03.04.2011 22:19:14 WEBLOGIN
Bus speeding
Direction: South
ST 1633387
04.04.2011 10:33:07 WEBLOGIN
The driver on this bus is frankly dangerous to passengers and other road users. He repeatedlybreaked sharply throughout the journey. There was one incident in Regent Street where he broke so sharply that the woman sitting opposite me ended up on my lap.There were two or three passengers standing, all of whom asked one another if they were OK. The driver appeared not to notice.Fortunately no-one was injured but the way this man drives it will only be a meter of time. He also accelerated in a very dangerous manner in front of a lorry just opposite Green Park - the lorry drived hooted but the driver just drove on. There was another incident with a small white van. I travel by bus about twice a week so I do realise the quality of the driver varies but this was one of the worst dribers ever.
Direction: Northbound
ST 1635358
04.04.2011 17:13:41 WEBLOGIN
Please tell your driver it is dangerous to force a cyclist into the curb leaving them no room.
Direction: Towards Regents Park
ST 1637693
05.04.2011 14:27:00
The caller got on the bus in question but the driver told him to get off because he was carrying a pot of paint. He got off and got on the next bus with no problem with the driver.
The driver of the first bus was though also very rude saying; 'get off you pussy'.
Please investigate this matter and deal with the results of that investigation appropriately. No reply to the caller is necessary at this stage.
Best Regards
Time of Incident: 13.15:00
ST 1650914
11.04.2011 10:07:51
Caller said that her car was parked on Hay Hill o/s the Casino on Hay Hill in picadilly between Dover St and Berkeley St.
Witnesses reported that at about 22:00 on Thurs 07.04.2011 her vehicle was struck by a passing C2 bus.
The caller said that no London Buses use this road nor would want to as it is tiny. The caller believes the bus / driver got lost on a local diversion.
The caller said her witness(s) said that the bus did not stop and that she did not find a notice on her vehicle.
The caller said that the damage is to her driver side panels, wheel and wheel arch. The caller said that her car has red paint on it and she believes the bus will have green paint from her Fiat Punto.
Please investigate, customer seeking damage claim directly with Metroline.
ST 1652649
11.04.2011 14:48:22 WEBLOGIN
C2 bus at Parliament Hill Fields on Friday 8.4.2011
Saturday, 9 April, 2011 13:41
From: View contact details
I writing to you today to report the following incident.
Yesterday, Friday 8.4.2011 C2 bus number TE686, driver number 276 was parked in front of St Alban Villas, under our windows, onHighgate Road from 18.30 till 20.30 at the bus stop. Half of the bus was on the white sic sac line, thus obstructing the traffickcoming down Highgate Hill. The driver was in the bus all the time, switching the lights and engine on and off. There is a sign atthe bus stop which prohibits running the engine when the vehicle is stationary. The bus stands on the other side of the road wereempty. Passengers approached the bus, the driver did not open the door, but waived them off. When the bus eventyally left, thedriver did not pick up the passengers, four of them, who were left at the bus stop.
I telephoned Metroline Holloway. The desk number: 0207 530 7430 the telephone rang several times and after a while a recorded message came on to announce that the receiver had put the phone down. I tried several time with the same result. At 20.01 Itelephone the control room directly at 0207 530 7416. The controller told me to go through the proper procedure and call the desknumber. I told him that I could not get through, I was cut off several times. The controller said that he does not deal with thepublic and thus he does not want to know what the problem is. I asked for his name. He refused to give his name and said that hewas going to put the phone down on me, which he did.
This is not the first time I have encountered this kind of behaviour from Metroline, but a long standing, ongoing problem. As soonas the controllers are not on the site, ie at Parliament Hill Fields, Highgate Road, the drivers start taking liberties and theMetroline controllers do not want to know.
Can you please look into this and let me know what the outcome is.
Thank you,
Direction: end stop
ST 1657845
13.04.2011 09:05:14 WEBLOGIN
Once again the incompetence of the C2 bus drivers is beyond comprehension. Apparently the ticket reader on the bus was not working and I was evicted off the bus to go and sort my oyster card out when it had nothing to do withmy card. The bus driver was far fromhelpful - rude in fact. it's amazing how well my card worked on the next bus. Idiotic and incompetent. I expect an immediate response.
Direction: Oxford Circus
Time of incident: 08:15:00
ST 1657852
13.04.2011 09:08:55
Customer said the driver was driving with one hand on the bottom of the wheel and his left leg raised off the floor and on the side.
Customer said the driver was taking corners with one hand only.
He is concerned with the safety aspects of this.
Time of incident: 18:15:00
ST 1658474
13.04.2011 11:14:07
The customer hopes you will view the CCTV to witness that the driver failed to stop to pick him up although he saw the him. The customer says the driver was speeding. (I did explain that it is the Police who generally request CCTV to be viewed).
