
The Office of Elections

University of North Florida

Spring 2018 Campaign Packet

Table of Contents

Spring 2018 Election Timeline3

Title 6: Election Code*4

Election Policies and Procedures8

Signage and Tabling Summary11

Student Affairs Signage Policy12

Elections Signage Map Outline and Image15

Financial Statement Form17

*Please note that the full versions of the Election Policies and Procedures, and Title VI can be found on the Student Government website.

Spring 2018 Elections Timeline

December 26, 2017: Last day to update elections policies and procedures.

January 8: Spring 2018 classes begin.

January 23: Party declaration of intent forms due.

January 31: Party fair

February 13: Candidate declaration of intent forms due.

February 16: Last day to finalize disqualifications.

February 21: Candidate forum.

February 27: Presidential debate

March 6-7: Spring 2018 elections

March 8: Financial statements due

March 9: Last day to file judicial complaints.



A.The Election Policies and Procedures shall maintain a section concerningcandidates.

B.Such a section shall contain, at a minimum, the following applicableprovisions:

1.Any student who meets the constitutional requirements for candidacy shall be able to avail themselves as a candidate for any election through the submission of a Candidate Declaration of Intent.


a.An agreement on the part of the candidate to abide by theElections timeline published by the Elections Commissioner.

b.An agreement on the part of the candidate to abide by and uphold the Election Code of Ethics.

c.An agreement on the part of the candidate to submit a Candidate Financial Statement, as dictated under the Election Policies and Procedures.

d.An agreement on the part of the candidate to indicate his or her chosen Student Government political party affiliation, whereas “Independent” is an option.

e.An Agreement on the part of the Candidate to the SG Authorization and Release form to allow verification of records.

3. Candidacy may be withdrawn up to the time at which the ballot may no longer be changed by presenting a written and signed Statement of Withdrawal to the Elections Commissioner.

C.The following Student Government Positions must resign from their office once they declare candidacy or obtain a position of leadership within a political party during an election season due to a conflict of interest:

  1. Elections Commissioner
  1. Attorney General
  1. Student Advocate
  1. Government Oversight Chairman
  1. Supreme Court Justices

D.Members of the Government Oversight Committee must be removed from the committee by the Senate President once they declare candidacy or obtain a position of leadership within a political party organization.

E.Party Chairs shall notify the Elections Commissioner of all individuals who have a position of leadership within a political party organization.

F.A position of leadership in a political party organization shall be defined in the Elections Policies and Procedures. The Elections Commissioner shall have the final authority in identifying positions of leadership.


A.The Election Policiesand Proceduresshallmaintain a section concerningpoliticalpartyorganizations hereinafter referred to as PPOs.

B.Sucha sectionshallcontain,ataminimum,thefollowingapplicableprovisions:

1.PPOs shallberegisteredwiththeOfficeofElections.

a.PPOs shallneedonlyfileaPartyDeclarationofIntentcontainingthe signaturesoftwo(2)currentlyenrolledstudentmembersto becomeregistered.

b.PPOs shall,byregisteringwithStudentGovernment,agree to operateunderthelawsofStudentGovernment.


a.Thetwo(2)currentlyenrolledstudentmembersmustconsenttoplacethenameofthepartychairpersononthePartyDeclarationofIntentandverifyitwiththeir signatures.


a.Politicalpartyorganizationsshalldesignateatthetimeofformationwhetherornot theyintendtofileajointcampaignfinancereport.

4.There shall be reasonable naming restrictions for PPOs.

5.The submission of a Declaration of Intent for a PPO shall render the party registered for a full year from the date of submission. Once an annual registration expires, a new Party Declaration of Intent must be filed.

6.The active period of a PPO shall begin the semester of the first registration and end after the PPO has operated for a maximum of two (2) years, which may be consecutive or non-consecutive within a four (4) year period. After the PPO has operated for a maximum of two (2) years, the four (4) year retirement period shall begin immediately. The Elections Commissioner reserves the right to retire a PPO’s name early should their registration lapse.

7.The Retirement period shall be a period of four (4) years in which the PPO shall be kept on record but shall not be used. After the retirement period, the PPO may be eligible to be reinstated within the active period.

a.Retired PPO names are afforded the same naming protections as active PPOs.


A.The Election Policies and Procedures shall maintain a section in regard to campaigning.

B.Such a section shall contain, at a minimum, the following applicableprovisions:

1.There shall be restrictions on campaign signage location and duration of placement.

2.There shall be restrictions regarding the manner in which a person maycampaign.

