Greek Week Event Chair Application
Due to the Greek Life Office by May 2nd, 2017 by 5 pm
Interviews will be held May 3rd and 4th
Sign up for an interview when you turn in your application
Name: ______Fraternity or Sorority: ______
Positions held with Greek Week: ______
Positions held with in your Fraternity or Sorority: ______
T-Shirt Size: ______
Phone Number: ______Email Address: ______
Positions you are Interested in: rank in order
Banquet - Sing – Greek Games – PR –Philanthropy -Community Service –Greeks at the Game -Speaker – Trivia
What do you think the purpose of Greek Week is? ______
What new ideas do you have for Greek Week? ______
What ideas do you have for Greek Week themes 2018? __ __
What strengths would you bring to the committee?
What are some of your growth areas?
How many breakfast burritos would fit on the basketball court in The Pit?
Describe how you came to this answer: ______
I, ______do hereby authorize the University of New Mexico Dean of Students, its Deans and its staff, to examine my records in order to confirm my eligibility to hold an Events Chair Position in Greek Week. Furthermore, I realize I must remain in good standing throughout the entire term of office and my records will be checked periodically. I do hereby agree to not miss no more than 2 Greek Week Chair Meetings or I understand that I will be removed and replaced.
______Applicant’s signature Date
Lobo ID Number: ______
Date Interviewed:______Interviewed by:______
Appointed: yes ¨ no ¨
Greek Week Overall Chair’s signature______Date:______
I verify that the above named student is:
Eligible ¨ NOT eligible ¨
Representative of Greek Life Staff’s signature
Approved by Interfraternity Council: yes ¨ no ¨ Date:______
Approved by Panhellenic Council: yes ¨ no ¨ Date:______Approved by MGC: yes ¨ no ¨ Date:______
Notification: Email Phone Call In Person