

Science Rules and


Classroom Rules

Success in my class is easily accomplished by following four simple rules:


A. Have the following

supplies in class


1)Writing Utensil

2) Composition Notebook

B. Students will actively participate in their learning bycompleting all assignments on time, asking questions and contributing to class discussions, and working collaboratively with their classmates.

C. Be prepared to think and ask questions


To create a positive learning environment you should treat others the way you would want to be treated. This includes your peers, your teachers, and yourself. I have zero tolerance fordisrespectful behavior.



I have high expectations for all of my students and I firmly believe that success is a measure of one’s attitude and work ethic, not one’s aptitude.

Important note for those of you participating in extra-curricular activities:

If you miss class due to a school-sponsored activity (football, tennis, choir, art, etc.), you are NOT considered absent and cannot use the make-up work policy as an excuse for missed work. You are expected to complete & turn in all missed work BEFORE you miss the class.


♦ I do not believe in extra credit work. It is the student's responsibility to perform the task when it is originally given. However, there are opportunities to earn extra credit throughout the year. These

opportunities are usually in the form of supplies, help with classroom procedures, or acts of kindness.


Major Grades = 70% Average of exams, projects, selected labs

9wk Assessment 15%

Daily Grades = 15% Average of labs, quizzes, daily work/homework

Progress Reports will be distributed every 3 weeks, and grades can been seen online at all times.

Assignments ALL Daily assignments will be posted on the class board. If your assignment is not turned in during your class period, it will be accepted late for a maximum of a 70. No late work will be excepted once a test is completed for that unit.

All Major assignments are due on time IN YOUR CLASS PERIOD. If late a zero will be given and the student has two days to make up the grade for a maximum of a 70. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Make-up Work & Labs
If you have an unplanned absence, you should:

  • Check our Class Absent Folder. If empty, check w/me.
  • Arrange a tutorial session with teacher as needed
  • Complete/turn in work 1 day for each day absent.
  • Tests are assigned 1 week ahead. If you are absent the day of the test, you must take the test the day you return. (C’mon guys….you knew about the test and have a WEEK to study!!!)
  • If you are in Tardy Sweep, this is not excused. You must come by and check for work THAT day. Late penalties will apply.
  • If you miss a lab, you will have to complete a report since most labs cannot be set up again.
  • REMEMBER: Assignments due the day you were absent are DUE the day you RETURN to class.


Anytime that you feel confused, lost, or just want additional help PLEASE ASK! You may contact me through e-mail, voicemail, meetings during lunch or after school


School Number: ((281) 356-3572

Check my website:

Classroom Procedures

The following procedures will help our class to run smoothly each day.

Please refer to this book throughout the year for handling classroom business.

  • Since you are bright, considerate students who are eager to learn, I do not anticipate a problem with behaviors that distract other students.


  • Upon entering class, take your assigned seat, read instructions on the board, and copy your homework assignments. START YOUR WARM UP!


  • Every student has five minutes between classes in which to drink water or use the restroom. It isinappropriate for students to disrupt the learning of others by requesting permission to use therestroom during the instructional portion of the lesson. Please use the restroom on your time in orderto avoid feeling uncomfortable during class. Students will not be permitted to go to the water fountainor to their locker once class has started. If you become ill during class, please notify the teacher for aclinic pass.


  • Students who arrive late will go to tardy sweep. No student may enter the classroom once class has started without a pass.


  • Homework is an important part of learning. It provides the necessary practice to master a concept.Therefore, it is imperative that homework is completed and turned in on time.Homework is due at the beginning of class. Any work turned in during or after class is considered late work.


We will follow the MISD Student Code of Conduct. A more specific sheet will be sent home after we discuss in class.


Parents, since your child is now in high school, let us encourage them to speak up for themselves. Please discuss with your child the importance of talking to me anytime there is a problem before you email or call me. This is a learning process of being your own advocate and helps me to get to know them a little better. Thank you for your support.


Class supplies which will be used as a class set.

Box of latex, vinyl, or nitrite gloves

1 box sealable freezer bags-Various sizes


Colored printer paper

Map pencils


Glue sticks

All images can be used for private educational, non-commercial purposes.
For all other use see Image License and/or Terms of Use.
Plz feel free to contact us for more information.