2010-2011 School Year

Lesson Plans

Quarter 1

Week 1

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Introduce the course and teacher

Review course requirements and expectations

Discuss keys to success.

Get acquainted with the students.

Set goals for the school year.



Review behavioral expectations for the course. Students will be given a behavior contract. This needs to be filled out and signed by the student and a parent or guardian. Due 08/27/2010 for 10 points.

Brief overview of the course, highlighting books we will read and writing assignments we will complete and the structure of the class.

Interests and learning style survey – After you have looked these over, place each class into its own folder for future reference and put in small file cabinet in the top drawer.

Goal Setting Activity - Give each student a 3x5 card and an envelope. On the card, they should set 3 goals for the course. It should be bigger than what grade they hope to receive. For example, was there a concept they didn’t understand last year? Do they want to improve their OAT/OAA score? Etc. The envelope should be decorated with the student’s name. Place the index card into the envelope, but do not seal! We will add one more thing to these envelopes this week.

Line Game – Some questions are provided, but you could also have the kids write their own line game questions.

Materials you will need for today’s lesson:

-Copies of behavior contract, interests and learning style survey

-Notes on the course and its structure


-Colored Pencils or Crayons

-3 x 5 index cards

-Line Game Instructions and Questions

-Masking Tape (for the line)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Obtain a writing sample from each student to pinpoint areas to work on with grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Review and discuss different types of genres.

Become acquainted with the students in the classroom.

Demonstrate reading comprehension by following directions.

Determine interests for the background reading assignment for Thursday.



Time Capsule Activity: You will be given 15 minutes to write about yourself. Tell your audience about your interests, likes, dislikes, etc. Be sure to use complete sentences. You will get these back at the end of the school year. It may surprise you how your feelings and thoughts change.

 As students finish their writing assignment, they will receive the origami handout. They will need to read the instructions and complete the assignment – to create a cup. Students and teacher alike will know the assignment has been accomplished if the cup will hold water when it’s complete. *** After everyone has made their cups and tested them, have students discuss whether or not they were successful and see if they can pinpoint why they were succeeded or failed. Reflect and discuss the importance of reading and listening to directions.

Pass out cards to the students and give them one minute to find their partner. When they have partnered up, have students interview each other and share their findings. The topic of this icebreaker should be “Favorite Things.” Students should introduce themselves to their partner and then they should share one of their favorite things with their partner. It could be their favorite food, place to go on vacation, animal, etc. They will share what they’ve learned about each other with the class.

Use the “Favorite Things” activity to segue into the discussion of favorite books and genres. Have students identify different types of genres based on the favorite books they’ve read and discuss the different types of genres.

Introduce that we will be reading a piece of historical fiction and explain first assignment (mini-research project.) The book takes place in the 1930’s – find out what students know about the 30’s and come up with a list of possible research topics. Have students write down their top 3-5 choices for research. This will help you divide students into groups, but students should be aware that there is no 100% guarantee that they will get one of their top 3 choices because of the class size.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Read books independently for a variety of purposes.

Monitor reading comprehension through note taking and summarizing

Compile and organize important information and select an appropriate structure for organizing the information

Conduct background reading when appropriate.


Contextualizing History Project: Briefly discuss importance of understanding the context of historical fiction.

Students will break into small groups to conduct background reading on America in the 1930s. Students will use K-W-L charts and word webs to guide their inquiry and organize their thoughts. As students begin to complete the research, they will decide how to present their findings to the class. Students will also need to identify the purpose and genre of the books that they encounter in their research and what their purpose will be in their presentation.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Read books independently for a variety of purposes

Monitor reading comprehension through note taking and summarizing

Compile and organize important information and select an appropriate structure for organizing the information

Conduct background reading when appropriate.


Students will have the first hour to complete their group presentation. In the final

half-hour, students will present their findings to the class.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Students will be able to:

Demonstrate comprehension of grade-level appropriate electronic and visual media through note-taking

-Synthesize new knowledge of Alcatraz into a travel brochure


-Students will watch a video on Alcatraz. They should take notes on Alcatraz using the Main Idea Pyramid Organizer to record their notes. Students will then use these notes to create a travel brochure about Alcatraz.

*Please remind students that starting tomorrow we will begin with Daily Edits/ Daily Oral Language and a Word of the Day exercise. They must also obtain an SSR book on their own and have it ready to go on Wednesday, September 8.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


-Apply reading comprehension strategies including making predictions,inferences, summarizing, and drawing conclusions.

- Answer literal, inferential, evaluative and synthesizing questions.

- Identify examples of hyperbole and simile.

- Define exposition.

- Identify and explain the use of flashback in a text

- Demonstrate understanding of the literal and figurative meanings of words.

- Explain character interactions and identify conflict.


-Word of the Day: accentuate – verb

Definition: 1) to give prominence to; emphasize or intensify; 2) to pronounce with a stress or accent; 3) to mark with an accent mark

-Daily Oral Language: Transparency 1, Problem 1, a, b. Review answers.

