Pre-AP Chemistry

Colorado River Collegiate Academy


Teacher: Jim Hallamek

Room: Class 1111Lab 1113


Office Hours/Tutoring: 8:00-8:35 am - daily

4:10-5:30 pm - as indicated on weekly Tutorial Board

Course Goals:

The main goal of this course is to learn chemistry. To do so, however, requires the learner to master more than a collection of chemistry facts and figures. Facts can be found with a simple internet search. Learning how to think and problem-solve like a chemist is more important. Successful chemistry students use their knowledge of facts to solve problems and examine issues critically, often using logic, intuition, and trial and error. Frequent laboratory activities will provide hands-on exposure to chemistry concepts and support the development of students’ problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities.

It is also important that students develop their abilities to communicate what they have learned in their chemistry class. Students will often need to share information in graphic or written form. Yes! – Writing is extremely important in science class and will be required regularly.

Chemistry Topics:

  • Lab Safety
  • Matter – Properties and Change
  • Structure of the Atom
  • Periodic Table & Periodic Law
  • Mixtures and Solutions
  • Compounds – Ionic and Covalent
  • Ionic and Covalent Bonding
  • Chemical Reactions
  • The Mole and Stoichiometry
  • Acids and Bases
  • Gas, Energy, and Light
  • Nuclear Chemistry


Chemistry – Matter & Change, McGraw-Hill Education, 2015

Online access to the text and supporting materials will also be utilized.

Classroom and Laboratory Conduct:

We are here to learn. Respect yourself, others, and property at all times. Each class will develop a social contract that will guide our positive choices in being respectful in the classroom and in the laboratory.

Chemistry lab activities will often involve equipment and/or materials that could be hazardous if safety rules are not adhered to. All students will understand and implement safe practices in the laboratory. A Lab Safety Contract, signed by the student and their parent/guardian, will be required before any student can participate in laboratory activities.

In addition, students will be expected to:

  • Be in class on time and have all needed materials with them
  • Participate in classroom and laboratory activities
  • Ask questions and/or share concerns when issues arise
  • Keep distractions out of the classroom and lab – cell phone use for purposes other than those authorized by the teacher is not allowed.

Grades: 40% Daily grades: homework, quizzes, and lab activities

60% Major grades: tests, major projects/presentations, major labs

BISD’s district policy is to include at least 3 major grades, and 7 daily grades in any given 6-week grading period. These are minimum standards, and there may be more assignments. Students’ grades will be updated regularly in Skyward. This should assist both students and parents in keeping informed of the student’s progress in the course. Missing or incomplete assignments will be coded specially in Skyward. The codes will show up as follows:

  • A grade of a “1” in Skyward indicates that an assignment is missing or not turned in.
  • A grade of a “2” in Skyward indicates that a student was absent for a given assignment, and has not yet come in to make up that assignment.

Late work and make up work will be addressed as found in the BISD Comprehensive Grading Guidelines found online at

Attendance and Tardies:

Some absences are unavoidable, but I ask that students please limit the number of absences. Please keep in mind that it can be very difficult to make up a laboratory activity due to time and the availability of materials. If so, an alternate assignment that addresses the learning objectives for the lab may be substituted.

A student will be considered tardy if they are not in the classroom, seated, and working on the warm-up activity by the time the bell rings. Students tardy to the classroom must visit the office to receive an “Admit to Class” slip. On the 3rd tardy in a given semester, a call will be made to the student’s parent/guardian. Additional tardies within a given semester may result in a call home, conference with parent, and/or an assignment to afterschool tutorial period(s).

Academic Integrity:

Cheating on any assignment, whether it is a daily or major grade, will not be tolerated. Cheating on any assignment will result in a grade of zero given for that assignment. Cheating can be copying, giving someone the answers, or completing someone’s work for them. Any type of communication (talking, texting, signaling) during a quiz or exam is considered cheating. Plagiarism on projects will not be tolerated. All sources used on projects must be cited.

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Pre-AP Chemistry Syllabus

Student Name (Please print):______

Parent/Guardian Name (Please print): ______

Parent/Guardian Contact Info:

Home number: ______The best time to call is: ______

Work or Mobile:______

Parent/Guardian Email Address:______

Primary language at home: EnglishSpanishOther: ______


By signing below, both the student and parent/guardian agree that they have received and understand the syllabus for Pre-AP Chemistry and agree to the expectations of the course.

Student Signature:______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Upon completion, please return this page to the instructor.