Officers of the Association.

J. T. FERGUSON, Moderator, Priscilla, Texas

H. E. CHAMBERS, Secretary, Palestine, Texas

W. W. FEATHERSTON, Treasurer, Palestine, Texas

JAS. E. HOWARD, Cor. Secy., Grapeland, Texas.





AndersonCounty Missionary Baptist Association,



Anderson County, Texas, October 25th, 26th, and 27th. 1895.


Will Be Held with Pleasant GroveChurch, Cherokee

County, Texas, Beginning Thursday Night Before the Fourth

Lord’s Day in October, 1896


Palestine Semi-Weekly Times, Press,

Palestine, Texas

Nov., 1895

Title Page:





AndersonCounty Missionary Baptist Association,



Anderson County, Texas, October 25th, 26th,

and 27th. 1895.


The Anderson County Missionary Baptist Association convened with ElkhartChurch, Anderson County, Texas, Thursday night before the Fourth Lord's Day in October 1895.

Introductory sermon was preached by Elder H. E. Chambers, the appointee, from James (?), 27th verse, to a large and attentive congregation after which the Association adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock a. m. Friday.

[ 2 ]

At 9 o'clock Friday morning the Association met persuant to adjournment. J. T. Ferguson, moderator in the chair. H. E. Chambers, secretary. Prayer by ElderU. W. Lunsford. The Moderator announced the Association ready for business. Elders N. S. Herod and Wm. Hill appointed to read letters.

GuicelandChurch – N. S. Herod, C. A. Campbell and Jas. Howard.

MyrtleSpringsChurch – S. D. Box, W. F. Gray.

EvergreenChurch – Elder J. T. Ferguson, J. H. Dickey and J. T. Blair.

ElkhartChurch – Allen Montgomery, Lum McCracken and John Prewitt.

DensonSpringsChurch – J. T. Lively, J. D. Wise and J. W. Steadman.

PineGroveChurch – Elder Wm. Hill, D. F. Wilson and Lawson West.

Mt. Hope Church – Elder T. M. Conway and C. G. Odom.

ProvidenceChurch – J. W. Hardy, B. Masters and J. R. Luce.

Pleasant GroveChurch – Elder S. P. Harris, B. F. Treadway and J. F. M. Allen.

WalstonSpringsChurch – S. R. Denson, J. D. Crawford and W. J. Fincher.

CedarCreekChurch – J. E. Neal, Allen Callaway.

AntrimChurch – E. T. McDaniel, Wm. Durnell and J. W. Miller.

LibertyChurch – G. W. Starns, W. F. E. Hunt.

Lone StarChurch – Jesse Gentry, Tom Cutler.

Mt.HarmonyChurch – G. M. Carroll, G. H. Walker and J. J. Taylor.

FriendshipChurch – David Douthitt, H. C. Ashly and Wm. Ray.

SardisChurch – M. W. Martin, E. T. Butler and B. W. Shattuck.

Petitionary letters were then called for when Sardis church presented herself by her messengers and letter of dismission from the Neches river Association. Said church on motion was duly received as a member of our body and the hand of fellowship extended to her messengers by the Moderator.


Committee on Preaching – Pastor and Deacons of the ElkhartChurch and Brother M. W. Martin of Sardis.

The Association then went into the election of officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows:

Elder J. T. Ferguson, Moderator.

Elder H. E. Chambers, Secretary.

W. W. Featherston, Treasurer.

James E. Howard, Corresponding Secretary.

The Moderator then called for correspondence when Elder U. W. Lunsford and W. D. Williamson presented themselves from the Saline Association.

EldersR. E. Morris and J. C. Wingo from the Cherokee Association.

Elder T. J. Welch from the Neches river Association.

Elder W. D. Williamson, jr., Freestone county Association

Elder J. T. Smith, Tryon Association.


Committee on Sunday Schools – R. E. Morris, M. W. Martin and J. F. M. Allen.

Committee on Associational Missions – T. M. Conway, S. R. Denson and Jesse Gentry.

Committee on State Missions – W. H. Caldwell, J. P. Wilson and H. M. Vanfleet.

Committee on Foreign Missions – J. C. Wingo, Wm. Hill and James E. Howard.

Committee on Home Missions – S. D. Box and J. T. Blair.

