tool to draw a horizontal axis.
  4. Select the 'Rectangle'.
  5. Select a 'Fill color'.
  6. Select a 'Pen Color' for the outline.
  7. Select a line thickness for the outline. Draw a rectangle. Select the rectangle then click on 'Duplicate'.
  8. Click on the 'Fill' tool.
  9. Select a color.
  10. Click on the rectangle to fill it with the new color. Duplicate this rectangle and fill the copy with another color. Reposition the rectangles on the graph.

Tutorial 9 - Adding and formatting text

  1. Click on the 'Text' tool.
  2. In the 'Text Options' toolbox, click on the drop down menu to select the font size.
  3. Select font size '36'.
  4. Select 'Bold'.
  5. Click on the 'Text Color' block.
  6. Select red.
  7. Click on the flipchart page and type numbers 1-3 on the vertical axis. Type a graph title.
  8. Expand the 'Text Options' toolbox if required.
  9. Click on the 'Select All' button.
  10. Change the text color to black. Make the title bigger and reposition.

Tutorial 10 - Creating Page Notes

  1. Open the 'Notes Browser' window.
  2. Click on the 'Format Toolbar'. Select a suitable font size and color.
  3. Click in the 'Notes Browser' window and type some instructions for the flipchart.
  4. Select each of the rectangles.
  5. Adjust the size of the rectangles by using the 'Size Object' handles.
  6. Click on the 'Page Notes' icon to show the instructions. Click on the page to hide the notes.

Tutorial 11 - Saving a flipchart

  1. Click on the 'Main Menu' button.
  2. Select 'File'.
  3. Select 'Save As'.
  4. Navigate to the location where you want to save the flipchart and name it.
  5. Click on 'Save'. Note that the name changes in the flipchart tab.

Tutorial 12 - Using the Spotlight

  1. Go to the first page of the flipchart and click on the 'Main Menu' button.
  2. Select 'Tools'.
  3. Select 'Spotlight'.
  4. Select the 'Circular Spotlight'.
  5. Click on the spotlight border to resize it, or click next to the spotlight to move the spotlight. You can now use this tool to count the number of people with the same hair color.
  6. Click on the 'Popup Menu'.
  7. Select 'Close'.

Tutorial 13 - Using the Revealer

  1. Click on the 'Main Menu' button.
  2. Select 'Tools'.
  3. Select the 'Revealer'. Use this tool to reveal the completed chart. TIP: You can drag the 'Revealer' from any side.
  4. Click on the 'Popup Menu'.
  5. Select 'Close'.

Learner Response Systems

Tutorial 1 - Register a voting device

  1. Open the 'Voting Browser'. Note: Before registering a device you must connect the ActivHub to your computer.
  2. Click on 'Device Registration'.
  3. Select a device you want to register.
  4. Click on 'Register' and choose the number of devices you want to register.
  5. Click on 'Next' and follow the on-screen instructions to register your device.
  6. If you want to remove the devices click on 'Remove All'.
  7. You will be asked to confirm that you want to do this by clicking 'Yes'.

Tutorial 2 - ExpressPoll

  1. Before you begin, double-click on the file 'Hair_color_questions.flipchart' to open it. Click on the 'ExpressPoll' button.
  2. Hover over the wonderwheel.
  3. Click on 'Multiple Choice'.
  4. Select 'Multiple Choice A-D'.
  5. Set a time for the response. The results are displayed after the vote.
  6. Click on the 'ExpressPoll' button to close the wonderwheel.
  7. Close the 'Vote Results' window.

Tutorial 3 - Using the 'Insert Question Wizard'

  1. Click on the 'Main Menu' button.
  2. Select 'Insert'.
  3. Select 'Question'.
  4. Choose the 'Sort in Order' question.
  5. Change the number of options to 4.
  6. Select 'Add question to the current page'.
  7. Click on 'Next'. Uncheck 'Replace the page content with a new design'. Click on 'Next' and type in your question with the possible responses. Click on 'Next' and assign a correct order.
  8. Click on the 'Start/Stop Flipchart Vote' button. The results are displayed after the vote.

Tutorial 4 - Looking at the results

  1. Click on '+' next to 'Results Browser'.
  2. Select the question you want to display the results for.
  3. Click on the 'Popup Menu'.
  4. Select 'View Results'.
  5. Use the drop down menu for different display options.
  6. Select the 'Who Answered What Graph'. Now select the 'Pie Chart'.
  7. Click on the 'Paste Vote Results' button.
  8. Close the 'Vote Results' window.