August 2013

Dear Families,

The difference between a good school and an OUTSTANDING school is you! We know that when parents are involved, students do better. Everyone benefits when the relationship between the parent and school is strong because you are the biggest influence in your child’s life. What you believe is important! Your child will have the same or similar beliefs. It is not just the quantity of time you spend in school, but the value that you place on education that makes the difference.

For you to be an advocate for your child, it is important that you know what is happening in our classroom and in our school. I will be sharing this information with you regularly through our new website ( and monthly newsletters. I will include ways that we can support your child’s growth and learning together. Communication is the key to any successful relationship, so let’s keep the lines open and active! I look forward to listening and learning from you as well.

This year will be a productive and exciting year to get to know your child and family. If there is something that you would like to share with me, please let me know. Here’s to a GREAT year together!

Lastly, I have two very important requests. Throughout the school year we will use money a lot in our math class. In order to have the correct amount of money for each student I am asking that you send in 20 pennies, 6 nickels, 10 dimes, and 4 quarters for your child to use during math. The students will be responsible for their own coins and the coins they have at the end of the year will be returned.

We will also be decorating our Writer’s Notebooks during the upcoming week. The students will be able to personalize their notebooks with pictures. I am asking that you help them gather pictures (photographs or pictures from magazines) that can spark their imagination. Please send them in as soon as possible.

Here’s to a great year!

Mrs. Metzger

(859) 441-9174

Behavior Expectations/Classroom Plan

This year my goal is to encourage your child to solve problems, brainstorm solutions, and evaluate their plans. One of the most valuable things we can teach children is to evaluate their behavior and make changes when needed. In order to achieve this goal I have created a behavior system in my classroom. This will help your child take ownership of their behavior; good or bad.

This year, we will be using a behavior system that allows students to improve on their behavior as the day progresses. We use the letters in the word COYJTES: Every child in the class will start their day on the letter J (Ready to Learn). When I notice a student behaving well, the student will be able to move up letter by letter and at the end of the day there will be rewards. When I notice a student misbehaving or not following the classroom rules they will move down letter-by-letter and the same will be true with consequences. There are prizes and consequences for each letter. They will be distributed at the end of the day, and I will note your child’s daily letter on which they ended on their behavior calendar.
C– Outstanding Day! (Prize!)
O – Great Day (Sticker; Pebble in the class jar)
Y – Good Day (Sticker)
J – Ready to Learn (Smiley Face)
T – Think About it
E– Teacher’s Choice
S – Teacher’s Choice AND Parent Contact
If your child is on C at the end of the day, they will receive a prize. Students who are on the letter O will receive a sticker and will be able to put a pebble in the class pebble jar. When the jar is full, the students will receive a behavior party. If your child is on Y, they will receive a sticker for the day and if they are on J, they will get a smiley face in their agenda.

Letters below J will have consequences for behavior. When children are on T, they will just think about their behavior and how to improve their behavior (warning). If they are on E, the teacher will choose their consequence based on their behavior. This may be lost recess time, finishing work, etc. depending on the behavior that put the student on the letter E. When a child is on S, there will be a note sent home with the student for the parent to sign letting you know what behavior(s) happened throughout the day, as well as teacher’s choice (lost recess time, etc.)
Your child will be expected to write their letter in their agenda each afternoon. Please make sure that you take a peek at their letter so that you are aware of behavior in the classroom. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to call or email me at anytime.

Mrs. Metzger

(859) 441-9174

S.T.A.R Folder/Agenda

(Students Taking Academic Responsibility)

This folder will contain ALL of the important communication to and from school. Please read through the information below and let me know if you have any questions.

Parts of your child’s “S.T.A.R. Folder”

1.  The front inside pocket labeled “Return to School” will be where we send important papers home that you need to see! This will include newsletters, permission slips, and ANY other form of communication between me and YOU! Please look through this side of the folder each night to ensure that you receive all important documents that need to be returned.

2.  The back inside pocket labeled “Keep at Home” will be where we send home completed/graded homework and class work. Please empty this pocket each night before your child returns to school the next day.

3.  The student’s behavior will be recorded in their Crossroads agenda along with their homework.

“S.T.A.R. Folder” Rules for Students:

1.  Do not eat or drink in front of your STAR.

2.  Do not write on or in your STAR.

3.  Do not let anyone borrow your STAR.

4.  You (the student) are responsible for your STAR. Bring it with you everyday and take it home every night!

5.  Share your STAR with your parents every night. They will be proud of your new responsibility.

6.  Be gentle with your STAR and take care of it! We each get ONLY one STAR to last us all of 2nd grade. If you lose it, you must replace it!

7.  Don’t put anything in your STAR that doesn’t belong there.

S.T.A.R. Folder” Recommendations for Families:

1.  Check behavior each night and SIGN weekly in your child’s agenda.

2.  Check homework in your child’s agenda. Assist child with homework when they have questions.

3.  Check S.T.A.R Folder nightly and remove papers in both the front and back pocket.

4.  Check for important forms that need your signature and return those forms as soon as possible.


(859) 441-9174

Birthday Celebrations

If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday in school, here are a few helpful things you may need to know!

1.  Please remind me by phone or email as least two days before the big day! We will then discuss the appropriate time to bring in items for their birthday. You may call me at

(859) 441-9174 or email me at

2.  The snack MUST BE HEALTHY. (If you have any questions please refer to Crossroads Student Handbook.)

3.  Please make sure that the snack is ready to serve and/or you will need to provide plates and napkins.

4.  Currently as we begin our year we have 24 students in our classroom. Throughout the year this may change just a bit so it is always a great idea to provide a couple extra snacks just in case.

5.  This special day provides a wonderful opportunity for you to come into the class and read your child’s favorite book before the short celebration begins. Please let me know if you would be interested in doing this prior to the big day. The students love it and we look forward to having families visit anytime!


(859) 441-9174

Healthy Snacks

Crossroads Elementary School



Granola bars without chocolate chips

Cereal Bars


Cheese Crackers

Air Popped Popcorn

Dried fruit

Gold Fish Crackers

String Cheese

Dry Cereal (Healthy choices only)

Sun Chips

Baked Chips


Jello Cups


Trail Mix

Animal Crackers

Wheat Crackers

English muffins

Rice Cakes

Baked tortilla chips with salsa


Vanilla wafers

Frozen fruit bars

Snacks full of sugar slow down learning. Healthy snacks impact brain power.


Individually packed snacks save time when distributing them to the class.