The African Centre for Cities (ACC) in the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics has been awarded a grant to support the development of State of Cities in Africa Project (SOCA) which undertakes research and reports on urban systems across the African continent. The ACC hosts the SOCA Project which is currently under way at four universities across the region. The SOCA Project with the support of its funder the Cities Alliance aims to support the research and publication of national level reports on urbanization trends in thirty countries over the next decade. We are seeking a Deputy Project Coordinator: SOCA to work closely with the SOCA Project Coordinator and the Director of the ACC to successfully implement the programme.

Requirements include:

·  A completed Master’s degree in international development, urban studies or social sciences.

·  At least 4 years’ experience working on urban development issues in sub-Saharan Africa

·  Experience in project management or coordination of donor funded research.

·  Ability to manage relationships between agencies and coordinate with different actors to achieve project results

·  Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English required, knowledge of French or Portuguese desirable

·  Ability to travel

Responsibilities include:

·  Supporting the implementation of the second round of the SOCA Project

·  Establishing partnerships with universities and civil society organizations that form part of the SOCA Project

·  Monitoring project progress and project expenditures

·  Compliance with donor requirements

·  Reporting to funder and liaising with finance staff at ACC regarding financial management

·  Supporting the development and submission of funding proposals to enhance project implementation

·  Maintain communication and with the SOCA Project Advisory Board

The annual remuneration is negotiable between R371 316 - R436 833 subject to funding. The position is renewable for an additional year based on availability of funding.

Application process:

To apply, please forward the completed UCT Application form and all other relevant documentation as indicated on the form as indicated on the form, with the subject line “Deputy Project Coordinator: SOCA” followed by the reference number, to: Ms Jeanette Mosotwana, African Centre for Cities, School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700.

E-mail: ; Telephone: +27216502881; Website:

An application which does not comply with the above requirements will be regarded as incomplete. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Reference number for this position: 2384

Closing date for applications: 31 May 2012

Terms of reference: see page 2-4 below

UCT is committed to the pursuit of excellence, diversity and redress. Our Employment Equity Policy is available at

Terms of Reference


The reality of Africa’s urban transition is no longer in dispute. The rate of urbanization in Africa is widely recognized as the most rapid in the world, although it is also regionally diverse. However, it is taking place in a context of global financial turmoil, growing inequality and food insecurity, and a need to respond to the impacts of climate change. There is a widespread and growing understanding that for urban growth to be sustainable, the continents’ cities and local government systems must increasingly provide the basic services to sustain population growth. Ministers, mayors, PSs, city managers and planners, and citizens throughout the region are asking—and often, demanding—access to knowledge and capacity that will enable sustained and equitable management of urban growth.

Despite this demand, few if any sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have histories of successful urban management. Many countries retain post-colonial, restrictive regulatory regimes that focus on preserving the advantages of urban elites. Other countries, particularly those which are post-conflict, lack systems for sustainable urban management. And the region still has no effective networks of urban management professionals/practitioners with consistent, relevant skills and shared knowledge.

The State of the Cities in Africa (SOCA) Project was initiated to address the demand for information and support from cities and practitioners to survey and define urban systems in Africa. The SOCA Project is one attempt to respond to the demand for information using universities and other durable institutions to support skills development and information dissemination for improved urban governance. The anticipated outcomes of this project are:

·  A series of baseline reports on urban systems, prepared on a national basis in countries across the continent over the next 10 years;

·  The establishment of an African urban knowledge base; and

·  The creation of a network for urban scholars and practitioners in Africa

The SOCA Project was officially launched in June 2010 and the first phase is being implemented 2010-2013. The project is hosted by the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town.

The three main objectives of the project in the first phase are:

·  To support the development of baseline reports in urban systems in at least three countries through the establishment of working coalitions of urban stakeholders in partner countries and fundraising support;

·  To engage with African universities with built environment and planning programmes to promote urban research and

·  To develop a web-based knowledge platform for urban practitioners and scholars focused on the challenges of contemporary African cities


The objective of these terms of reference is to engage an expert for the period of one year as Deputy Project Coordinator (DPC) for the State of Cities in Africa (SOCA) project based at the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town. The DPC will work closely with the Project Coordinator to support the conclusion of phase one of the SOCA project and to support the Project Coordinator to roll out phase two of the SOCA project.

