Volume 1, Issue 3 June 2003

Improve the accuracy and timeliness of crash data to enable stakeholders to make quality traffic safety improvements


The mission of the CPR project is to improve the accuracy and timeliness of crash data to enable stakeholders to make quality traffic safety improvements. Objectives include but are not limited to: updating outdated processing and reporting technologies, streamlining business processes, improving data integrity, reduce the overall cost of processing of the crashes and provide traffic safety partners with crash data that is accurate, timely and easily accessible. The CPR project team is made up of representatives from the Departments of State Police, Transportation, Information Technology and the Secretary of State, in addition to having input from law enforcement, traffic safety engineers, metropolitan planning organizations and university researchers. An executive steering committee is in place to provide guidance and direction and the project is headed by a fully dedicated project manager. Due to the size, complexity and importance of the CPR project and to help ensure overall project success, a phased approached was determined.

Accomplishments and Activities

Ø  All technical specifications/development, project activities and change requests are on schedule and with in budget. Phase 2 Scoping and Estimating continues to be reviewed and is on schedule to commence in the 4th quarter of this calendar year. .

Ø  During the May 5th Project Core Team meeting the new Crash application and the law enforcement WEB application designs and functionality were presented and tested. Positive results and feedback were provided on both tools!

Ø  The Technical Environment for the new system is in place and we are able to connect to the On Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Datamart databases from MSP. Connection to the MDOS and MDOT databases are still in development.

Ø  Michigan Technological University has started to make the necessary changes to MCLS and FMI to make it compatible with the new technical specifications. Approval for this activity resulted in many executive reviews, meetings and even a visit to the Governor’s office!

Ø  There are TRCC and GTSAC meetings scheduled during the week of June 23 at which time there will be reviews of this project and its activities.

Ø  A new proposal from National Computing Systems (NCS) for a new imaging, scanning, and OCR system is being evaluated. This new system has the potential to further enhance our ability to process information quicker and with a higher degree of accuracy.

Ø  Formal Acceptance Test Cases are being created. This is a critical stage in the process as these test cases will be used to ensure the system has been designed and is functioning to the original specifications agreed upon.

Ø  The CPR project continues to be used by EDS in their quest for certification at CMM level 4 and 5. This certification provides value by showing how an organization has engrained true quality at both the process and technical levels. In addition this activity has given the CPR project additional positive visibility and attention!

Ø  We presented the CPR story at the EDS Tech days on June 9 and 10.

Next Steps

Ø  Continue implementing Phase 1 on schedule and with in budget.

Ø  Ensure the Phase 2 Scope and Estimates are completed by August 2003.

Ø  Continue to work on Formal Acceptance Testing.

Ø  Set up project status meetings for the MDOT Steering Committee, MDIT Agency Information Officers, and Transportation Enterprise Systems.

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1.  Go to www.michigan.gov/msp

2.  Click on the ‘Services to Governmental Agencies’ link

3.  Click on the ‘Office of Highway Safety Planning’ link

4.  Click on the ‘Governor’s Traffic Safety Advisory Commission’ link

5.  Locate the document within the ‘Teams’ link at the bottom of the page