C.All campaign materials must be approved and on file with the Elections Commissioner.

1.Campaign materials are defined as all publicly presented items that contribute to a candidate’s campaign. Campaign materials include but are not limited to posters, signs, fliers, digital media, and food items.


A.The Ballotshallserveasthevehicleforthedemocraticprocess,carrying thewill oftheStudentBodyonallConstitutionaland statutorilygranted affairs.

B.TheElectionPoliciesandProceduresshallmaintainasectionconcerning ballots.

C.Sucha sectionshallcontain,ataminimum,thefollowingapplicableprovisions:

1.Each ballot produced for a Student Government election shall be created and formatted by the Office of Elections.

2.The final version of each ballot must be made public by the ElectionsCommissioner five (5) business days preceding the nearest upcoming election.

3.Absentee ballots shall be made available by the Office of


4.All proper Constitutional Referenda and Plebiscites shall be placed on theballot.

5.Candidates’ names shall be placed on the ballots in a randomized manner.

6.Unopposed candidates shall be declared the winner by acclamation. No election for the respective seat shall be held.

7.There shall be no select all option on the ballot. Instead, voters must only have the ability to select candidates one at a time.

8.There shall be a presentation of all candidates’ platforms to be available to the individual voter upon viewing of the ballot. Such platforms shall be regulated by the Election Policies and Procedures.

9.No changes shall be made to an election ballot within two (2) business days of the election.

10.Further format regulations may be established by the Elections Policies and Procedures if they do not conflict with those statutorily mandated.


A.TheElectionPoliciesandProceduresshallmaintaina sectionconcerning thepolls.

B.Such a section shallcontain,at a minimum, the following applicableprovisions:

1.Thereshallbeatleasttwo(2)polling stationsprovidedbyStudentGovernmentmadeavailabletotheStudentBodyduringan election.

2.A protected polling region shall exist surrounding all Student Government polling stations not to exceed seventy-five (75) feet within which all applicable Election Policies and Procedures shall be strictly monitored and enforced.

3.ThereshallbepollworkerswhomeettherequirementsdictatedwithintheElectionPoliciesandProcedureswhoare selectedand overseenbytheElectionsCommissioner.

Elections Policies and Procedures


  1. Restrictions
  2. Signage
  1. All campaign-related signage is only permitted on university grounds starting on the day in which the Party Fair is held or within five (5) weeks of the nearest upcoming election.
  2. Physical Facilities and other University officials reserve the right to remove intrusive or obstructive signage.
  3. The Office of Elections shall make available the most up to date university regulations in the form of an election signage map.
  4. Placement of signs shall adhere to current university policy as directed by Physical Facilities, including but not limited to:

1)Yard Signs alone may be placed near walking paths within the interior of campus.

2)Banners may be hung from buildings with permission from the proper authorities. In the case of the Student Union (Bld. 58) Student Union Administration must be contacted.

  1. Campaigns are responsible for removing all campaign-related materials within one (1) business day following the close of an election.
  2. Active/Passive Campaigning
  1. Active Campaigning shall be defined as campaigning done in an unsolicited manner. This may include verbal or electronic communications as well the active distribution of items.
  2. Passive Campaigning shall be defined as campaigning done in a wholly voluntary and non-intrusive manner. This may include signs, posters, websites, or the possession of various paraphernalia.
  3. Active Campaigning shall be prohibited in all University buildings, with the exception of dining halls, the Osprey Clubhouse, Arena, and Wellness Complex.
  4. A second exception shall be made to permit Active
    Campaigning in University Buildings, limited to meetings of Student Organizations, Registered or Unregistered, scheduled to meet in these buildings.
  5. Active Campaigning is allowed in the Student Union, with the exception of the third floor of the East Building. All Campaigning is prohibited on the third floor of Building 58E.
  1. Campaigning is permitted to start the day of the Party Fair.
  2. No campaigning is permitted in residence halls including, but not limited to, distribution of fliers and door to door campaigning.
  3. The only exception is in the event of invited and casual conversation between residents of the residence hall in question.
  4. Campaign materials may not be distributed in such a way as to create excessive litter or to willfully deface any property, public or private.
  5. Each candidate is liable for all campaign materials relating to his/her campaign, and shall see to their proper disposal, except materials discarded by voters in the polling region while the polls are open.
  6. No candidate shall operate under an implied Student Government endorsement. This includes, but is not limited to, any logos present in campaign materials or use of Student Government sponsored items in their campaign.
  1. Financial Guidelines


  1. Financial Statements are to be completed within a provided packet given to all candidates.
  2. Financial statement packets shall contain:
  1. A cover page listing the contents of a final and completed statement and the undersigned agreement to the accuracy of the statement.
  2. A blank itemized page(s) for the listing of all campaign expenses.
  3. A totaling line at the conclusion of the list.
  4. A guide for PPO financial statements that allows a party to calculate their combined expense limit.
  5. Parties may choose to complete a PPO Financial Statement and forego individual statements if they wish to share resources.
  6. All elections contested or not contested shall require parties as well as candidates to file financial statements.


