Postdoctoral positions around the world:

Postdoctoral Researcher in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa

A Ph.D. is required at the beginning of the appointment. The position will start on September 1st, 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter (start date is negotiable). The initial appointment term will be one year with the possibility of two or three one-year reappointments subject to mutual agreement.
Applicants should submit the following:
1. a CV (including a publication list and a list of three references)
2. a concise statement of research interest (up to 1 page)
3. reprints/preprints of two or three selected publications
by email to with the subject line “CMT postdoc application” and arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent separately. Please also upload items 1 and 2 above to the university employment website (with item 2 as a cover letter). Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.



Postdoctoral positions in Condensed Matter Theory group at Argonne National Laboratory

The Condensed Matter Theory group at Argonne National Laboratory has several postdoctoral positions that are immediately available. Areas of particular interest are electronic structure in support of synthesis efforts; analysis of spectroscopic data; quantum information, including quantum algorithms and modeling of physical processes in QC architectures; transport in topological semimetals; strongly correlated electron systems. Current staff members include Olle Heinonen, Alex Koshelev, Peter Littlewood, Ivar Martin, Kostya Matveev, Mike Norman and Hyowon Park. We would appreciate if you could forward this to any candidate who might be interested in these positions. Please have them send their CV by email, along with three letters of reference, to . The deadline for receiving applications is Oct. 1, 2018.

A link to the Condensed Matter Theory group is at




Postdoctoral Fellowship in Condensed Matter Theory at the Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism at the University of Augsburg;

This postdoctoral position is to be filled in spring 2018. Applications will be reviewed as they arrive.
Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply for a postdoctoral position in Condensed Matter Theory in the Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism at the University of Augsburg. This position will start in Spring 2018 and is part of the Collaborative Research Program "From Electronic Correlations to Functionality". Preference will be given to candidates with research interests in ordering phenomena in correlated electron systems, topological states of matter, and spin-orbit coupling physics. Applicants should forward their CV, publication list, and a summary of research interests to
Professor Dr. Arno P. Kampf
Theoretische Physik III
Elektronische Korrelationen und Magnetismus
Institut fuer Physik
Universitaet Augsburg
86135 Augsburg
Applications are expected to be accompanied by at least two recommendation letters.




The Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)


Center of Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CeFEMA)


(PERIOD September 2018- August 2021)

Post-doctoral associate position on Condensed Matter Theory to study dynamics and new phases of quantum systems out of equilibrium, specifically, in the areas of driven systems by quantum quenches, driven open quantum systems, effects of interactions in systems with non-trivial topology, topological phase transitions and topological defects and their dynamics.

Host at CSRC (Beijing):

Rubem Mondaini,

Hosts at CeFEMA (Lisbon):

Pedro D. Sacramento,

Pedro Ribeiro,

The positions are opened for a three-year appointment, renewable yearly, to be spent half in China and half in Portugal, to start preferentially in September 2018.

Starting Salary: 1,500 euros (after tax)

Based on performance, the 2nd year increment ranges from 1,550 euros to 1,650 euros, and the 3rd year could come up to 1,800 euros (all after tax). (There will be a strict procedure of evaluation on the performance)

Applicants should be no more than 35 years of age at the time of application and should have obtained their Ph.D. after 2012.

Applications, including a detailed curriculum vitae (indicating date of birth, nationality, family status, dependents), list of publications and at least two letters of recommendation (that should be signed, scanned and sent by the reference of the candidate), should be sent to:

Professor Hai-Qing Lin


Professor Pedro D. Sacramento


Please note -- a signed recommendation letter is mandatory,plain-text e-mail recommendation letters are not accepted. Deadline for receipt of applications: 31 May 2018.



Applications are invited for a research associate investigating Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics/Quantum Optics at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

The successful candidate will join the research group of Dr. Andreas Nunnenkamp, and will investigate inter alia feedback control and reservoir engineering, topological phases of light and sound as well as disorder and synchronization in multimode optomechanics. The role is funded by the H2020 FET proactive grant "Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies". The close collaboration with partner institutions, e.g. HITACHI Cambridge Lab and EPFL, is planned.

The candidate must hold (by the start date) a PhD in theoretical quantum optics, condensed matter theory, or closely related discipline. Strong background in the theory of open and/or many-body quantum systems is highly desirable. Background in optomechanics is desirable, but is not essential. The candidate should have a publication record commensurate with career stage and must be able to demonstrate a capacity for independent research.

The appointment will be on the Research Associate scale at a level determined by skills and experience. Expenses for travel and computing associated with the project will be provided. The position is available immediately, start date negotiable, but no later than 1st Oct 2018.

Limit of tenure: The funds for this post are available for 24 months in the first instance.
To apply for this vacancy, please go to and click on the 'Apply'. This will route you to the University's Web Recruitment System, where you will need to register an account (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.

