Holly Springs Fire-Rescue District

Commission Board of Fire Control

Tuesday, August 5th, 200


A public meeting of the Holly Springs Fire-Rescue District Commission Board of Fire Control was held on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008 at 7:00 pm. in the Conference Room of the Holly Springs Fire Department administrative building. Chairperson Clara W. Edwards presided. The following members were present or absent as indicated:

Chairperson Clara W. Edwards – Present

Vice-Chairman Robert L. Golightly Jr. – Present

Commissioner Hugh Jackson – Present

Commissioner Ronnie Garrett – Present

Commissioner Bob Holleman – Present

Chief A. Lee Jeffcoat Jr. – Present

Asst. Chief W. Brent Blackwell – Present

Administrative Assistant Traci Juntunen – Present


Captain Tony Patton

Captain Russell Hart

Claytons Monuments-Bruce Claytons

F.D. Attorney Mathew Henderson

In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, notices of this meeting will bee-mailed in to local media or other interested parties that formally requested such copies.

Invocation was rendered and the beginning prayer was led by HSFD Attorney Mathew Henderson

Agenda items were addressed out of order as indicated.


Commissioner Robby Golightly moved to approve the August 5thst, 2008 meeting minutes as printed and emailed. The motion was seconded and carried.


The following unfinished business was addressed and actions listed:

  • Bruce Clayton attended to discuss the option available for developing a method of honoring permanently past fire chief, commissioners, and other special members. Chief Lee Jeffcoat presented draft of procedures for honoring & memorials for selected members whom meet criteria. Discussion on this topic will continue next meeting.
  • Discussion on referendum and public information meetings. Chief Jeffcoat recommended scheduling a Commission Board workshop on Tuesday Sept. 9th at 7:00pm to establish formal presentations for public information. Meeting scheduled for above date.


Chief Lee Jeffcoat provided the following fire department operations report:

  • Financial Report for August 2008
  • Due to Holiday, no financial report available at this time. Will have later in month when all financial reports come in.
  • Operations
  • Chief Jeffcoat meets with BB&T representatives about payroll at request of the Commission Board. BB&T can assume payroll and Accountant responsibilities. Will have final report in October Meeting.
  • Grant for Quick Response Truck is final and truck ordered. Delivery date in January 2009 to replace M-5 that was removed from service last year. Photos and specs provided to board members.
  • Grant for Thermal Imaging Camera final. Camera demo shown and should be ordered this month.
  • Upcoming Fire Department events
  • Senator Jim DeMint & staff to visit HSFD on September 23rd 2008 @ 10:00are to tour station. Chief Jeffcoat to have presentation and reception ready.
  • Chief Jeffcoat requested a brief executive session.
  • Session ended and meeting continued:
  • Annual Salary cost of living adjustment-Chief & Assistant Chiefs salary due to cost of living increase. Commissioners requested the S.C. standard cost of living of 4%. This was unanimously approved will go into effect September 1st 2008.
  • Chief Jeffcoat was tasked with developing employee evaluations to properly evaluate each full-time & part-time employee’s performance with the assistance of Commissioners Ronnie Garrett & Bob Holleman.
  • None