Phases of the Moon Activity
Throughout the month the moon changes shapes or at least appears to be changing shapes. Actually as the moon revolves around the Earth, the Earth makes the moon appear as if it is changing shape in the sky. From Earth’s view we see the moon get larger, smaller, and then disappear for a few days.
We are going demonstrate each of the 8 moon phases in relation to the position of the Earth, moon, and the sun.
· Earth and Sun cut out sheet
· 8 Oreo cookies
· Paper towel
· Plastic knife or plastic spoon
· Moon Phase Diagram
· scissors
Directions: With a partner, use the moon phases diagram to demonstrate each moon phase with the Earth and Sun cut outs and an Oreo cookie. Recreate each of the 8 moon phases by modeling your Oreo cookies to look like a different moon phase. The cream represents the part of the moon that is receiving light and the cookie represents the ‘dark side’ or the side not receiving light. For example, if you are modeling the first quarter phase, you would take off the top of the cookie, and then scrape half of the cream off of the cookie using a plastic spoon or knife. Now, situate the Earth, sun, and moon (Oreo cookie) in the correct position to show the full moon phase. After demonstrating with your partner, fill in the chart on the Moon Phase activity chart, drawing the moon phase and the position of the Earth, moon, and the sun during the moon phase. Repeat the previous directions 7 more times, doing this for each phase and working with their partner.
Name of Moon Phase / Draw the Moon Phase / Draw the position of the moon, Earth, and Sun during the PhaseFull
Third Quarter
Name of Moon Phase / Draw the Moon Phase / Draw the position of the moon, Earth, and Sun during the Phase
First Quarter