Community Initiatives
Application Package
2018 Intake

The Community Initiatives (CI) fund supports projects that have a broad effect on Winnipeg's inner city, or target specific groups across the inner city. CI funds activities that enhance economic development, increase safety and prevent crime, reduce at risk behaviour, contribute to better health practices, strengthen tenant-landlord relations and improve co-ordination and co-operation.

Eligible initiatives must involve more than one designated Neighbourhoods Alive! neighbourhood in Winnipeg (Spence, West Broadway, Central (Central Park, Centennial, West Alexander), Daniel McIntyre/St. Matthews, North End (William Whyte, Lord Selkirk Park, North Point Douglas, Dufferin, St. John’s), and the Chalmers area in Elmwood. Projects may also include inner city neighbourhoods not currently designated by Neighbourhoods Alive! For more information on Community Initiatives, please visit the CI program webpage.

For additional information or questions on our program, including form(s), requirements, eligibility and deadlines please go to theNeighbourhoods Alive! website.

Application Tips

Review the Community Initiative (CI) application form and project budget worksheet including the helpful tips in each section:

  1. Complete Section 1: Applicant Information and Project Details, using the CI application form. The applicant must assign a project contact and organizational contact. A project contact is the person Neighbourhoods Alive! will contact to discuss project activities. An organizational contact is the person within the organization who NA! will send official correspondence, should your application be approved.

If your project involves youth under the age of 18 years old, NA! requires organizations to confirm that a Criminal Record Check for the Vulnerable Sector and a Child Abuse Registry Check will be conducted prior to any contact. You will be asked to certify that you have read and understood that this will be a condition of any funding support provided to the project.

  1. Complete Section 2: Project Budget using the CI Project Budget Worksheet. The worksheet provides a completed samplebudget with instructions and a budget template. Project budgets submitted to Neighbourhoods Alive! usingany other format will not be accepted.
  1. Section 3: Capital Projects, If your project is capital in nature, please contact Neighbourhoods Alive! at 204-945-3379 or Toll free 1-855-644-0401.
  1. Complete Section 4: Authorization. The application in its entirety must be authorized by the legal signing authority of your organization and by the Board of Directors.

If you have any other questions:

  1. Please visit theNeighbourhoods Alive! Program FAQs page on the Neighbourhoods Alive! website for commonly asked questions and answers.

