ARC | Arts + Design
A+D Advisors
Spring 2016 Application
Tell us what trends in arts and design research are emerging,
so that we can make sure that they flourish at Berkeley.
Tell us what UC Berkeley does best in the arts and design,
so that we can tell everyone else.
Starting in 2016, the Arts + Design Initiative seeks A+D advisors and researchers to helpusarticulate the broad and distinctive strengths of UC Berkeley’s arts and design profile. With ourA+D Advisors Programwe will create teams of scholars, artists, designers, curators, advanced students, alumni, and expert staff to excavate and analyze the past and present state of UC Berkeley’s creative landscape and develop road maps for its future. This is a chance to think strategically and comprehensively about how we might establish systems and secure funding for allied campus organizations across the arts and design.
After several consultations and summits,we have identified an array of subfields that present key opportunities for growth and coalition building at UC-Berkeley; hence, our 2016-2017 institutional platform seeks participation in the overlapping field domains outlined in the application below. While the format for AdvisorTeams will be realized in collaboration,awarded teams will both investigate a particular research domainandsurvey where and how such research and teaching is being done on campus. They will also compare best practices in other contexts and ideally identify under-noticed continuities and allegiances across units.Through regular think-tank sessions and programmatic events, teams will synthesize their work into short white papers that outline the central research questions, best practices, and exciting subfields within this domain; they will also identify resources and propose novel collaborations for sharing and fortifying a coalition across campus. This programseeks outcomes in the domain of public programming andcollaborative research, but, even more strategically, we seek plans for longer-term coalitions that might include new systems,shared staffing, infrastructure, and funding sources.
A+D AdvisorsApplications can come from groups or from individuals who wish to join a team in a field domain. Finalizedteams will receive scheduling and targeted event-coordination support as well as up to $5000 to defray the costs of institutional research, think tanks, and strategic colloquia on best practices. Teams are encouraged to collaborate with and augment existing curricular and programmatic activity across a range of units.
Project teams will ideally represent a full range ofdepartments, divisions, colleges, presenting organizations, and other auxiliary units on campus.
Subsidy and Support
$5000 to defray costs, plus targetedscheduling and event support.
A+D Advisors Application Schedule:
We imagine that five to seven teams will be working in parallel in any one semester. We seek applications from individuals and groups along the following timelines:
To Begin in Spring 2016: Applications received by January 14 at 4pm
To Begin in Summer 2016: Applications received by April 21 at 4pm
To Begin in Fall 2016: Applications received by August 16 at 4pm
To Begin in Spring 2017: Applications received by November 10 at 4pm
Application Materials
Inquiries about the program may be directed to Lauren Pearson, Associate Director at the Arts Research Center, at or (510)642-4268.
ARC | Arts + Design
A+D Advisors Program
Spring 2016 Application
A+D Advisors Applications:
Field Domains: After surveying the UC Berkeley landscape, our 2016/2017institutional research platform seeks participation in the following broad, overlapping research domains outlined below. We welcome applications from teams as well as from individuals who wish to join a team.
Art + Design+ S.T.E.M.including:
S.T.E.A.M. for Grown-Ups: Excavating the best practices amongst national movements that integrate the arts and S.T.E.M. field, this domain surfaces UC Berkeley’s own varied and deep, but as yet unclaimed, S.T.E.A.M. profile, plotting its future along the way.
“Design”across Scales: Given UC Berkeley’s historic strengths in art and design fields as well as recent innovationsin engineering and business on campus, this domain considers the range of associations, practices, and values attached to “design”across fields in the sciences,engineering, architecture, business, the humanities, the arts, and more.
Data Aesthetics: On a campus where data science is being re-imagined within our core curriculum, this domain explores new innovations in data art, the aesthetics of data visualization, and the role of data in tracking arts participation, plotting new research fields and establishing role of the arts and design initiative in cultivating numeracy in students and citizens.
Fabrication Across the Spectrum: Whether in engineering or environmental design, in student groups or academic departments of art and theater, this team excavates the labs and shops where BerkeleyMakers build, assemble, paint, wire, fire, and fabricate, identifying points of connection across units and plotting spaces or systems for the future.
Arts + Design +Collaboration+Literacyincluding:
Hybrid Practices: Advancing the Arts Research Center’s “Time Zones” series and working across multiple units, this domain explores the histories, experiments, vocabularies, values, and curatorial strategies of cross-art collaboration in visual, theatrical, literary, musical, cinematic, design, and architectural forms.
Creative Competencies: On a campus whose Chancellor has declared the importance of Creativity in the undergraduate experience, this domain explores various definitions of “creativity” across disciplines –investigating and framing our campus’s capacities to developmulti-modal learning and creative competencies throughout the curriculum.
