Chapter 3, Base Access, Conduct, and Control

Section 3 - 4 Base Facilities Board

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Base Facilities Board

Updated by Capt Edward Cousineau, May 2001

AUTHORITY: ANGR 86-7, Facilities Board (30 June 1987)


The Base Facilities Board is established by the ANG Installation Commander and is intended to provide overall review and judgment regarding the use of base facilities (real property) and civil engineering resources supporting the installation mission. Consistent with its purpose, the Board consists of the Installation Commander, Base Civil Engineer (BCE), commanders of each military organization and chiefs of each major base function. Additionally, non-voting members include the Fire Chief and others designated by the Installation Commander, who serves as chairperson.

The Board should meet when necessary, but working groups should be established to accomplish day-to-day liaisons with civil engineering and be cognizant of facility requirements of the major functional areas.


Certain real property management actions must be presented for Board approval, and include:

1. Real property maintenance or repair by contract above the BCE's approval authority;

2. Minor construction above the BCE's approval authority;

3. The military construction program;

4. All proposed changes in facility use and the annual facility utilization requirements survey;

5. New host/tenant support agreements or changes to existing agreements which affect civil engineering resources;

6. Contractual services applicable to operation or maintenance of real property and building or land leases;

7. Proposed acquisition, disposal or out-grant of real property; and

8. Changes or renewals to real estate agreements, (e.g., leases, licenses).

The Board should also consider but is not required to consider real property management items as directed by the chairperson, including:

1. Utilities management and conservation; and

2. Environmental protection, enhancement and assessments.

The BCE must prepare and maintain records of each meeting of the Board and send one copy to NGB/DEP. Commanders should consult their Staff Judge Advocates for further guidance on the purpose and composition of the Board, as well as specific inquiries regarding appropriate subjects for the Board to consider.

KWIKNOTE: Installation Commanders should actively participate in meetings of the Base Facilities Board.


Airport Joint Use Agreements 25-2

Architect and Engineer Services 25-5

Base Security Council/Resource Protection Committee 3-5

Border Clearance – Arrival of Aircraft from OCONUS 15-3

Civil Associations and Military Corporations 22-2

Construction at Armories 25-7

Contracting Pitfalls 25-8

Environmental Duties at Base Level 12-3

Hazardous Waste Disposal 12-4

Preservation of Historic Properties 12-5

Facilities – ANG 25-9

Fire Protection Jurisdiction 25-11

Jurisdiction 2-5

Fraud, Waste and Abuse 16-7

Installations Jointly or Solely Occupied by the ANG 25-12

Jurisdiction 2-5

Leases and Armory Use Agreements 3-12

Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Programs, Activities and Facilities 22-4

Quarters 25-16

Real Property – Acquisition and Retention 25-17

United States Property and Fiscal Officer (USP & FO) 25-20

Weddings and Other Social Affairs on Base 3-18

Air National Guard Commander’s Legal Deskbook