Name of Project: / Traffic, Cardinal Directions, and Mapping / Duration (hrs): / 4
CTE Course: / CJ II / Grade Level: / 10
Academic Course: / World History / School: / NSBHS
Teachers: / D. Johns and P Woodard
Project Idea:
Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem / In order to direct traffic properly, students must be able to identify cardinal directions from any given location.
Students must also understand cardinal directions for responding to calls for service and emergencies. Students will learn about historical tools that led to age of exploration and create a map in accordance to cardinal directions. Student will learn how to recognize and use relative landmarks that identify north and south in community and on a world map.
Driving Question:
The question that both engages student attention and focuses their efforts / If you were sent to directed traffic at a crash site or intersection, would you know which way was North or Westin your community and on a World Map?
Content and Skill Standards:
Those taught and assessed in the project / CTE Performance Standards
Read and interpret a map.
15.00 Describe and demonstrate traffic control procedure
Common Core/College and Career Readiness Standards
Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.
Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).
Common Core Standards – Language Arts and/or Mathematics
Summarize the causes that led to the Age of Exploration and Identify major voyages and sponsors.
21st Century Skills:
Those taught and
assessed in the project
For descriptions follow web links / Learning & Innovation Skills / Info. Media, & Tech. Skills / Life &Career Skills
Creativity & Innovation / Information Literacy / Flexibility/Adaptability / Productivity/Accountability
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving / Media Literacy / Initiative/Self Direction / Leadership/Responsibility
Communication/Collaboration / ICT Literacy / Social/Cross-Cultural
Culminating Products & Performances:
Elaborate on products
Discuss publication and presentation of projects / Products:
Creativity & Innovation Rubric / ·  Students will create a list of possible scenarios that require knowledge of cardinal direction in the Criminal justice field.
·  Students will create a mock intersection and direct traffic according to specific cardinal directions.
·  Students will non verbally communicate to each other using hand signals
·  Students will create local map that accurately displays cardinal directions
·  Students will create a compass as used by early travelers as well as other key tools in navigation that led to Age of Exploration.
·  Students will create a world map that charts explorer routes during age of exploration
·  In a small group students will develop a travel log of one early and identify relative location and landmarks with cardinal directions on journey of 1 explorer
Presentation Rubric / Group:
·  Students will respectfully participate in mock traffic incident without improper collaboration.
·  Students will display teamwork and professional conduct as they develop early explorer travel log / Presentation Audience
·  Notes on traffic hand signals
·  Students will create local map properly identify route from house to school
·  Student will identify tools of navigation and create a compass rose
·  Student will map 10 major voyages on world map /
Entry Event/Project Launch:
Introduction/background information to set the stage / In World history teacher will have students draw world map and compass rose from memory than have students check themselves for accuracy.
In CJ 2 teacher will have a student volunteer blindfolded and have volunteers direct students from door to desk with verbal communication only then have students attempt to do it with nonverbal communication
In-Depth Inquiry/
Need to Know
Discuss how the project engages students;
Develop student guidelines for each phase of project
Student Project Guidelines
Project Management Log/Group
Project Work Log/Individual
Creativity/Innovation Rubric / As students develop maps they will excited to share with classmates location of home, artistic ability, knowledge of world and community
1.  Introduction and Team Planning:
2.  Initial Research Phase - Gathering Information:
World History teacher will provide materials in forms of Atlas and websites that students will need to cross reference in order to complete World Map and travel log.
The Criminal Justice teacher will require students physically travel and take notes in community after school that identifies names of local streets, intersections, local/visible landmarks and Cardinal directions.
3.  Creation and Development of Initial Artifacts, Product(s), and/or Prototype(s):
Compass rose will be created with emphasis on artistic creativity.
Maps will be create individually and will require use of color coding
4.  Second Research Phase - Additional Information & Revision:
Students will be required to practice non verbal communication of traffic signals as well as identifying local landmarks to help guide navigation of throughout local community. Students will need to use World map to create travel log of explorer.
5.  Final Presentation Development:
A demonstration that displays direct traffic properly North or South, in a emergency situation within their local community..
Students must also understand cardinal directions for responding to calls for service and emergencies
6.  Publication of Product or Artifacts:
Maps will be displayed in hallways. Possible video taken of demonstration. Mention of Project success in Newsletter
Discuss collaboration among colleagues in teaching the project
Discuss collaborative instructional strategies utilized by students
Collaboration Rubric / Teachers:
Teachers will instruct units during the same time approximately in week returning from Winter break. Teacher will share class time and resources in order for students to create artistic compass rose, local and world maps, Class discussion will include cross curricular content in order to enhance purpose of collaboration.
·  Students will respectfully participate in mock traffic incident without improper collaboration.
·  Students will display teamwork and professional conduct as they develop early explorer travel log
Voice & Choice:
Describe how students play a role in project design and implementation / Students will be able to identify locations of local map If they chose not to include home address. Student will be able to pick most interesting explorer to make travel log for.
Instructional Technology:
Select and discuss the technology-based instructional options embedded in the project / / /
/ interactive exploration website /
Public Audience:
Describe how business partners contribute to project learning. / Local police officer will attend mock traffic demonstration
Assessments: / Formative Assessments
(During Project) / /
Summative Assessments
(End of Project) / / Other Product(s) or Performance(s) w/ Rubric:
/ Physical demonstration
Reflection Methods: / Individual
Whole Class / /
Revision & Reflection:
Scaffolded feedback and “check points” should be routinely provided by the teacher within the collaborative instructional process. Feedback can be based on either teacher and/or peer evaluations / /