
Disaster Science and Management

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Dr. John C. Pine is the Director of Disaster Science and Management and Professor–Research, Department of Environmental Studies and Department of Geography and Anthropology at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. His current research grants include: “Coastal Resiliency Index for Gulf of Mexico”, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); “Public Health Impacts of Major Disasters,” Louisiana Board of Regents (2002–2007); “Building and Maintaining Sustainable Communities,” Louisiana Sea Grant (NOAA); “Louisiana Levee School,” Louisiana Department of Natural Resources and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development; “Risk of Historic Places: City of New Orleans,” National Park Service (2005–2006); “Geo-Referencing Critical Infrastructure,” Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness; “GIS Support for Emergency Operations,” Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); and “Development of a Disaster Clearinghouse for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita,” FEMA (November 2005–October 2006).

Dr. Pine has published numerous books and articles including: Natural Hazards Analysis: Reducing the Impacts from Disasters. Taylor Francis (2008); “The Contributions of Management Theory and Practice to Emergency Management” in McEntire, David (ed.) Disciplines, Disasters, and Emergency Management, C.C. Thomas Publishers; “Louisiana State University Geographic Information System Support of Hurricane Katrina Recovery Operations,” International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, Vol. 24, No. 2; Technology and Emergency Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2006); Tort Liability Today: A Guide for State and Local Governments, National League of Cities and Public Risk Management Association, Washington, DC, 10th Edition; and “Hazard Mitigation Planning Utilizing HAZUS-MH Flood and Wind Hazards,” Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 2.

Dr. Pine holds a B.A. in history from Rhodes College; an M.Ed. in adult education and counseling from the University of Georgia; and an Ed.D. in higher education administration and public administration from the University of Georgia.

March 6, 2008