Friday, January 9, 2009
Early Bird Sessions
[6:30 – 8:00 am]
SESSION TITLE / SPEAKERS / PRESENTATION TITLES / DESCRIPTION / CREDITS / CODENYSDEC Panel Discussion and Breakfast / Edward Hanbach, Pesticide Specialist II and Regional Pesticide Program Supervisor; Michael Nierenberg, Pesticide Control Specialist, and Tim Walsh, Registered Professional Engineer – NYSDEC, Bureau of Pesticides Management / Neighbor Notification, Lawn Care Contract Implementation and Fuel Tank Inspections / Participants are invited to have breakfast with three New York State Department of Environmental Conservation representatives - Edward Hanbach, Michael Nierenberg and Timothy Walsh. They will answer questions on a variety of topics including neighbor notification, lawn care contract implementation and fuel tank inspections. There is a $15 fee for the required breakfast portion of this program. / DEC Credits:
CORE = 1.50
STMA CEUs: .15
CNLP Credits: 1.5 / A, T, N
[7:00 – 8:00 am]
SESSION TITLE / SPEAKERS / PRESENTATION TITLES / DESCRIPTION / CREDITS / CODEGRANT RESEARCH UPDATES / Frank Rossi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Turfgrass Science and New York Extension Turfgrass Specialist,
Daniel Peck, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Entomology, NYSAES, CornellUniversity
Jennifer Grant, Ph.D., Assistant Director of the New York State IPM Program and Coordinator of Community IPM, Cornell University / Late Season Fertility and Snow Mold
European Crane Fly Update
TracTurf Implementation / Dr. Frank Rossi will give an overview of winter disease problems and late season fertility issues. He will also provide an update on proper nutrient management to reduce disease problems, review the pathogenicity of snow molds and discuss the role of plant nutrition on infection.
Dr. Daniel Peck will discuss the current and potential status of exotic crane fly pests of turf in the Northeast. He’ll provide the most recent research advances, their implications, and future opportunities for management.
Dr. Jennifer Grant will give an update on TracTurf, a user-friendly software that was recently designed specifically for professional turfgrass managers of lawns, golf courses and parks. Jennifer will demonstrate and explain this Excel-based software program that allows users to record pest management and fertilization practices for improved record-keeping and reporting requirements. / DEC Credits: 9 = .50
3A, 3B, 10, 25 = 1.00
CNLP Credits: 1 / T, N
[8:15 – 10:15 am] Friday, January 9, 2009
SESSION TITLE / SPEAKERS / PRESENTATION TITLES / DESCRIPTION / CREDITS / CODEBETHPAGE UPDATE / Jennifer Grant, Ph.D., Assistant Director of the New York State IPM Program and Coordinator of Community IPM, Cornell University, and Frank Rossi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Turfgrass Science and New York Extension Turfgrass Specialist,
CornellUniversity / The Bethpage Project: What Happened? Where Are We? Where to Next? / Dr. Frank Rossi and Dr. Jennifer Grant will provide an overview of the Bethpage Project, a study to reduce pesticide management on golf courses. They’ll also discuss IPM and reduced risk pest management, using cultural management to reduce pest problems and applying these techniques in the real world. / DEC Credits: 3A, 3B,
10 = 2.00 / T
Round Table Discussions / Steve LeGros, Mid Atlantic Sports Field Consultant, Turf & dirt Inc.
Robert Sanderson, Grounds and Landscape Manager, Sodexho Campus Services at NazarethCollege
Daniel Schied, Horticulture and Grounds Manager, University of Rochester / Preventive vs. Reactive Turfgrass Management
Athletic Field Planning and Construction to Maximize Plant Health and Reduce Pesticide Use
Opportunities for Reduced Pesticide Use on Athletic Turf / During this 40 minute round table discussion with facilitator, Steve Legros, participants will have the opportunity to review a variety of turfgrass topics including overseeding, fertility, disease prevention and mowing practices.
During this 40 minute round table discussion with facilitator, Robert Sanderson, participants will discuss topics related to athletic field planning including construction team development; site identification and evaluation; and first year cultural practices.
During this 40 minute round table discussion with facilitator, Daniel Scheid, participants will discuss how to reduce pesticide use on turf using regular overseeding, increased mowing heights, fertility programs, and irrigation during high stress periods. / DEC Credits: 3A, 3B,
10 = 1.25
STMA CEUs: .15
CNLP Credits: 2 / T, N
TREE PRUNING / Rex Bastian, Ph.D., Vice President of Field Education and Development, The Care of Trees / Interpreting the A-300 Pruning Standards, Writing Contracts in Accordance With the Standards and Proper Pruning / Dr. Rex Bastian will review the purpose of the A-300 Pruning Standards and how to write pruning specifications that comply with the Standard. He will also discuss how tree biology relates to proper pruning methods. / ISA CEUs: 2
CNLP Credits: 2 / A, N
POND MANAGEMENT / Jim Ochterski, Owner and Operator, Progressive Pond Consulting, Rebecca Schneider, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Leader in the Department of Natural Resources Extension, Cornell University and Chuck O’Neill, Senior Extension Associate and Director at the National Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse, New York State Sea Grant / Earth Pond Aquatics and Weed Management Techniques / Jim Ochterski will introduce the history of pond management in the Northeast, review various pond parameters and discuss the characteristics that lead to weed problems and water quality degradation. Rebecca Schneider will then speak about management approaches to common weeds found in ponds followed by Chuck O’Neill who will review current management approaches to invasive aquatic species. / DEC Credits
5A = 1.5 / T, N
Friday, January 9, 2009
[10:30 – 12:30 am
SESSION TITLE / SPEAKERS / PRESENTATION TITLES / DESCRIPTION / CREDITS / CODEREGULATORY UPDATES / Edward Hanbach, Pesticide Specialist II and Regional Pesticide Program Supervisor, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Ronald Gardner, Senior Extension Associate, Entomology/Pesticide Management Education Program, CornellUniversityCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences / NYSDEC Regulatory Update
Pesticides and Protecting Your Health / Edward Hanbach will present updates on New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulations.
Ronald Gardner will discuss pesticides and techniques for reducing applicator risks. He will review current toxicology information and personal protection methods to safeguard health. / DEC Credits:
CORE = 2.00
CNLP Credits: 2 / T, A, N
Empire State Green Industry Show, January 7-9, 2009, RochesterRiversideConvention Center