Committee on Ministerial Support – T. J. Welch and E. T. McDaniel.

Committee on Temperance – N. S. Herod, J. T. Lively and B. W. Shattuck.

Committee on Finance – H. M. Vanfleet, J. T. Blair and Allen Calaway.

Committee on Executive Board – Wm. Hill.

Committee on Nominations – Jas. E. Howard, J. F. M. Allen and G. H. Walker.


At 11 o'clock a. m., preaching by Elder R. E. Morris, from Matthew XXVIII, 19th verse, to a large and attentive audience, and it is hoped much good was done. Association then adjourned to 2 o'clock p. m.


Association met at 2 o'clock p. m. pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Elder T. J. Welch. J. T. Ferguson, Moderator, in the chair, H. E. Chambers, Secretary. Moderator called for report of committees.


Report of Committee on Sunday Schools.

We, your committee on Sunday Schools, would from reading over church letters say that very little interest is manifested for Sunday schools in the bounds of our Association. Very few if any schools in existence. This should not be. The teaching of God's word to the young people results in much good. It prepares them to listen to God's called preachers and helps to accept Christ in their young age when more easily approached on the subject of religion. We believe that more conversions would have been reported from the various churches in the Association had there been more Sunday school work. We respectfully suggest that each pastor try to the best of his ability to have organized in each of his fields of work a Sunday school, or if not a regular Sunday school a Bible class for the purpose of instructing the young and old in the Word of God.

Respectfully submitted, R. E. MORRIS, Chairman



Report of Committee on Foreign Missions.

Our Lord said concerning mission work: "The field is the world." Then the mission field is larger than the territory embraced by the Anderson County Association, larger than Texas, larger than America and is the exact size of all the continents, countries, islands, and habitable portions of this earth added together. The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions and no geographical lines should be set for mission operations except for


convenience only. A few years ago China, Japan, India and Africa, besides other portions of the world held their doors fast shut against the gospel of Jesus. Now there is but one government on the face of the earth that refuses the gospel preacher admission. God has opened these doors and his command is: "Go in and possess the land." Thousands of heathens are being converted to Christ through the preaching of Baptist missionaries. God is honoring in a marked and peculiar manner the missionary work of the Baptist in China, Japan, Rome, Mexico, Africa, and other heathen and papal lands. We deplore the apathy and indifference of our Association on this subject of Foreign missions and recommend: 1st. That the pastors of the churches of this body preach at least two sermons to each of their charges on Foreign missions and take a collection for the same. 2nd. That the pastors each be requested to secure from the Foreign Mission Board, at Richmond, Va., copies of our Mission Journal, (which will be sent free for distribution among our people.) We believe that if our people were well informed on this subject that instead of the letters coming so unanimously blank, blank, blankety blank! there would be a liberal offering to the Lord from all parts of our territory and the spiritual starvation that seems to have so alarmingly prevaled in our territory we would find God true to his promise to pour us out a blessing that our hearts would not be able to contain it. 3rd. We would recommend further that our Association co-operate with the organized missionary work of the Baptist General Convention of our State.

J. C. WINGO, Chairman



Collection taken amounting to $4.75.

On motion and second the Association adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock Saturday morning.

Preaching at 7:30 o'clock p. m. by Dr. J. C. Wingo, from Rev. VI, 17th verse, to a large and attentive congregation and we feel that his effort was supremely grand and hope that good was done on this occasion.



Saturday morning at 8 o'clock the Association met persuant to adjournment. John T. Ferguson, Moderator, in the chair, H. E. Chambers Secretary. Prayer by Elder N. S. Herod. Minutes of preceeding day read and adopted. Rules of decorum read.

Report of Committee on Home Missions read and adopted after discussion and collection taken up amounting to $5.15.

Report of Committee on Home Missions.

While we know that the preaching of the Gospel is not confined to this Association, nor even to the United States, but extends to every nook and corner of the world, wherever there is a human being. The commission to preach the Gospel is "go teach it to every creature." We also believe there is a great destitution existing in our midst. We also realize that the House Mission Board has greatly helped us to send the gospel to those destitutions. Therefore we would recommend you to cooperate with our Souther Convention, because it pays you more money back than you pay them, thereby we will help to send the Gospel to millions of the destitute.

Respectfully submitted, S. D. BOX, Chairman


Report of Committee on Ministerial Support.