-Students will complete an anticipation guide for Al Capone Does My Shirts.Then we will read Ch. 1-3 of the novel. Students will be able to define the literary terms hyperbole, exposition, and simile. We will complete a worksheet focused on the reading and finding examples of these items. We will also begin working on the vocabulary words for Ch. 1-10.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


- Explain how social, cultural and technological changes impact vocabulary

- Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries and thesauruses

- Determine the meaning of words through context clues

- Apply reading comprehension strategies and answer a variety of questions to demonstrate comprehension

- Examine the impact of setting on other literary elements.


-Word of the Day – antibody – noun

a protein produced in the blood or tissues in response to the presence of a specific toxin, foreign blood cell or other antigen.

Antibodies provide immunity against certain microorganisms and toxins by binding with them and often by deactivating them.

-DOL- Transparency 1, Problem 2, a,b. Review answers.

-Vocabulary Lesson: How social, technological, and cultural changes affect language.

oQuickWrite – Words form meaning in a variety of ways. Can you think of a word that is in your vocabulary that would not have been in your parents’ or grandparents’ vocabulary? What is the word? What does it mean to you? Did your parents or grandparents use this word differently or did it not exist when they were a kid? How do you think the word came into being/developed meaning?

oBrainstorm a list of words that we use today that we might not have used three years ago. What do these words mean? Where did they or their meaning come from?

oBriefly discuss history of English language and how English has developed over time

oGive examples from the text (phonograph, icebox, etc.)

-Before reading – In 3 sentences or less, summarize the key points of Ch. 1-3. Students can submit answers either verbally or in writing. They should be able to answer the following questions:

Who do we meet?

Where are they?

When does the story take place?

Why are they there?

How does the main character feel about being there?

-Read and discuss Ch. 4-8 of Al Capone Does My Shirts in pairs. Complete QADR chart and finish the vocabulary for Ch. 1-10.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


-Apply reading comprehension strategies such as recall, summarizing, making inferences, and drawing conclusions.

-Answer literal, inferential, evaluative and synthesizing questions to demonstrate reading comprehension

-Demonstrate understanding of literal and figurative language

-Identify similes, hyperboles, and idioms

-Define unknown words using context clues and dictionaries


-Word of the Day: aspire – verb

To have a great ambition; desire strongly

-D.O.L. – Transparency 1, Problem 3, a,b.

-Vocabulary Review – Students will have 10 minutes to review vocabulary from Ch. 1-8 and/or finish defining the words from the past 2 days.

-Mini-lesson: Idioms & Figurative Language - Complete Idioms, Hyperboles, and Similes worksheet and begin building literary device glossary using graphic organizers for Quarter 1.

-Finish/Review Ch. 4-8

-Begin reading Ch. 9-12 on own and complete quiz questions as you read.

Friday, September 3, 2010


-Demonstrate reading comprehension by summarizing, recalling, predicting, making inferences and drawing conclusions.

-Answer literal, inferential, synthesizing and evaluative questions to demonstrate comprehension.


-Word of the Day – bamboozle – verb

To deceive by elaborate trickery; hoodwink

-D.O.L. – Transparency 2, Problem 4, a,b.

-Review answers to Ch. 9-12 quiz. (Students may need extra time to finish today.)

-Read Ch. 13-15 and discuss as a class.

-Exit Ticket or 3-2-1 to monitor for comprehension.

-If time remains, continue to work on the literary terms glossary graphic organizers.


Monday, September 6, 2010 – NO SCHOOL. Labor Day.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


-Define unknown words using context clues and available resources such as dictionaries and thesauruses.

-Demonstrate reading comprehension through summarizing, recall, notetaking, making predictions, making inferences, and drawing conclusions.

-Write responses to literature.


-Word of the Day – boisterous – adjective

1)Rough and stormy; violent 2) Noisy and lacking restraint or discipline

-D.O.L. – Transparency 3, Question 8, a, b. **DOL NOTEBOOK CHECKS TODAY!**

-5-10 minute vocab review of Ch. 1-15

-Think-Pair-Share – What do you think will happen in the coming chapters of Al Capone… ?

-Read Ch. 16-20

-Vocab from Ch. 19 – Letter from Del’s mom

-RAFT – Imagine that Moose could go back in time and change the course of events that lead to his getting caught up in the laundry scam. Write a dialogue between Moose and one other character that would change the course of events and keep him from getting in trouble. **If RAFT is not finished by the end of class, it is due for homework.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


-Identify flat, round, static and dynamic characters

- Demonstrate reading comprehension through recall, summarizing, note taking, predicting, making inferences and drawing conclusions

-Read books independently for a variety of reasons.


-Word of the Day – boycott – verb

To act together in refusing to use, buy from, or deal with, especially as a form of protest

-D.O.L – Transparency 2, #5 a, b. Review answers.

-SSR for 10-15 minutes. Have students fill out their SSR book selection sheet for points.

-Generate a list of characters and descriptions for each. This will help students keep characters straight in their heads.

