Shore Road, Stevenston, North Ayrshire KA20 3LA
Sunday 1st of January 2017
Church services now at 10-00 a.m.
December dates for you diary
Sunday / 4th / CommunionSunday / 11th / Gift Sunday
Sunday / 18th / Nativity
Saturday / 24th / Christmas eve service
7.00 p.m. at Ardeer
Sunday / 25th / Joint Service at Livingstone at
11.00 a. m.
Today, we live in a very troubled world with serious conflicts in various places where people and families are suffering from awful atrocities. In the New Testament in the gospels of Mathew and Luke we read that over 2000 years ago the people were suffering in a similar way from the Roman authorities and no doubt had similar thoughts.
Luke tells us that an angel of the Lord appeared to a priest named Zechariah and told him that his wife who was barren and over the age of 50 would bear him a son and he was to be called John. He went on to say that John would be filled with the Holy Spirit from his birth and would prepare a way that would be fit for the Lord. Sometime later, an angel appeared to Mary and informed her that she would conceive a son and his name was to be Jesus. The angel told her that the child would be known as “Son of the most high” and that his reign would never end. This fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 9 that a son would be given and the government would be on his shoulders, the everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. We are familiar with the rest of the story but it does show us that God cares about the problems that we face and is always with us.
We will shortly be putting up the decorations for Christmas and getting concerned about the presents to be purchased and the excess of food that will be bought by many of us. However, let us look beyond the glitter and concentrate on the real meaning of Christmas. This child Jesus that was born would go on to offer people a new way of living and a deeper understanding of the Christian faith.
That same Jesus is still giving us the same message and if we let him into our lives will make an immense difference.
We often complain that our churches do not have the same influence as they used to have and are not well attended. I am sure that the church has made many mistakes along the way and people are discouraged, but we should not pass the buck. We as members are Christ’s disciples and it is also up to each one of us to exhibit our faith and to encourage others to come and join us. Maybe then, our congregation will grow and perhaps 2017 is the year that God has chosen for the birth of a new ministry in Livingstone and Ardeer.
This is a wonderful time of the year with such good news to share about our faith and the hope that the world will be a better and more peaceful place if more will follow the teaching of that little child born in such unusual circumstances.
May God bless you all throughout the Christmas Season and in the year to come.
Ken Welch.
Autumn brings so many changes in our world. This year I have particularly enjoyed the wonderful dry and sunny weather. This has made the foliage turn the most wonderful colours and the lack of rain and wind means that the trees have kept their leaves in all the golden and red hues.
I am still a child at heart, one of my favourite pastimes is to walk through the fallen leaves crunching them and kicking them in front of me; Roy just pretends he is not with me. I firmly believe that we all have childlike traits within us, if we didn’t I think the world would be a far more frightening prospect. My faith is childlike, I just believe.
This autumn has brought the pleasure of the changing season but it has also brought the parting of two of our members who have personally given me so much support and I know that my life in Ardeer will be so much poorer without them.
To remember Guy and with Mrs Easton’s permission I am going to re-run Guy’s walks in the Ardeer Area. He put so much effort into each article; I appreciate all his work and enjoyed them immensely, I hope you will enjoy re-reading his tales. No, we shouldn’t look back but nostalgia surely also has a place in our hearts.
Fergus Buchanan has kindly written an article for Ina who will be missed by everyone not just me, she had very big shoes and they will take a lot of filling. Good night Auntie Ina.
Margaret Kelso
Ina McDonald
We weren’t long in Stevenston before we realised what a blessing Ina was to the congregation of Ardeer Parish Church. She worked closely with me in the preparation of the church for weddings and funerals and became “Auntie Ina” to our sons.
The organisations within the church that benefited from her gifts are well known but it would be difficult to sum up Ina’s impact on the community in general. No one was outside the warmth of her care. A listening ear, a word of encouragement, any practical help possible. Ina gave all of this and more.
We thank God for everything she was and everything she did in the Service of Her Lord.
Fergus Buchanan
First walk with Guy
(This was written in 2012, it’s amazing what has changed in this short time, I have not altered anything but we all know some members are no longer with us.)
How many shops or business’s do you think there were in Ardeer in the 1960’s.
Rather than give you the answers lets go for a walk starting at the station gates and walking down Shore Road towards the water.
On the right hand corner was Nichol’s the chemist where Mr McDonald Snr. was the pharmacist ably assisted by Miss (Mary) Love. During the 60’s Maureen Getano started in the chemists and only recently retired when Roddy McDonald sold the business. The next shop was up the close and was a barbers/hairdressers and next was a butchers, Whites, then Sawyers the newsagents. Mrs Sawyer was of course Captain of the Girls Brigade for some years. Does anyone else remember this shop going on fire and all the stock of fireworks being lost. The next shop was Morrisons bakers where Millie Kentfield nee Garret and Agnes Erskine nee McFadzean worked, then following was Joe’s cafe; ice cream and sweets at the front and chips at the back. The second last shop on this side of the road was Ailsa Tearoom and for the last shop you had to walk down past the putting green, was that a business with its hut which distributed balls and putters, to get to the shop at the corner before the shore to buy your pail and spade and perhaps lemonade or ice cream.