Please ensure that you upload your Curriculum Vitae (CV) including a list of publications and the contact details of at least two referees and a covering letter in the Upload section of the online application. If you upload any additional documents which have not been requested, we will not be able to consider these as part of your application.

Informal enquiries can be addressed via email to Dr Nunnenkamp ().

Please quote reference KA14571 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.

The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.






Applications open for Perimeter Scholars International, Perimeter Institute, Canada;



Postdoctoral Position opening, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

The start date is flexible, but can be as early as the end of September.



Delft University of Technology, 1-2 PhD students to start in summer-autumn 2018;



Post-doc opening (immediate), phd openings in theory, Delft

In the context of a ERC Advanced Grant on topology and superconducting junctions, we have a post-doc opening to be filled as soon as possible and 1-2 phd openings to be filled in summer-authumn 2018.



University College Dublin -- a POSTDOC AND a PHD STUDENT, both to work in condensed matter theoretical physics -- specifically, the theory of single molecule devices / molecular electronics, funded generously by an IRC Laureate Award.

  • POSTDOC position (2+2 years @ €43,828 - €47,728 pa): See attached advert, and apply online at clicking "External Applicants" and then entering Reference Number 010546. Deadline 6th August.
  • PHD position (4-year PhD, fees (at EU level) and stipend @ €16,000
    pa fully funded): See attached advert, and online here. Apply directly by email to
    , with cover letter, your full CV, and details of 2 academic referees. Deadline 6th August.

For more information about the theoretical nanoelectronics group at UCD, see See also the UCD School of Physics website. Informal enquiries welcome to



Annoucement of PhD and postdoc positions in Kvantti group in Helsinki;

We anticipate the opening during the autumn of 2018 and in 2019 of several positions in quantum technologies in the Kvantti group at Aalto University, Finland. The group works on superconducting qubits as an experimental platform for implementing quantum information processing algorithms (quantum simulation, quantum computing) and methods for quantum sensing. This field has had a tremendous development in recent time, and presently offers plenty of opportunities for developing yourself as a scientist. If you are passionate about quantum physics and its applications and you would like to acquire the relevant skills, you might consider joining our group in Helsinki as a Ph.D. student (candidate) or postdoc.

The starting salary (gross) for a Ph.D. student is 2488 €/month while for a postdoc it is 3533 €/month.

If you are on your way to finishing your M.Sc. or your Ph.D. and you have the drive to learn new things, perhaps this will be the best step to take: drop an email to the group leader at for further information.



Postdoc position in Houston: Stochastic Thermodynamics; in the Department of Physics of the University of Houston. The position is for two years and the postdoc will work with me
on stochastic thermodynamics. Specific topics of interest include bounds on fluctuations in nonequilibrium systems, periodically driven systems, applications related to biophysics, and the relation between information and thermodynamics. Interested candidates should write an email to . (Andre C Barato)



Postdoctoral position in condensed matter theory at Iowa State University;

I am writing to advertise a postdoctoral position in strongly correlated condensed matter theory in my group at Iowa State University. I would greatly appreciate your bringing this opportunity to the attention of any strong candidates.

Candidates should have experience with many body quantum field theory techniques and an interest (although not necessarily experience) in collaborating with experimentalists.The condensed matter group at ISU/Ames lab is extremely strong and highly collaborative.Areas of interest include heavy fermions, frustrated magnetism and unconventional superconductivity, along with other strongly correlated materials.

The position is expected to begin in Fall 2018.Interested candidates should send a CV (including a list of publications) and a brief research statement to , and arrange for two letters of reference to be sent to the same address as soon as possible. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.



Tenure-track assistant professor in hard condensed matter theory. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York;

The applications received by Dec 7, 2018 will receive full consideration.



A two-year postdoc position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics has become available at the Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Appl Deadline: / 2018/07/20 (posted 2018/06/25, listed until 2018/12/25)



We have two openings for Research Associate positions at Imperial College London on 'Quantum Simulation and Algorithms for New Quantum Materials'

Closing date5 October 2018




The Physics of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems (T4) of Los Alamos National Laboratory has an opening for a post-doctoral fellowship in theoretical condensed matter physics October 2018 (or later). We work on a broad range of topics including unconventional superconductors, heavy fermion materials, quantum phase transition and topological materials.

Theoretical expertise in condensed matter theory is required. Experience in driven quantum systems with dissipation and decoherence is preferred. We welcome candidates with background in numerical simulations of quantum many-body systems. The prospective candidate must have completed a PhD program in theoretical physics. The initial appointment is for two years, with renewal contingent upon mutual agreement.