The Lord Jesus has placed the preaching of the Gospel in the hands of the Church. The Church is the only organized body in the world that is to do this grand work. This she does through the living ministery. The living ministery is worthy of temporal support. "Who goeth a warfare at his own charges?" "Who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof?" Or, "who feedeth a flock and eateth not the milk of the flock?" These scriptures plainly teach that the minister of Christ's Gospel should be supported by ample financial contributions from the Churches. Paul says: "If we have sown unto you Spiritual things, (preached the gospel,) is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things" – i.e. receive a temporal support. "Even so hath the Lord ordained


that they who preach the Gospel shall live of the Gospel." The New Testament rule, they law, is, "Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as they Lord has prospered him." "Every one of you" – none are excepted. "As the Lord hath prospered him" – i.e. an equalization of the burden. This is God's plan for the support of the ministery.

Respectfully submitted, T J. WELCH, Chairman.

E. T. McDaniel.

Report of Committee on Temperance received and read and after discussion was laid over until 2 p. m., after which Association adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock p.m. At 11 o'clock a. m. preaching by Elder R. E. Morris, from Rev. XXII, 16 verse, to a large and attentive audience, and we fell that the pure word of God was preached in spirit and truth.


At 2 o'clock p.m. Association met persuant to adjournment. Bro. Furguson, the Moderator, being sick Elder Wm. Hill was chosen Moderator pro tem. H. E. Chambers, Secretary. Prayer by Bro. N. S. Herod. Report of Committee on Temperance was taken up and adopted after discussion.

Report of Committee on Temperance.

Report of Committee on Temperance is the moderate use of the blessings that God hath placed here for our benefit. The word of God savys: "Be ye temperate in all things." Intemperance is just the opposite, the immoderate use of said blessings. In this cataloguge of blessings we, your committee would recommend as far as practicable total abstinance from the use of tobacco, the morphine habit and use of alcoholic stimulants and especially the last mentioned in as much as habits are more than apt to become fixtures with us, becoming so very, very hard to leave off when contracted. And while we believe that intoxication is the starting point of most all the crimes in existence, we insist that as long as such an evil exists we as a Christian people can promise nothing in our fugure safety for the rising generation. Therefore we recommend that each man


claiming to be a child of God, from henceforth urge Temperance to all men in all things and total abstinance from that which intoxicates.

Respectfully submitted, N. S. HEROD, Chairman.



Report of Committee on Associational Missions received, read and adopted as follows:

Report of Committee on Associational Missions.

We your Committee on Associational Missions would say that it is the duty of Christians to lend a helping had to the support of the Gospel and carry out the command of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As we love church priveleges let us show to the world that we desire their salvation by sending them to the Gospel. Brethren the spirit of Christ is the true element that inspires the heart of his children, as much as you know the work in the Lord is not in vain, so let us prove our faith by our works.

Respectfully submitted, T. M. CONWAY, Chairman.



Report of Committee on State Missions.

We your Committee on State Missions submit the following report: Next to our Associational Missions the work of State Missions lies near our hearts and should have our hearty support. The thousands of Germans, Bohemians and other Foreigners that are coming to our state seeking homes among us, and many Mexicans and Negroes already among us, with their false systems of religion will make impressions on our children and turn away them from the truth if we do not use God's means for their salvation. They are God's creatures and their souls are precious in His sight as the souls of others and it is our duty to give them the Gospel of Christ, and besides this there are a great many of our own people that are destitute of the Gospel of Christ and the cry comes to us, "come over and help us." Therefore we earnestly ask that our Association co-operate with


the Executive Board of our State Missions in this grand and glorious work.

Respectfully submitted, W. H. CALDWELL, Chairman.



Report of Committee on Finance.

Committee on Finance respectfully submits the following report.

Associational Purposes...... $17.25.

Minutes ...... 10.60.

Foreign Missions...... 1.00.

Home Missions...... 2.00.

Buckner's Orphan Home...... 3.75.


Total, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , $34.60.

Respectfully submitted, H. M. VANFLEET, Chairman.



On motion and second Association adjourned to meet Sunday morning at 8 o'clock.

Preaching Saturday night by Elder T. J. Welch, from Matt. I, 5th verse, to a large concourse of people, who seemed to be deeply interested upon the subject of religion.