The customer had a physiotheraphy appointment at 9:50 today so he was waiting at kentish town station bus stop.A 214 came to the bus stop showing 'kentish town'Another bus came showing 'kentish town'.A134 came.
The c2 overtook all three buses while the customer was standing at the head of the queue waving his hand. The driver waved his hand as if to say 'get lost.'The time was 9:44 at kentish town station when the C2 passed by.
T101 K L D
The customer was 15 minutes late and had to make another appointment.He requests a written response from the bus company.
ST 1658642
13.04.2011 11:30:43 WEBLOGIN
ref 1008662845
I emailed over two hours ago and demanded an immediate response.
ST 1659604
13.04.2011 14:31:02 WEBLOGIN
1008662845 - I am STILL waiting for a response 5 1/2 hours after sending my complaint... I expect no less from an imcompetent TFL.
Please escalate to management level and respond.
ST 1661963
14.04.2011 11:16:34
Customer said that the driver failed to allow her on.
She is a wheelchair user and encounters difficult drivers from time to time. Her wheelchair is within the weight limit and the guidelines that TFL set and she can manage the turning required to manoeuvre within the bus
She would like the garage to speak to the drivers and make them aware that her scooter is acceptable on the buses.She is not happy with drivers making it difficult for her, she then has to lodge a complaint.
She feels this is unacceptable as drivers should be aware of what is accepted. This hinders her ability to use the buses and she is not happy that yet again she is contacting C2 operator for the same thing.
Time of incident: 11:00:00
Location: Kentish Town Fire Station
ST 1664650
quick query:-
Why do the C2 bus drivers not let passengers on to buses whilst they wait at Victoria Station?
All other bus drivers on other routes do - but for th C2 drivers it seems they are in no rush to allow paying customer on board until the last two minutes before they leave.
Thanking you in advance.
ST 1665610
15.04.2011 13:04:23 WEBLOGIN
Waited for over 25 mins for a C2 or 214. In that time three C11s came and hardly anyone uses them. 10 people at the bus stop at William Ellis School mostly pensioners. On Wednesday evening waited over 20 mins for 214 going to Highgate and gave up. This really
is an appalling service. That's now over 30 mins.
Direction: Camden Town
ST 1672096
18.04.2011 16:57:51 WEBLOGIN
I was on my way to catch my bus home, starting my journey from Kentish Town, destination Victoria Station. When we arrived atGreen Park, the driver announced over the tannoy that the journey would terminate there. I got off the bus and attempted to askwhy the bus had terminated, having a bus to catch from Victoria, I expected to be able to finish the journey there. The driver, ina rude manner and without any eye contact said that he had orders, he suggested I use the 38 bus, but why should I since I hadalready paid the fare? As a student I don't have much money and had no other cash on me at the time. He pointed into a randomdirection where I would have to walk. I had to ask other members of the public and run to Victoria station. I would have missedmy bus otherwise. My complaint is this. The reason for terminating the journey was not satisfactory, other C2 buses were stillusing the route and there was no attempt to accomodate the passangers on their onward journey. The bus driver was very rude to meand very unhelpful. If I had of missed my bus I would have had no way of getting home to Bristol as I had no spare cash on me. Idon't see why I should have had to run to catch my bus as the C2 would have got me there in time for my connection. I wasextremely hot and out of breath as I suffer from mild asthma. Please explain why this occurred. In all my time using Londontransport, I have never come across such a scenario, normally your staff are polite and helpful. I hope such an incident doesn'thappen again.
Direction: Victoria
ST 1677092
20.04.2011 10:34:31 WEBLOGIN
I boarded the bus on Albany Street heading to Berkeley Square after 1 stop we were told that the bus was being diverted viaTottenham Court Road which would have added an unacceptable amount of time to my journey making me late. I asked the driver for a
refund which he said he couldn't issue so he gave me a 'transfer ticket', as I left the bus the driver closed the door on me makingme stumble, had I been elderly or less able bodied this could have resulted in an injury. I would like a refund for my journey as Ihave essentially paid a full fare to be shaken up and to travel one stop which is 5 minutes walk from my house.
Direction: South
ST 1688051
26.04.2011 12:59:06
The customer was asked to pay £2:20 as she did not have her freedom pass with her.
As she is aware, as a mobility scooter user, she should not have to show a freedom pass.
She therefore requests a refund.
Paper ticket numbers: 39789 3438 18290
Stage 9 to stage 20 although she was only going one stop.
She asked how her cash would be refunded. I said it is usually saver tickets but obviously they would not be of use to her as a freedom pass holder.
She asked therefore if she could have tickets to use on the river instead.