Applications for projects will be accepted untilMay28,2018
All applications must be RECEIVED by email to
Missing the deadline or incomplete applications, including missing information will render
your applicationineligible for consideration.
Neighbourhoods Alive!:
Phone: 204-945-3379 or Toll free1-855-644-0401; Fax: 204-948-1065
Community Initiatives
Application Form
Section 1 - Applicant Information and Project Details
Read page two of the application package for helpful tips. Provide answers to the questions below in the specified fields within the table (shaded). Be concise when answering questions as there are word limits within each field.
Note: if you have a pop up banner at the top of your screen with a Security Warning you must click on the banner and enable macros in order to fill out this form.
Organization name:
Legal name of organization (if different from organization name):
Does your organization currently hold active incorporation status?Choose an item.
Project contact person :
Salutation: Choose an item.
Alt. phone:
Mailing address (include postal code): / Organization contact person :
Salutation: Choose an item.
Alt. phone:
Mailing address (include postal code):
Board Chair Name:
Salutation: Choose an item.
What is your organizations mandate, purpose, or vision?
Describe the services and/or activities your organization/group currently provides [limit: 600 words] (include target population, geographic area and number of people served)
Project Title:
Total Project Cost: / Amount being requested by NA!:
Project Start Date: / Project End Date:
Briefly describe the project [limit: 600 words].
Please select two or more neighbourhoods that will be served by this project.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Determine the target population that will be served by this project Choose an item.
Explain how the project need was determined, or if it relates to any government priorities not already identified within this application. [limit: 600 words].
Examples include:local plans, strategic plans, statistics, consultations results
Optional: provide documentation as an attachment.
Describe how your project will incorporate participation from (as applicable): [limit: 600 words].
a)Local residents
b)Local stakeholders (e.g. school, residents associations, organizations)
d)Municipality (if applicable)
Please include job descriptions for any staff position(s) created as part of the project, if funded by the request to Neighbourhoods Alive!
If NA! funding would only partially support a newly created position, please indicate the percentage.
Describe project objective, activities and your measurements
Objective 1: (One per section)[limit: 600 words].
What is the outcome or goal you hope to achieve?
(Example: To reduce barriers for newcomers to enter the workforce)
Objective 1:
Activities: (Maximum of three)[limit: 600 words].
What actions will you undertake to achieve the objective above.
(Example: Provide an eight week job readiness skill training program for up to16newcomers)
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Activity 3:
Measurement(s):(Maximum of two)[limit: 600 words].
How will you measure the success of the activity?
(Example: Number of newcomer participants)
Measurement 1:
Measurement 2:
Objective 2[limit: 600 words]:
Activities [limit: 600 words]:
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Activity 3:
Measurement(s)[limit: 600 words]:
Measurement 1:
Measurement 2:
Objective 3[limit: 600 words]:
Activities [limit: 600 words]:
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Activity 3:
Measurement(s) [limit: 600 words]:
Measurement 1:
Measurement 2:
Select up to three Community Initiative categoriesyour project addresses using the drop down boxes below,and describe how.
Choose an item. Description:
Choose an item. Description:
Choose an item. Description:
Select a minimum of two Community Economic Development (CED) categories your project addresses and describe how in no more than two sentences. Review descriptions of the nine CED categories
Choose an item. Description:
Choose an item. Description:
Choose an item. Description:
If you received letters of support for this project, please identify the organizations and include the letters as separate attachments along with your application package.
If applicable, provide results achieved by this project to-date [limit: 600 words]. Optional: provide additional documentation as an attachment.
Section 2 – Project Budget
Complete the project budget using the separate, downloadable form found on the CI program webpage.
Budgets received in any other format will not be accepted.
  • The project budget must identify the total revenue and total costs of the project.
  • The revenue amounts may include projections of what you intend to raise from other sources.
  • Your project budget should identify both the cash and in-kind contributions to your project. Examples of in-kind support include volunteer labour, donations of materials and other resources.
  • When you apply you will be asked to select whether or not the cash or in-kind contributions listed in your budget have been confirmed. For each confirmed cash contribution over
$5,000, written confirmation from the funding source must be included in your application package as a separate document.
  • Double check that your budget balances and is consistent with your stated objectives and activities.

Section 4 - Authorization
Ensure that this section is completeprior to submitting your application.
This application mustbe reviewed and authorized by a legal signing authority of your organization, acknowledging that the information provided is accurate, complete. Your application will not be considered as eligible if it has not been authorized.
If your project involves youth under the age of 18 years old, please complete the following:
I certify that a clear Criminal Record Check for the Vulnerable Sector and a Child Abuse Registry Check will be conducted on any employees or volunteers involved in coordinating and supervising activities for children/youth under the age of 18 prior to contact.
Title (e.g. Board Chairperson, President, Executive Director):
All projects must complete the following:
I certify that I am legally authorized to complete thisapplication on behalf of the organization and that all information contained in this application is accurate.
Title (e.g. Chairperson, President, Executive Director):
I certify that The Board of Directors of this organization have authorized this application.
Title (e.g. Chairperson, President):
Application Review
Please review this list to ensure your application is complete and that you have included all required documents and information.
All applicants are required to submit the following:
  • Completed Section 1 “Applicant Information and Project Details” using the NRF application form.
  • Completed Section 2 “Project Budget” using the NRF Project Budget template available for download from the Neighbourhoods Alive!website.
  • Written confirmation from funders of cash contributions over $5,000.
  • Completed Section 4 “Authorization”.
  • A complete list of yourorganization's currentboard of directors.
  • Letter from the School Division confirming that the Division will act as the official proponent of the project (if applicable).
Applicants may provide optional documentation to support their application:
  • Evidence of community support such as letters of support.
  • Evidence of community need such as consultation or survey results.
  • Evidence of project results achieved to date.
  • Any other documentationyou feel would support your application.
If you are worried about the size of your email, send the attachments in more than one email. Label each email (ex: 1 of 2, 2 of 2) and include an explanation per email.
Submit the entire application package by email to .Deadline to submit your application(s) isMay 28, 2018. You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your application within 48 hours of the intake deadline. Contact Neighborhoods Alive! at 1-204-945-3379 if you did not receive this confirmation email.

Page 1 CI Application for 2018 Intake