Sunday morning at 8 o'clock a. m. the Association met persuant to adjournment, Elder J. T. Furguson, Moderator, in the chair, H. E. Chambers, Secretary. Prayer by Elder E. K. Lively. Minutes of yesterday read and approved. Rules of decorum read.

Report of Committee on Nominations received, read and adopted.

Report of Committee on Nominations.

We your Committee on Nominations would recommend the following named brethren compose the next Executive Board for the Anderson County Association for the ensuing year: T. M. Conway, G. W. Walker, Wm. Hill, M. W. Martin, J. F. M. Allen, S. R. Denson, G. W. Starns,


N. S. Herod, John Dickey, Wm. Durnell, and W. W. Featherston. To preach the introductory sermon, Jas. E. Howard, alternate, S. P. Harris. To preach the missionary sermon, N. S. Herod, alternate, T. M. Conway.

Respectfully submitted, JAS E. HOWARD, Chairman.



Treasurer's Report.

To balance on hand Nov. 1, 1894. . . . $105.40.

Rec'd, of Executive Board, Mar. 5, '95. 5.25.


Credit Total...... $110.65

By amt. paid Buckner's Orphan Home. 6.05.

By Home Missions...... 75.

By Foreign Missions...... 3.20.

For Minutes and Secretary's Fees. . . . . 35.60.


Total...... 45.60.


To balance on hand Oct. 20, 1895. . . . 65.05.

Received by letter Oct. 25, 1895,

For Minutes...... $ 10.60.

For Associational purposes...... 17.25.

For Home Missions...... 2.00.

For Foreign Missions...... 1.00.

For Buckner's Orphan Home...... 3.75.

Collected Oct. 25, 1895.

For Home Missions...... 5.15.

For Foreign Missions...... 4.75.

For State Missions...... 2.05.


Total...... 111.60.

Respectfully submitted, W. W. FEATHERSTON, Treasurer.

Report of the Executive Board.

We have not employed any missionary for the last year for these


reasons: 1st. Our means were limited, that being the case and our territory being small, we thought in our judgement best to hold the money over to the ensuing year and put both years together, then use it by employing a man that is able to set forth the doctrines of the Bible and go around and preach to the broken down churches as far as our means would extend.

Respectfully submitted, WM. HILL, Chairman.

Treasurer's report was received, read and adopted. (See report.)

Report of the Executive Board was received, read and adopted. (See report.)

On motion and second Corresponding Secretary was authorized to draw on treasurer for expenses for stationary.

Moved and seconded that Secretary have articles of faith printed in the minutes.

Moved and seconded that the Secretary superintend the printing and distributing of the minutes and he have such number printed as is in his judgment sufficient, and that he receive $10 for his services.


RESOLVED. That we tender to the citizens of Elkhart and people of that vicinity the thanks of this Associations for their kindness and hospitality in entertaining the messengers and visitors attending this body.

RESOLVED. That the executive board of this Association meet with Walston Spring church on Friday night before the fifth Sunday in Dec. 1895.

On motion and second the Association adjourned to meet at Pleasant Grove church, Cherokee county, Texas, on Thursday night before the fourth Lord's day in Oct. 1896.

Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. the missionary sermon was preached by Elder J. C. Wingo, from Matt. XXVIII, 19th and 20th verses, to a large concourse of people. The attention paid the preacher was perfect. After the sermon a collection was taken up for missions amounting to $11.85, after which a hymn was sung and parting hand taken.

So ended the Fifth Annual Session of the Anderson County Association,


in peace and harmony. J. T. FURGUSON, Moderator.

H. E. CHAMBERS, Secretary.

Ordained Ministers.

Elder T. M. Conway, Rusk, Cherokee county Texas; Elder S. P. Harris, Ghent, Cherokee county, Texas; Elder H. E. Chambers, Palestine, Texas; Elder E. K. Lively, Palestine, Texas; Elder J. T. Furguson, Priscilla, Houston county, Texas; Elder James E. Howard, Grapeland, Houston county, Texas; Elder Wm. Hill, Alder Branch, Anderson county, Texas.


H. M. Vanfleet, Palestine, Texas; C. A. Campbell, Grapeland, Texas; S. B. Mullins, Alder Branch, Texas; J. T. Blair, Priscilla, Texas.
