Call to order
Review of minutes
Financial Report
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
Open Discussion / Meeting called to order at 7:02 by Melinda Krueger, Vice-President
Minutes from the February meeting were reviewed, motion made and second to accept as printed. Motion passed.
Financial report was prepared and presented by Leta Johnson.
Motion & 2nd was made to accept report. Motion passed.
Concession Stand – Track meet is March 27th.
Finance – Nothing new.
Athletic Program-Nothing new.
Fund Raising – Nothing new. Still plenty of old merchandise.
Watermelon Supper- Nothing reported.
Communication- Nothing reported.
All Sports Banquet- Jr. High sports banquet is scheduled for Monday, May 12 @6. Menu will be chicken spaghetti and parent volunteers will supply desserts & salads. The booster club will pay for the chicken spaghetti from The Downtowner.
Golf Tournament- Scheduled for June 14. Need to get the word out & get sponsors/silent auction items.
By-Laws revision; add statement about how revisions are made, etc.
The new baseball scoreboard is in and working.
Motion & 2nd was made to appoint Marcie Whisenhunt as the member-at-large replacing Angie Satterfield. Angie resigned last month. Motion passed.
Motion & 2nd to give the Athletic Director $500 earmarked from the booster club funds for at-risk students for athletic equipment. This is a yearly amount that doesn’t roll over from year to year. Motion passed.
Scholarships will be given this year in the amount of $500 each to one senior male athlete and one senior female athlete. The following booster club members volunteered to be on the committee overseeing the selection process:
Duane Moon
Nicole Sutton
Shannon Whitten
Danny Buck-alternate
It was discussed that the booster club will take up donations for the Springer family at the upcoming track meet to help meet needs of this family that lost their mother and home to a fire.
It was brought up that we need to look into installing a vent-a-hood over the fryers in the concession stand. This was tabled for future meetings.
Motion & 2nd was made to adjourn meeting. Motion passed. / For information only.
For information only.
For information only.
Meeting ended @7:59.