Minutes for the March 18 meeting.

Present: Erik Craft, David Kitchen, Al Lane Andrew McBride, Jess Kitchin, Betsy Andress, Joe Kent, Chris Stevenson

Absent: Carol Summers, Ellis West, Amy Terepka

Jess Kitchin and Chris Stevenson reported on their two written proposals for a modest composting trial project and the creation of environmental residents in the dorms. The Committee was quite supportive of both ideas and encouraged the Amy and Jess to meet with Dee Hardy and John Hoogakker to get their departments to buy into the project. The Committee also thought it would be helpful for Amy and Jess to meet with Dean Bisese to further the environmental resident idea.

Erik, Andrew, and Betsy reminded the Committee of Weinstein LEEDS celebration on April 2 at 2:00 in the Alley Room of Weinstein. President Cooper will receive the LEEDS certification plaque, Andrew will make a brief presentation, and Jess and Amy will offer tours to any interested parties afterwards.

The Committee discussed more specifics regarding its transformation into a permanent standing committee. Please advise me if you see problems with language below.

For recommendation to the University Faculty: The Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) proposes that the Provost-created EAG become a regular standing University Committee with the following rationale and membership.

Background and Rationale: The charge of the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) will to monitor progress toward meeting the environmental goals in the Campus Master Plan, report frequently to the campus community on the extent to which these goals are being met, initiate studies of the campus environment, recommend to the Provost steps that the University should take to protect and improve the natural environment, and promote environmental sustainability on campus.


Faculty: There will be three faculty members appointed to three-year rotating terms. Reappointment is possible. Of these faculty, two will be from Arts and Sciences and one from Business, Law, Leadership Studies, or Continuing Studies.

Staff: Associate Vice-President for Facilities or Designate, a member of the University’s Purchasing Department, and the manager of Environmental Services.

Students: Three students chosen by the chair or committee in consultation with the deans.

Associate Colleges of the South Environmental Fellow.

The chair of the committee will be a faculty member. The committee will welcome other members of the University to participate in the activities and deliberations in a non-voting capacity.