-Discuss different types of characters – flat, round, static and dynamic. Put the definitions in the literary terms glossary.

-Make predictions about whether the characters are flat, round, static, or dynamic.

-Read Ch. 21-24

-Break into small groups of 2-4 and complete a character profile for one of the following characters: Moose, Natalie, Annie, Piper, Scout, Jimmy, Mrs. Flanagan, Mr. Flanagan

Thursday, September 9, 2010


-Demonstrate reading comprehension by creating a visual summary of chapters read

-Define new vocabulary through context clues and available resources such as dictionaries

-Produce informal journal entries and predict what will happen in the next portion of the book.


Word of the Day – cower – verb

To crouch or draw back, as from fear or pain; cringe

D.O.L. – Transparency 2, #6

Review vocab for Al Capone and literary terms glossary for 5-10 minutes. Students may work with a partner to study today.

Connecting to Literature/Anticipation Freewrite – Have you ever had something important that you needed to tell your parents but didn’t know how? When you told them, how did they react?

Read Ch. 25-28 on own. When finished, create a comic strip summarizing the main events of these chapters.

Friday, September 10, 2010


-Answer literal, inferential, synthesizing and evaluative questions to demonstrate reading comprehension.

-Summarize, recall, make predictions, make inferences, and draw conclusions to demonstrate reading comprehension.

-Produce informal journal entries about silent reading books.


-Word of the Day – decorum – noun

Proper behavior or conduct; propriety

-D.O.L. – Transparency 3, #7 a,b. Review.

-Think-Pair-Share – Is Mrs. Flanagan a good mother to Moose? Is she a good mother to Natalie? Why does she treat her children so differently? Is she right in being this way?

-Read Ch. 29-32 and complete QADR in pairs. If time remains, continue to work on the literary terms glossary entries.


Monday, September 13, 2010


-Read books independently for a variety of purposes.

-Demonstrate reading comprehension through summarizing, note taking, recall, predicting, making inferences, and drawing conclusions.

-Answer literal, inferential, synthesizing and evaluative questions using complete sentences.

-Write informal journal entries (to aid in making predictions and connecting with literature)


-Word of the Day – deduction – noun

1) the act of subtracting; subtraction. 2) An amount that is or may be subtracted. 3) The process of reaching a conclusion by reasoning, especially from general principals. 4) a conclusion reached by this process.

-D.O.L. – Transparency 3, #9, a,b. NOTEBOOK CHECK TODAY!

-SSR for 10 -15 minutes.

-Review QADR charts.

-Anticipation Question/Freewrite – Why do you think it is so important to Mrs. Flanagan to keep celebrating Natalie’s tenth birthday? Do you think Moose will ever be able to get her to change her mind?

-Read Ch. 33-36. Exit ticket, 3-2-1 or response to literature to monitor comprehension.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


-Identify and define the parts of plot and give specific examples of each

-Use a variety of literacy strategies to study new vocabulary words and literary terms.

-Make predictions and inferences and draw conclusions to demonstrate reading comprehension.


-Word of the Day – deign – verb

To be willing to do something that one considers beneath one’s dignity; condescend

-D.O.L – Transparency 3, #10, a,b.

-5-10 minute Vocab/Lit. Term review with a partner or on own.

-Vocabulary Quiz on Al Capone Does My Shirts.

-Review parts of plot. Provide students with a plot graph and take notes on the terms exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution/denouement.

-Before reading: On the Story Plot Graph, fill in the Introduction/Exposition box and the Rising Action box.

-Anticipation discussion: What do you think will happen to Moose’s family now that Natalie has been denied entrance into the Esther P. Marinoff?

-Read Ch. 37 to the end as a class.

-Complete the plot graph. If time is left over in class, add your notes from the plot graph to the literary terms glossary.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


-Identify universal themes used throughout the novel

-Demonstrate reading comprehension by making inferences and drawing conclusions.

-Define flat/static/round/dynamic characters and provide an example for each.

-Complete the story mapping guide to review the plot and major concepts of the novel.


-Word of the Day – despondent – adjective

Feeling depression of spirits from loss of hope, confidence, or courage; dejected

-D.O.L – Transparency 4, #11 a, b.

-SSR for 10-15 minutes

-Think-Pair-Share – Choose one possible explanation for the outcome of the novel and give 2-3 supporting details as to why you feel that this is the best explanation.

-Review the content of the novel using a Story Mapping Graphic Organizer as a class.

-Characterization – Now that we’ve finished the novel, break students into groups of four. Provide each group with the name of a character. They must then decide as a group what type of character he or she is and present their claim and evidence to the class.

-Universal themes – Discuss what a universal theme is and have students generate a list of themes in Al Capone. They will also need to be able to explain why they chose that theme. Have students record this information in their literary terms glossary as well.

-Hand out review sheets for the test to study for homework. Students should come to class with a minimum of 5 review questions based on the study guide. We will review on Thursday.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Word of the Day – divulge – verb