Beatson Institute for Cancer Research.

Risk Assessment.

Assessed by : TOM GILBEY / Date of Assessment: 19.05.10 / Assessment Ref No: BAIR/TG/190510
Research group: BAIR / Review Due :19.05.12 / Signature :

For the purpose of this risk assessment the following system of scoring will be applicable:

Probability Rating:1. Remote possibility or unlikely to occur.
2. Likely to occur in time if no preventive measures taken.
3. Likely to occur in the immediate or near future.

Severity Rating:1. May cause minor injury, illness, or property damage, no lost time.

2. May cause major injury or illness or property loss resulting in time loss.

3. May cause serious or fatal injury/illness or catastrophic loss of property.

Risk Factor: =Probability Rating x Severity Rating.

1-3: Eliminate if possible: not an emergency.

4-6: Requires urgent attention, ASAP.

9: Immediate corrective action is necessary, stop working.

Please complete Sections 2 – 8 as appropriate first, then complete Section 1 as a summary of all risks

Section 1: Summary


Nature of Process:

Area in which process is to be carried out

Who might be affected by any significant hazard?

Nature of hazard:

Risk Reduction Measures

Can risk be minimised by System of Workyes no


Can risk be minimised by personal protective clothing or equipment
(PPE -this should only be a last resort)yes no

If yes specify what PPE will be used:

Specify if special training is required to reduce risk

Specify any Extra First Aid/ specialist equipment needed
Description of process

Briefly describe the experimental procedure indicating what stage(s) present the greatest hazards (e.g. initial preparation of reagents from stock) and how the chemicals listed above are used together).
Microscope hazard depends on the procedure. | Care should be taken with unfixed tissue culture cell lines not to contaminate the microscope with cell spillages. (wear gloves). | When using the fluorescent microscopes the operator should avoid looking at the UV light directly for long periods of time. If the UV/Mercury bulb explodes the room should be vacated for 30min. | Small amounts of methanol should be used for cleaning the lenses again gloves should be woren.Care should be taken not to spill the methanol around the microscope area or sit it close to the UV electrical power supplies. | Small amounts of oil should be used if required again avoid contaminating area and skin (wear gloves ). | Look out for broken glass around and on the microscope as slides are sometimes broken and fragments of glass left by previous operator , Also be wary of laser light but all appropriate safety interlocks are in place

Specify how waste produced will be disposed of: cinbin

Specify actions in the event of a spill or accident:

Specify actions in the event of loss of services (e.g. electricity to fume hoods etc)

Is health surveillance required?


Probability Rating after controls

Severity Rating after controls

Risk Factor(P x S) after controls

1. Sign hard copy of form and keep with group Risk Assessments

2. Email electronic version of completed form to Robert McFarlane or Bob Blackie

3. Review date should be not more than 2 years from date of risk assessment

Section 2:COSHH : Chemicals

Chemical to be used / Beatson COSHH rating / Physical state of chemical: / Amount purchased / Hazardous properties –see MSDS sheet / Route of hazardous exposure / Amount to be used / Frequency of use / Time of exposure / Exposure limits? See MSDS
METHANOL / 0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / LARGE AMOUNTS BY STORES / FLAMMABLE LIQUID/HARMFUL IF INHALED / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
MICROSCOPE OIL / 0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / 25ML BOTTLES / R38-IRRITATING TO SKIN / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
MERCURY BULBS / 0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours
0123 / SolidLiquidgas SolidLiquidgas / inhalationskin absorption ingestioninhalation + ingestioninhalation + skin absorptioningestion + skin absorptioninhalation +ingestion + skin absorbtion / DailyWeeklyOccasionallyOne off / secondsminuteshours

1. Sign hard copy of form and keep with group Risk Assessments

2. Email electronic version of completed form to Robert McFarlane or Bob Blackie

3. Review date should be not more than 2 years from date of risk assessment

Section 3:COSHH -Biologicalagents

Genetic manipulation ref. no. (if applicable)

Description and source of organism/ material/ procedurefixed tissue samples

Amount to be usedvaries

Specify all hazards other than GMO.

Risk reduction measures to be taken

Section 4:Equipment

Describe equipment used:microscope with laser cutter

Has all equipment required been checked for safe operation:yesno

Are all safety interlocks in placeyesno

Risk reduction measures:

Section 5:Maintenance

Process being undertaken:

Has all equipment required been checked for safe operation:yesno

Is a permit to work required?yesno

Does surrounding area require protective measures?yesno

If yes what measures are required?

Risk reduction measures:

Section 6:Fire.

What combustible is to be used?methanol

What sources of ignition are around?bulbs

Is a permit to work required?yesno

Risk reduction measuressmall amounts used in bottles

Section 7:Physical.

What is the nature of the physical hazard?

Has all equipment required been checked for safe operation?yesno

Risk reduction measures:

Section 8:Radiation.

Radionuclide to be used:

Activity (in MBq)

Chemical form

Frequency and duration

Nature of radiation hazard

Type of monitoring to be used:

Risk reduction measures:

1. Sign hard copy of form and keep with group Risk Assessments

2. Email electronic version of completed form to Robert McFarlane or Bob Blackie

3. Review date should be not more than 2 years from date of risk assessment