O K lets go back to the station gates and start on the left hand corner where Gilmour’s grocers and next to that Armours, Mrs (May) Armour, soon to be 97 could tell you more about that. The next shop down was a ladies hairdresser owned by Mrs Blair, wife of Wallace, then the co-op dairy. The next business was Maxwells the dentist who operated from his home at that time and then it was Frank Gilmours Radio/TV shop just before the manse gardens. Carrying on down Shore Road past the church we will not count the Post Office which is in Caledonian Road but should we count Campbell Blair’s shop at the peak of Shore Road and Ardoch Crescent as in Shore Road. When we came to Stevenston there were poles across Shore Road above Gilmour’s Bungalow and so no through traffic like there is today to Trelawney Terrace.
Would you believe we have only walked Shore Road but counter 16 shops/businesses if we include Campbell Blair’s and the putting green hut.
I hope you enjoyed the walk and if you can add names of who worked where please let me know.
Next time we will walk up Caledonian Road and Carment Drive but until then I’m off to put my feet up.
This session has started really well for the Guild.
We have several new members and have enjoyed lots of interesting speakers.
John Hodgart and Jim Dippie entertained us with traditional music. Cecily McLagan told us about her work as a missionary in Peru. Vivianne McDonald spoke about her visit to Burma and Dora Scottgave an interesting talk on Quilting.
Just before Xmas we are going on an outing to Dobbies Garden Centre.
In the New Year we are looking forward to Elizabeth Howie talking about her walk to Santiago in Spain and a Burns Night with George and Michael.
Come and join us anyMondayat7.15 the Church Hall.
Seashells (Mothers & Toddlers )
This group started in August as there was a need, and it has gone from Strength to strength. This group is part of the need being met in the community by ASFaCT.
The volunteers work hard every week to give parents/carers and the children a safe and stimulating programme.
We recently had a visit from North Ayrshire Council Staff who brought items for natural play and this was enjoyed by all They also left us a donation of children’s books. We look forward to their next visit Christmas Rhyme time and fun songs on Thursday the 1st of December .We hope this goes from strength to strength and would appeal for volunteers. If you can spare a couple of hours on a Thursday do pop in or let us know.
Our session is well underway and all girls are working hard towards their badges. The explorers are learning about safety out and about, the Juniors upwards have been learning about bees, and are now onto some very interesting facts they are now on to health and hygiene; they are all having lots of fun while learning.
A very successful Fundraiser was held, raising approximately £300.00.
We held a fancy dress party and are now looking forward to our annual visit to their pantomime visit.
At 1st Stevenston boys brigade this is a busy time with Christmas just around the corner, but it is also a fun time for the officers and the boys.
So far the anchors have been learning about space, dinosaurs, the beach, safety at the water, Jonah and the whale and the fishers of men. You may have seen their art work in the back hall. They have taken part in the drawing competition, we don’t know if we have a winner yet. We have a fun packed Halloween party with lots of great costumes. It was hard for aunty jean to pick a winner. The boys have also been learning about the reason we all wear a poppy on remembrance Sunday. We have a fun day in November when all boys go and have a fun morning with boys from other companies and have fun. The boys will also be going to the Livingstone pantomime on the 8th December; the boys are looking forward to this
The anchor Christmas party is on the 15th December in the hall with a special visitor or two. We also have a planned visit from the zoo lad with some lovely animals.
The juniors have been busy with battalion competitions, they so far have taken part in: bible quiz, bible knowledge, drawing comp, fun run, we may not have won any medals but it’s the fun of taking part, we still have a few to go badminton, football, story writing and figure marching. so, you never know. Watch this space! We have a football team that are doing well this year they train every Saturday morning in all weathers coached by Marc Mccolgan and John Wilson.
We had a pokemon sleepover that went well , we all have fun at the sleepovers, and this time the boys did all sleep. All section had a fun day at Eglinton part, with a treasure hunt, forest walk and the tent challenge also the burgers and hot dogs.
The boys have also been making a remembrance freeze and learning about why we hold a Remembrance Day, and some boys have been telling the others about family members they have lost in different wars.
With Christmas coming the boys are going to the zone in Saltcoats for a bouncy castle and disco party, and attending the Livingstone panto.
They have taken part in battalion competitions as well. They took part in the pool comp and came 3rd next is the quiz night, bible quiz also bible passages. They also attended the sleepover, some of the boys went on a sponsor cycle around Millport; the boys said they had a great time and can’t wait to do it again next year.
At Halloween night, the boys all took part in a murder mystery night in back room, this was fun.
Still to come is the table tennis comp, first aid, football and drill, so lots still to come . The boys also watched a movie about why we hold remembrance services and why we wear the poppy.
They are looking forward to their Christmas party at laser quest in Ayr.
Company boys will also we taking part in the Stevenston light switch on 9th December, they are also bag packing in Morrisons on the 29th December.
We would like to wish Mrs Maggie Boyce a speedy recovery from all the officers and boys.
Thank you all for your support throughout the year, we would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
The seniors have been busy with their badge work; they held a cake sale and made £40.60. Two of the boys took part in the pool competition. they also took part in the murder mystery night, they will also be bag packing on the 29th December.