Department of Veterans Affairs
Fellowship Opportunities
HSR&D Center of Innovation on Disability and
Rehabilitation Research VISN 8 (CINDRR)
Focus Area #1:Postdoctoral Fellowship in Health Services
ResearchDevelopmentin Rehabilitation Outcome
Thepurposeofthis2-yearfellowship istodevelop a cadreofscientistswith health servicesexpertisefor theVAhealthcaresystemand tofosterthedevelopmentof high qualityhealth servicesresearchand developmentatlocaland nationallevels.Thefellowship islocated attheRR&D/HSR&D CenterofExcellencein RehabilitationOutcomesattheTampaVAHospital,Tampa,FL in collaboration withtheVAHSR&D Serviceand partnership with theUniversity of South Florida.
FocusArea #2: InterdisciplinaryFellowship in PatientSafety
Thepurposeofthis1-yearfellowship programisto develop leaderswith vision,knowledge,andcommitmenttolead patientsafety effortsin the 21stcentury.Thefellowship islocated atthePatientSafety Center ofInquiryattheTampaVAHospital,Tampa,FL in collaborationwith theVANationalCenterforPatientSafety and partnership withtheUniversity of South Florida.
Eligibility:Both—US citizenship and completion ofallrequirements needto be a fullycredentialed independentpractitioner in their field at a VA facility. Physicians must have graduated froman AccreditationCouncilfor Graduate Medical Education(ACGME) accredited residency; beboard certified or boardeligible and have an active, unrestricted U. S. medical license.HSR&D Fellowship—PhD in their field.Patient Safety Fellowship—Clinicalfields that recognizeindependent practitioners possessing degreelevels below that of Master's Degree (e.g.,Registered Nurse or Registered Dietician)must havecompleted a Master's Degree (or allrequirements for the degree) to be eligible. Nurses, socialworkers, and health careadministrators must possess at least a master's degree. Applicants inacademic fields that donotinvolve clinicalcertification or licensure but that can be applicable tohealth systems (e.g.anthropology,sociology, computer science/medical informatics, engineering, etc.)must havereceived a PhD in their field.
Funding: Stipendratesaredetermined byVAOfficeofAcademicAffiliations,dependingonthedisciplineandpreviouseducation of the trainee.Fellowsareeligible to participatein the Federal EmployeesHealthBenefitsProgramand theFederalEmployeesGroup LifeInsuranceProgram.
Application and Start Dates: Thedeadlineforapplication isFebruary 1 for fellowships beginning July 1.
Application Process.Submissionofan application thatincludes a letter, ofno morethan threepages,stating shortand long term professionalgoals,clinical or other pertinentbackground, a statement of personalgoalsfor the fellowship, a fullcurriculum vitae,and threeletters of recommendation.
Applicantsarestrongly encouraged totalkto Dr. Powell-Copebeforeapplying.
Selection and Selection Criteria. A selection committeewillreviewandrankapplicationsbasedon thefollowing criteria:quality ofcredentialsand experience,commitmentto remainin theVAsystem, match between personalgoalsand planned programactivities,andstrength of recommendations.
For information about these and other fellowships in the VA you can check the VA's web page at: or the Center web page atrcall813-558-3911.