Tradition and Innovation: Expanding upon the “Old Things” series at the Townsend Center for the Humanities, this research domain explores how UC Berkeley’s research expertise in the deep history of arts and design practice contributes centrally to our capacity to innovate creatively and ethically in the present.
Cultural Criticism: In a digital world where “everyone’s a critic,” the future of cultural criticism is reportedly more vibrant and more imperiled than ever. How do we train students to think critically and alsoproduce and consume critical writing across the arts and design—visual art, dance, architecture, music, literature, theater and more? How do we prepare critics and citizens to engage meaningfully in experiments that cross art and design forms and/or engage a range of artistic literacies and popular forms, online and offline?
Media Futures at Berkeley: The study and making of mediated forms occurs throughout our campus—in different schools, divisions, departments, centers, and student groups. What are the different kinds of media knowledge cultivated in these domains? How can they best be joined, distinguished, scaled, iterated, fortified, or redefined to ensure a robust 21st century future for the study and making of media forms at Berkeley?
Arts + Design + PublicLifeincluding:
Climate and Environment: Conceived in partnership with BECI, this domain addresses the scientific, political andother disciplinary hurdles in creating robust public art engagement in energy and climate change research, as well as best practices for engaging the arts and design in movements for environmental awareness.
Equity, Diversity,and Social Impact: While many research domains implicitly and explicitly contribute to social impact, this domain focuses on the histories, futures, and competing goals in joining the arts and design to movements for equity and social justice, offering plansthatalign ourdepartments, centers, and initiatives into a shared platform with a robust vision for the future.
CulturalEntrepreneurship: Working across the arts, humanities, social sciences, policy, and business, this domain investigates old and new models of funding, patronage, investment, and entrepreneurship that valuecreative labor and thatsustainartistic cultures in local, national, and international communities.
The Arts and Urban Design: Building upon coalitions created within and outside the Global Urban Humanities Initiative, this domain identifies key goals in urban art research for UC Berkeley, considering its status as both a Bay Area and global research university invested in the future of urban design in its many forms.
GlobalCultures:On a campus that cultivates the study of creative practices from every region of the world, this research domain considers the historic, political and conceptual role of arts/design/culture in international andglobalcontexts, considering what it means to move from a “world arts” context to a “globalarts” context that might contribute to the BerkeleyGlobalCampus curriculum.
Health and Wellness: At a time when many universities have developed innovative arts and design platforms within the health sciences, this team excavates synergies across Schools, programs, departments, and co-curricular units to articulate UC-Berkeley’s resources and its potential contribution to this growing field.
ARC | Arts + Design
A+D Advisors Program
Spring 2016 Application
Please check the appropriate deadline for this application:
☐January 14, 2016– received by 4:00 pm
☐April 21, 2016 – received by 4:00 pm
☐August 16, 2016 – received by 4:00 pm
☐November 10, 2016 —received at 4:00pm
Name (For group applications, please note who will be team leader):
Campus Affiliation (s):
What Field Domain (s):
What is your focus within this/these domains?:
Description of Interest in this Field Domain:
What are your central questions as a researcher? What other individuals or entities on campus contribute to this field domain as researchers, teachers, or coordinators? Where do you see the opportunity to advance Berkeley’s international research and creative profile in this domain? And/Or to improve substantially Berkeley’s undergraduate experience? And/Or to augment our local and global engagement profile?
What campus units or existing programmatic activity do you seek to bring together within this domain of inquiry?(Feel free to share any hurdles to building a coalition across multiple units.):
Do you wish to build upon an existent event or strengthen an ongoing series or course already planned?Are there resources or parallel events and activities that you think could be creatively joined to your endeavor?:
What collaborative formats do you propose for investigating our campus profile in this domain as scholars, artists, designers, and/or curators?
What formats do you propose for learning about best practices at other universities or other contexts?
Do you see this domain currently or eventually offeringCreative and Investigative undergraduate research opportunities? Or cultivating basic or advanced skills in Literacy or Numeracy? Do you see it cultivating dispositions—engaged, open-minded, etc-- outlined in the Chancellor’s undergraduate initiative?:
Do you see particular opportunities for shared facilities planning, staffing, or other operational forms of collaboration to stabilize this field domain?
Share any background that you think is relevant for framing this research and creative opportunity—whether your own research and teaching, the research and teaching of others, UC-Berkeley’s history, or universitiesor other sites that have cultivated robust profiles in this domain:
Please include each affiliated Faculty member’s CV and/or a short statement of research.