The successful candidates will have the opportunity to interact with experimentalists and the latest experimental development, and to access the state-of-art supercomputers at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The candidate is expected to work on driven quantum systems under
dissipation and decoherence.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Interested applicants should send a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Shizeng Lin, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Email: , Tel: +1-505-665-8794

More information about the postdoctoral program at Los Alamos National Laboratory can be found at

Candidates may be considered for a Director's Fellowship and outstanding candidates may be considered for the prestigious Marie Curie, Richard P. Feynman, J. Robert Oppenheimer Fellowships. For more information please visit

The Los Alamos National Laboratory is an equal opportunity, affirmative actions employer. Women, underrepresented minority and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. ​



Postdoctoral opportunities in condensed matter theory and materials modelling at Manchester.

Please, attract attention of suitable young theorists in your group, school or institution to the postdoctoral opportunities in condensed matter theory and materials modelling at Manchester, described in the attached flier and in

The advertised posts will be focused on modelling electronic, optical, thermal and mechanical properties of heterostructures of various two-dimensional materials, and we will be equally interested in postdoctoral researchers with substantial expertise and those completing
their PhD this year.



Applications are invited for a 3-year Post-Doctoral research position in theoretical physics, in the Department of Theoretical Physics, Maynooth University, Ireland.

Closing Date: 23:30hrs (local Irish time) on Sunday, 23 September 2018



We are seeking exceptional individuals for multiple available PhD and post-doc positions in theoretical/computational condensed matter physics at the LMU Munich. We would be grateful if you could bring this announcement to the attention of prospective candidates. We apologize if you receive this email multiple times.



RUTGERS CENTER FOR MATERIALS THEORY (New Jersey). Distinguished Postdoctoral Associates 2019

Posting Open Date: 09/11/2018

Posting Close Date: 09/10/2019



TENURED/TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITIONS in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML); Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Department of Physics, Troy, New York;

Candidates will be reviewed on a continuing basis until the positions are filled.



We have immediate openings available for two postdoctoral fellowships in quantum information science, focused on problems relevant to condensed matter physics. One position will be at North Carolina State and focus on simulations of frustrated magnetism, the other will be at Georgetown University and will focus on simulating driven-dissipative systems. In both cases, our goal is to run prototype algorithms on currently available hardware. Experience in computation, many-body physics, and quantum computing is preferred. This position is funded by the new DOE initiative in quantum information science.

If you know of anyone who might be interested please let me know or have them contact me directly.

Jim Freericks and Lex Kemper

Jim Freericks Professor of Physics and McDevitt Chair

Georgetown University, <>, 37th and O Sts. NW Washington, DC 20057



I have an immediate opening available for a postdoctoral fellowship in nonequilibrium many-body physics. The position is to work collaboratively with a team of five experimentalists on teraherz pump/x-ray probe experiments in quantum materials. This position is funded by the new DOE initiative in x-ray free-electron laser science.

If you know of anyone who might be interested please let me know or have them contact me directly. The best candidates will have experience and skill at computation and many body physics.
Jim Freericks Professor of Physics and McDevitt Chair, Georgetown University, <>, 37th and O Sts. NW Washington, DC 20057



Postdoc in theory of non-equilibrium; postdoc opening atSchool of Physics & Astronomy
University of Nottingham

Deadline: 21st September 2018



Two Postdoctoral Research Scientist positions in the Condensed Matter Theory group at Ohio State. Both positions will be in the general area of quantum condensed matter physics, including correlated quantum materials, topological phases of matter, quantum dynamics and cold atoms.;

Review of applications will begin on Feb. 1, 2018



4 post-doc openings in Barcelona-Orsay-Paris-Utrecht

We are currently advertizing four post-doctoral openings, within a collaborative H2020 network devoted to the study of phoretic effects at the nanoscale (see attached document). The positions are for a period of two years, with starting date as soon as possible, and in any case before Jan 2019.



Please find here the announcement for the Philippe Meyer postdoc positions in theoretical physics at the Ecole Normale Superieure starting in the fall 2019 (LPT-ENS, Paris).

Closing date: November 5, 2018



Postdoctorals positions in Condensed Matter Theory are available at the Department of Physics of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in the group of Professors Elbio Dagotto and Adriana Moreo. Areas of interest are iron and copper based high critical temperature
superconductors, influence of spin-orbit coupling on phase diagrams of correlated electrons, quasi one-dimensional chains and ladders, non-equilibrium properties of correlated electrons, oxide interfaces, bulk complex oxides, multiferroic materials, and others.

We are interested in a variety of many-body techniques, such as Monte Carlo simulations, density matrix renormalization group, exact diagonalization, density functional theory,
dynamical mean field theory, and others.

Information about our group can be found in The main location for this work will be the University of Tennessee, but our group has a close connection with Oak Ridge National Laboratory where part of the postdoctoral effort could be performed.

To apply candidates should submit via email their application, CV, and statement of research interests