Christmas Poetry
Penned by Roger W Hancock
Christmas Altar
Jolly joys and tearful cheers,
applaud the reason of this season.
Autumn green and crimson red,
colors of the Christmas season. .
Joyous day a babe was born,
upon the straw of sheep and goats.
Star to Bethlehem, led that night;
wise king’s presents from afar.
Within joy shed your tears;
the real reason for this season.
Green of autumn, crimson red,
colors of Christ’s Holy season. .
Baby given to all mankind,
Jesus’ birth in lowly manger.
Gifts of thought to family, friends,
remember gift, for us His death.
Jolly joys and tearful cheers,
redemption reason of the season.
Autumn green spills crimson red,
colors of Christ’s sacrifice.
Joyous day God’s Son is born,
of lowly estate, for our escape.
Star to Bethlehem, began starlight,
our sin cleansed, on Christmas altar.
Starlight so bright
splatter of star lights,
Nightlights of night
flatter dark nights.
Christ’s light enlightens,
Holy lens exposing sin.
Hid by dark-night day,
Christ’s sacrifice of self.
Sin exposed by light,
Son-light scatters sin.
Love lights world bright,
Holy light, souls bright.
Bells Tell
Christmas bells will tell,
joyous story well,
Season’s chimes will dwell,
the story, bells will Yell!
Chiming Message
Church steeple bells will toll;
toll to tell the story well.
Chiming carols of the choir,
chimes ring out the message. / Christmas Thyme
Christmas thyme,
scent the season,
cinnamon add,
with apple cider.
Remember scent,
Christmas youth,
mother in kitchen,
fixin’ trimmins’.
Christmas Day,
scented cheer,
another year,
of memories.
Season Bar
Christmas tree
lighted glee,
tinsel glitter,
season stars.
Crucifixion tree
guilty plea,
season bar,
my acquitter.
Christmas List
Christmas List much too heavy,
Suspect will not be levied.
Too expensive for even me,
do not expect from my best she.
Family, friends scratching heads;
what for me but gift of lead.
When special tool in need…
now resides within my shop.
Patriarchs are hard to give,
to select that perfect gift.
So, I know what I will get,
standardized gifts of every year.
Fruitcake, yuk! I hate that cake,
additions to my tie collection,
pens, to fear that I might lose.
Joint gifts given to me and she,
usually favor my best she.
I suppose best gift for me…
gifts that put a smile on she.
© 11-15-14 Roger W Hancock

All Year
Jingles, carols, lights
Christmas the joyous season,
yours, all year, in Christ.
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Only One
Twinkling stars above,
Spirit drawn, by only one,
Babe in manger lay.
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One Star
One star guides pure lives,

Joys of Christmas light delight.
Scarlet blood of Christ.
© 11-15-2014 Roger W Hancock