November 10, 2011

ATTENDANCE: Lori Lund, Susie Matzat, Julie Baumgart, Lin Metzger, Carrie Wachter-Morris, Julie Presley, Kathy Renie, Samantha Lowe, Julie Breuninger, Cindy Kunda, Mark Friedmeyer, Lisa Crick, Sarah Altman, Tonya Balch, Hannah Sasser, Brandie Oliver, Lin Metzger, Lisa Crick, Kim Waugh, Maggie Power.

Susie started the meeting at 5;00 pm with board member introductions. Our first guest speaker was from BYU. Our second guest speaker was the regional rep from ASCA.

Mark Friedmeyer moved to approve the agenda with flexibility and Samantha Lowe seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.

Mark Friedmeyer moved to accept the September board meeting minutes as corrected and Julie Baumgart seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.

Lin gave the treasurer’s report. She rolled over one of our CDs. We did make money on our elementary retreat this year. Julie Presley moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Cindy Kunda seconded the motion.

Samantha Lowe gave the membership report. We currently have 506 members.

Susie reviewed the upcoming calendar dates: November 21st Lin and Carrie will be presenting at the Indiana Association School Principals conference. Newsletter due dates have changed to November 28th for article submission and that issue will come out in January 2012.

Cindy Kunda will present the one bylaws change to the membership tomorrow.

Tonya Balch gave the ICA report. She said their conference will be at Ball State March 1-2, 2012. Jim Nelson has been conducting town hall meetings around the state.

Sarah Altman gave an update on the elementary retreat. We had 33 attendees and the survey results were positive. Next year’s retreat will be the last weekend of September 2012.

Brandie Oliver gave an update on the regional workshops. Some of the sites may be Valpo, Butler, Bloomington, and maybe another one or two.

Julie Presley has added the DOE School Counselor pages that have been sent to her for upload.

We have around 340 registered conference attendees and 57 exhibitors.

Susie Matzat gave an update on the changes to the ISCA End Policies. Carrie Wachter-Morris moved to accept the ISCA End Policies as written and Mark Friedmeyer seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Susie showed samples of the new public relations items Bonnie Colon has ordered. There are positive comments about the screen clothes, water bottles, Lands End logo clothing.

Samantha Lowe, President Elect Elect, will work on scanning all archived historical items so everything could be in an electronic format.

We need to update our job descriptions located in Drop Box before the February 11, 2012 board meeting.

Julie Baumgart shared some planning ideas regarding ISCA Day on the Hill.

Julie also has been exploring a funding source so we could provide a scholarship to a K-12 student.

Lisa Crick gave an update about our Learn 360 project.

Kathy Renie gave an update on the Foundation. We have a link on our website.

ISCA membership meeting will be tomorrow at 3:30 pm. Susie reviewed the agenda for tomorrow.

Carrie Wachter-Morris moved to adjourn and Mark Friedmeyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.

Meeting ended at 6:15 pm.

Written by : Lori Lund, ISCA Secretary