uwe students union Minutes
Finance & General Purposes Committee
Meeting held on Tuesday 18thrd November 2014 at 5:30
Present: Charles Roper (Chair), Scarlett Oliver, Roisin Greenup, Hannah Khan JJ Clark
In attendance: Hugh Boyes, Stephen Skinner, Rita Abrahams & Nerys Neath
Apologies: None
Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on the 21st October 2014 were agreed:
Matters Arising:
1. Karen Thompson to present paper in December exploring options around discounts for NUS Extra card holders. Carry forward.
2. All to feedback to Charlie on the best way to make University Finances meaningful to students. Done.
3. Hannah to produce a detailed and costed report on the Union Roadshow. Done
Other matters arising:
a. Steve to set up an account with TRIDOS.
b. UWE have agreed that we can remain in the existing shop for at least a year, but we must utilise the shop space in the new building in some manner.
30/15 Response to Audit Findings
The proposed Management Response was agreed with one change, that the financial regulations should be reviewed by May 2015.
31/15 Sports Ball and Awards
The report was discussed and the proposals accepted. The budget for sound and visual should be £4,000 which will reduce the surplus by £667.
32/15 October Management Accounts
The report was discussed and noted. The reported deficits on karting and Western eye were incorrect, they are not in deficit.
33/15 Cash Machine at Bower Ashton
The decision to go ahead with the cash machine at Bower made by email was ratified.
34/15 Appointment of External Auditors.
The report was discussed and the proposal agreed.
35/15 Union Roadshow
The report was discussed and the proposal agreed subject to an additional budget of £1,000 being allocated.
36/15 Change of Name for End of Term Party
The report was discussed and the proposal agreed, however, some officers expressed concern that there may be some backlash arising from this decision.
37/15 Any Other Business
There are a number of officers unable to attend the next meeting. Hugh to review and reschedule if required.
Next meeting: 16th December 2014 at 5:30 in 4F10 - Provisional
Action Points
1. Karen Thompson to present paper in December exploring options around discounts for NUS Extra card holders.
2. Steve to open account with TRIDOS.
3. Hugh to review the date of the next meeting.
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