  1. Expense Limits
  2. Senate Candidates: $500.00.
  3. Presidential Tickets: $3,500.00.
  4. Political Party Organization option: Not to exceed the sum of the individual candidate’s expense limits combined.


  1. A completed Financial Statement must contain:
  2. An itemized list of all expenses incurred in support of a campaign. The Financial Statement must include itemspurchased in a previous campaign if they are re-used for the upcoming election.
  3. Each calendar year, any re-used item will depreciate by half. After four (4) years of reuse, an item may be claimed at zero (0) percent of the current market value.
  1. Copies of all receipts supporting the itemized list of expenditures. In the case of items purchased previously and re-used for a campaign, a receipt is not necessary. Instead, a fair market value must be provided.
  2. Sworn agreement on behalf of the candidate, or in the case of PPO Financial Statement the chair, to the accuracy of the full and complete statement.
  3. All contributions and donations, monetary or otherwise must be accurately reported and must include the name of the donor, contribution type, and market value of the donation.

The Office of Elections

Signage and Tabling Summary


  1. All signage based campaigning may begin on Wednesday, January 31st 2018.
  2. All signage must adhere strictly to the guidelines in Section V.D.i.1 of the Election Policies and Procedures, the Student Affairs Signage Policy, and the Election Signage Map.
  3. If you are still unsure about the placing of a sign, please ask the Elections Commissioner directly for further information.


  1. Campaigns may table in the Student Union at any time, including Market Days, provided they have registered, for that time, with the proper Student Union authorities.
  2. Campaigns are asked to please retain any and all documentation they receive from the proper authorities pertaining to their tabling event.
  3. Campaigns must follow all rules and regulations provided to them by the Student Union or Market Days Coordinator.