If that is not possible, please would you send her a suitable refund thank you.
(She mentions that she has had to make other complaints previously but they were logged under the name of her neighbour.)
ST 1688457
26.04.2011 14:15:32
Transferred from PST1684153 (this PST contained errors, therefore transferred onto new ST!)
23.04.2011 10:26:44 WEBLOGIN
I wish to report and bring to your attention for your urgent action, the rapid and on-going detrition of the C2 and 214 bus routes.
There are so many examples I could give, so I have chosen just a few.
On Thursday last, I was at the bus stop at the end of Dartmouth Park Road wishing to travel into the centre of London. I had to wait 25 minutes before any bus arrived. During that long wait, after about 10 mins, a C2 came along but was out of service.
I should say that the bus end of route is only 1 stop away from Dartmouth Park Road. And it is quite normal for C2s, to park there for 10 mins or so and then go out of service. I presume that the drivers shift is over. But, wouldn't it be a better way of runninga service, if, rather than waiting at the terminus for the end of a shift, that the driver actually drove a little way along theroute before going out of service? It is a pointless waste to time, especially with engines running, to wait for 10 mins when thereare passengers to pick up.
Later that evening, my partner and I were in a restaurant at Camden Town, seated by the window. Between 8pm and 8.06 pm, 6 C2s, heading northwards, went by. Just imagine the gap in service this convoy had caused.
Routes, C2 and 214 appear to have no controller, at least on some days, to sort out problems. The buses are often left to bunch up in convoys. On some days there appears to be someone in charge who is willing to attempt to regulate the services.
If there are controllers I wonder if the fact that quite a number of busses on these routes don’t appear on the countdown system, means that the controllers have no idea of where the buses are.
I travel very early on a Sunday morning and even the early busses do not run to the timetable.
Lastly to further illustrate the poor regulation of the service, a week ago I was on a 214 from Liverpool Street to Kentish Town.The bus stopped opposite Old St Pancras Church to change drivers. The relief driver was sat in a car with other Metroline staff on the opposite side of the road. To say he was slow in getting out of the car and preparing to drive the 214 would be understatinghis actions. Within a short time the following 214 had caught up with us.
Please take my comments seriously and improve the services.
ST 1690504
Please see Comments Recording Form (dated 23.04.2011). (Page 1)
ST 1709770
05.05.2011 11:37:16 WEBLOGIN
I live in a block of flats on the junction (W1S 2YT). Your bus drivers use when they are coming from the garage and are heading up to Parliament Hill Fields. For some reason, late at night they decideto sit underneath my bedroom window on with their engine on - sometimes revving for minutes at a time. It wakes meup, among others no doubt. I see no reason for them to sit there as they can go to Parliament Hill and switch their engine off.Please can you ask your drivers to be more considerate to the residents. I look forward to hearing from you.
05.05.2011 15:05:31
The customer is a courier and he indicated and was pulling out of the road. The bus driver decided not give any way so the courier beeped at hyimhe bus driver stuck his finger at him.
The courier caught up with him at the next bus stop and called him a fat git and said he will report him. The bus driver said go for it boy and the courier is 48 years old and not child.
Please investigate.
No reply is needed to the caller because the caller is confident you have internal procedures in place which are adequate to deal with this matter.
Kind Regards
ST 1727757
11.05.2011 13:57:41 WEBLOGIN
The Driver was hunched/resting on the steering wheel trying to hide the phone in the palm of his hand while moving at speed throughtraffic lights on Regent St (north) talking on a mobile phone.The pavements were busy with lunchtime pedestrian traffic.
Direction: Southbound
Time of Incident; 12:45:00
ST 1739595
See attached letter(Page 2).
ST 1746837
To whom it may concern
Today I was cycling north up Kentish Town Road, just north of Camden Town tube station. Just after I had crossed the narrow bridge over the canal a C2 bus began to pass me but before it had fully passed me it pulled into the bus stop, forcing me off the road onto the pavement (either that, or get squashed). I was frightened and infuriated by that, so I went to the front of the bus and asked the driver to open the door. He did not. I went to his side and asked him for his driver number or identity, but he would not give it to me. He smiled at me and clearly had no interest in my complaint. He then drove away, while I was still at his off-side window, leaving me in the middle of the road.
I was lucky in this incident because I am an experienced cyclist and was able to manoeuvre onto the pavement, and because there were no railings or a high kerb at that point; if that had not been the case I would have been hit by the bus.
The driver's total disregard for my safety or rights as a road-user was astonishing. He clearly needs more training. Please let me know what you will do about this incident. If I do not receive a satisfactory response I shall take this matter further.
The registration of the vehicle was LK03 CFY, and the incident happened at 1312 today 17 May.
Yours faithfully