·  Prestructural / l Unistructural / lll Multistructural / Relational / Extended Abstract
Needs assistance / Definition identifies one relevant idea / Definition identifies several relevant ideas / Definition identifies several relevant ideas and links these to the whole / Definition identifies several relevant ideas and links these to the whole. Taken into another context.
I, as a student know that:
I don’t know what a SOLO Taxonomy is.
I need help to use a SOLO Taxonomy.
I need help to understand a SOLO Taxonomy / I, as a student know that:
I have limited understanding of the SOLO Taxonomy.
eg I have heard it and seen it but am not sure exactly what it means
I have limited understanding of the uses of the SOLO Taxonomy.
eg I can only use a SOLO for my basic facts learning
The SOLO Taxonomy is a tool for showing stages of learning.
eg A SOLO Taxonomy told me where I was for learning my addition strategies.
I am not using the SOLO Taxonomy regularly in my learning.
eg I have used a SOLO only once or twice / I, as a student know that:
I am using the SOLO Taxonomy in my learning.
eg I refer to the Solo Rubric to identify my present level… I am at uni-structural because…
I can explain the terms used in a SOLO Taxonomy
eg Unistructural means that…..
I can use the SOLO Taxonomy to identify the next steps in my learning.
eg now I need to do this to move to the next stage
I can use a SOLO Taxonomy to assess where I am at the end of the learning session(s) (Summative assessment)
eg at the end of this unit on Balloons I am at the ….stage / I, as a student know that:
I am using the SOLO Taxonomy to talk about the level of my learning and to identify my “where to next?”
eg I am now at multistructural and need to ….. to move to the relational stage.
I am using the SOLO Taxonomy as feedback to myself and my parents.
eg Mum I have moved from prestructual to multistructual in using addition strategies
I can use the SOLO Taxonomy to see the progressions/connections in my learning.
eg Now that I can do this I need to do that to move to the next stage / I, as a student know that:
I am using the SOLO Taxonomy to identify the links for integrated learning.
eg To improve my reading I need to focus on developing my understanding of vocabulary
I am using the SOLO Taxonomy to create targets/expectations in a variety of my learning areas.
eg Maths: I now need to increase the range of strategies I can use to solve division problems
I am using the SOLO Taxonomies to communicate my achievement to others.
eg I began on multistructual, now I am at extended abstract because I can now…

C:\Documents and Settings\Educator\My Documents\School\ICT\SOLO TAXONOMY RUBRIC FOR STUDENTS.doc. Created By Kerry Adams ICT lead Teacher : Ohaupo School 2009