Student Affairs

Signage Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide comprehensive, University-wide guidelines on the usage of signs and related materials for advertising.
It establishes parameters for using signs and other materials, including eligibility for posting, restrictions on location, duration, and content.
Each university division will be responsible for the signage policy of their respective departments. The following will be universal policy governing the whole of the campus community.
A. Eligibility for Posting
Only University departments, registered student organizations, and approved vendors may post signs on campus.
All on-campus events must be posted to the UNF online calendar of events: Postings for any event not listed on the calendar may be subject to removal.
Posted items must be consistent with institutional policies. In addition, contractual agreements held by the University may affect advertisement of certain services.
Organizations that violate signage policy may be restricted from posting signs on campus for at least one (1) month, and no more than one (1) calendar year.
B. Duration of Posting
Event signage must be removed within one business day of the conclusion of the event. General announcements may be posted for 2 weeks, then must be removed for 3 weeks before being posted again.
C. Safety
Signage may not block walkways and must conform to fire code. Signs must be securely affixed in order to withstand wind and rain without causing harm to passersby. If damage to buildings or persons occurs due to signs falling or being blown over, the sponsoring organization is responsible for damages and restitution. See below for further information on safety requirements for specific types of signs.
D. Damage & Legibility
If a sign becomes damaged or otherwise unreadable, it must be removed immediately. Sponsoring organizations are responsible for maintaining their own signs. University officials have the right to remove damaged signs. UNF is not responsible for damage, theft or vandalism to signs.
E. Required information
All signs must include valid contact information, which may be a website, email address, public Facebook page, or phone number. QR codes do not substitute for contact information.
Signs must include an event date and/or an expiration date, in keeping with guidelines for duration of posting. For signs that an organization wishes to reuse, the expiration date may be attached in such a way that it can be removed or changed for later use.
F. Restrictions
University officials reserve the right to remove signs deemed inappropriate or excessive for the campus environment
Signs may not be placed closer than 30” to a road and may not be placed in a manner which obstructs vehicular or pedestrian visibility of a road or a sidewalk or interferes with normal pedestrian traffic flow. Signs cannot be placed closer than 50’ from the University entrances.
Signs promoting specific events or programs are not permitted in roadway medians.
The placement of printed materials on vehicles, light posts, benches, trees, trash receptacles, bus/shuttle stops, and other outdoor furnishings is not permitted. University approved advertisements can be place on bus stops.
No banners, signs, or printed materials may be placed on boardwalks, in wetlands or forest areas, or in lakes, ponds or water features. With prior approval, exceptions can be made for art installations in water features.
No banners or signs may be hung over roadways.
Signs should not be affixed to sidewalks or other walkways.
Posters and flyers may only be posted in designated areas, such as bulletin boards. Advertisements and announcements may not be posted in University restrooms unless there is a dedicated posting area.
Flyers and handbills may not be left unattended and unfixed on outdoor surfaces where they may blow away.
No signage or other objects may be nailed, stapled, or tied to trees.
G. Types of signage
1. Road Signs
Road signs (also known as yard signs, bandit signs, real estate signs, and lawn signs) are signs, typically between 12-40 inches on each side, posted on stakes which are inserted into the ground.
Road signs may not be placed on boardwalks, in raised planters or flowerbeds, in wetland or forest areas, or anywhere other than easily accessible areas of grass.
Road signs may not overhang walkways or otherwise obstruct foot traffic.
2. Posters & Flyers
Posters and flyers may be placed on bulletin boards or other surfaces provided for this purpose. Posting of notices on exterior doors, columns, walls, windows, trees, light posts, sidewalks or exterior stairwells is not allowed.
3. Banners
Hanging banners made of vinyl or cloth may be used by on-campus organizations to advertise programs and events. Space for hanging banners is limited and is available on a first-come, first serve basis.
Banners may not be weighted with water bottles or other objects tied to the bottom of the banner.
Sponsoring organizations must supply their own fasteners for hanging banners. Banners must be securely fastened or tied and able to withstand high winds and rain. Sponsoring organizations are responsible for ensuring that banners will not fall.
Banners are subject to size limitations and are permitted only in the following areas:
Student Union.
Contact the Student Union Administration department for policies and permissions regarding banners in the Student Union.
a. Campus Core. Banners may be hung from the balconies surrounding Alumni Plaza: Founders Hall (2), English Hall (8), and Fredrick H. Shultz Hall(9), the covered walkways from Honors Hall (10) to Thomas G. Carpenter Library (12), J.J. Daniels Hall (1) to Founders Hall (2), and from the Arena Parking Garage (38) to J. Brooks Brown Hall (39), and along the upper-level walkways in front of Andrew A. Robinson Jr. Center (14) and John E. Mathews Jr. Computer Science buildings (15).
Banners in the core of campus may be as large as standard twin-sized sheets (66” x 96”).
4. Free-Standing Signs
Free-standing signs, such as A-frames, must be no larger than 3’ wide and 6’tall (measured from the ground to the top of the sign). The sign must be constructed in such a manner that it is physically stable and presents no danger or impediment to pedestrians passing by.
5. Chalking
Chalking is defined as the use of chalk or similar substances to write or draw on concrete/paved sidewalks. The substance used for chalking must be water-soluble and easily washable by water or rain.
Chalking must be done in fully-exposed, non-covered areas that can be directly washed by rain. Chalking is prohibited on any covered walkway, stairs or steps.
Chalking is not permitted on walls, benches, glass, windows, doors, pilings, engraved pavers, seating areas, columns, planters, painted surfaces, trees, traffic signs, light posts, emergency call phones, fixtures, newsstands, ad dispensers, utility boxes, and any other objects.
6. Greek Letters
Greek Letters must be freestanding and placed well away from walkways to prevent injury if they fall due to gusts of wind. Letters may not be leaned against trees, buildings, railings, or other permanent objects. These letters must be moved in a timely manner to preserve the turf beneath the bottom edges.
7. Plywood Signs
Plywood signs may be no larger than 4’ x 8’. Posting organizations must contact Physical Facilities to obtain clearance before digging post holes.
8. Column Wraps
Plastic or vinyl wraps may be posted on the concrete columns under the second floor walkway between Building 50 and Building 15.
Space for column wraps is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Only one wrap per column is permitted.
Column wraps may be affixed with Velcro or ties. Use of adhesive to affix column wraps is strictly prohibited.
9. Window Painting
Painting on windows of University buildings is not permitted.
10. Other
Individuals or organizations wishing to post other forms of signs or printed announcements/advertisements on campus must contact the appropriate divisional vice president for approval before posting. The appropriate divisional vice president in consultation with the Office of the President may override this policy when appropriate.