Scope of Work

The DPC will support the overall administrative and financial operations for the SOCA project. The DPC will be responsible for sub-grantee management and coordination with relevant program stakeholders, including government and non-governmental partners. The DPC will undertake the following interrelated tasks:

Programmatic Responsibilities

1.  Work with Project Coordinator to support the design and implementation of the SOCA Project on a country by country basis

2.  Represent the ACC and the SOCA project in meetings nationally and internationally

3.  Prepare terms of references for core country based assignments tailored to partner country realities and manage procurement in line with donor requirements;

4.  Support project teams to carry out national consultations and reference group meetings with local stakeholders as part of report preparation.

5.  Maintain close working relationships with country based project teams across the continent in order to provide administrative and technical support as required.

6.  Travel to participating cities throughout the project to ensure that team members have appropriate project templates and guidance.

7.  Coordinate, and provide guidance to, the work of other consultants and experts to be

brought into the Project for support to timely implementation of the SOCA project

8.  Work closely with Urban Africa coordinator to ensure that outputs from the SOCA project are promoted via the urban knowledge portal

9.  Act as a liaison to the SOCA Project Advisory Board and manage all communications to and inputs from the board

10.  Maintain a catalogue of all consultant outputs in organised and accessible electronic formats

11.  Foster partnerships and collaborations with relevant agencies

Financial Responsibilities

1.  Support the Project Coordinator in the preparation and submission of funding requests to the Cities Alliance and other donors for the SOCA project

2.  Prepare and maintain all financial management records for donor audit purposes

3.  Prepare and maintain consultant recruitment and selection records for donor audit purposes;

4.  Prepare quarterly financial reports for submission to the Cities Alliance no later than 45 days after the end of the quarter

5.  Submit all deliverables in line with project agreement to donors as required


The anticipated deliverables for this scope of work for which the Deputy Project Coordinator is primarily responsible include the following:

1.  Monthly narrative reports for ACC Exco submitted in advance of monthly staff meetings outlining project progress against annual plan and identification potential problems

2.  Distribution of Project Steering Committee Meeting agendas and previous minutes at least 5 days before the next meeting.

3.  Maintain a current correspondence file

4.  Bi-annual project narrative reports submitted in the prescribed donor format

5.  Quarterly financial reports submitted in the prescribed donor format

6.  Up to date project files containing all consultant recruitment and selection documents for the Cities Alliance audit purposes

7.  Up to date project files containing all financial management records and TORs for the donor audit purposes

Qualifications Required

The successful candidate will have the following qualifications:

·  Advanced degree in the social sciences, international development or urban discipline

·  At least five years’ experience in project management, coordination and monitoring in sub-Saharan Africa

·  Ability to manage relationships between agencies and coordinate with different actors to achieve project results

·  Significant experience as a team player and commitment to bringing out change through a partnership approach

·  Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English required.

·  Proven leadership skills and ability to work with multidisciplinary teams

·  Strong writing and editing skills for internal and external proposals, documents and presentations.

·  High degree of judgment and maturity and ability to analyze, develop and present work results, and to monitor and evaluate implementation of programs.

·  Demonstrated flexibility and openness in responding to changing work priorities and environments.

·  Strong written and oral communications skills, including the ability to write technical documents and give high level presentations to colleagues in and outside of ACC as well as prepare internal and external proposals, documents and presentations.

·  Strong interpersonal skills and experience in working effectively in an independent capacity and as a member of a team.

·  Ability to travel internationally approximately 30% time.

·  Competency in Microsoft Office packages

Anticipated Level of Effort and Budget

This is a full time position based in Cape Town, South Africa. No relocation package is offered. This is a T1 position.


The assignment described herein will commence 1 June 2012 and will be for 12 months, with an option for renewal if funds are permitting.

Reporting Arrangements

The DPC will work closely with the SOCA Project Coordinator based at the ACC and will report to the ACC EXCO member responsible for Africa Programmes. The DPC will work closely with the Cities Alliance Secretariat and field based Cities Alliance representatives in the Southern and Western Africa regions.

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