2861 Butte Circle

Sedalia, CO 80135 - 8216

email: <>


The Colorado Science Olympiad (CSO) is an academic interscholastic competition designed to increase student interest in science and to improve the quality of science education. More than 110 teams participated in the 2010 CSO tournaments. The Science Olympiad tournament consists of twenty-three individual and team events in each division for which students prepare during the year. These challenging and enjoyable events are very motivational and foster teamwork, group planning, and cooperation. The events are balanced among facts, concepts, process skills, and applications. The emphasis is on learning, participation, interaction, and having fun.


There are two competitive divisions in the CSO: Grades 6 - 9 (Division B) and grades 9 - 12 (Division C). Ninth grade placement will depend on grades normally constituted in each participating school.


There are no organized competitions for Division A-1 (Grades 1 - 3) or Division A-2 (Grades 4 - 6). However, the CSO encourages teachers in grades 1 - 6 to use the activities included in one of the two elementary manuals in their classrooms. School and/or District contests can be beneficial in preparing students for future Science Olympiad competitions while providing an exciting, hands-on science program. Contact the CSO for help in developing your program

EVENTS: Check the National Website at < > for the complete list of events and

rules clarifications. Further amplification of the rules are in the coaches manual.


Northern Regional Preston Jr. High School, Fort Collins March 5, 2011

Southern Regional University of Colorado, Colorado Springs March 5, 2011

State Tournament Colorado School of Mines, Golden April 16, 2011

National Tournament University of Wisconsin Madison, WI May 20-21, 2011


For current information on CSO registration contact David Khaliqi or (719) 262-3595 for the Southern Region and Mike Viney at or Mary Klass at for the Northern Region. Our web site home page is <> Updated information on events is available on the CSO web site. The National Web Site at < > contains much information about Science Olympiad that is very helpful for coaches and teams.


A non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 per team must be submitted with the completed registration form by December 18, 2010. The fee entitles the school to a copy of the 2011 coaches manual for each registered team and to send its teams to their respective Regional Science Olympiad competition. All team members must be registered in one school or the same home school program. Schools from small districts may combine their enrollments and register as one team. Teams that place in the top half of each regional will advance to the State Tournament. The State Champions will advance to the National Science Olympiad (NSO) to be held at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, May 20-21, 2011.

Specific rules have been developed for each event and these are described in the coaches manual. It is important that the current rules be read very carefully. Schools must compete in a regional competition to be eligible to attend the State Competition and advance to the Nationals. Each team may compete in one or more of the events.

To register for this year’s competition, mail the form below with your remittance of $100.00. Note: If you must remit by Purchase Order without a check, a handling fee of $15.00 must be added. Forms must be received by December 18, 2010.

Please use only one name for the coach/contact person as only one person will receive mailing and be listed as the team’s coach. Make your remittance payable to Colorado Science Olympiad.


Mail check to: Colorado Science Olympiad

2861 Butte Circle

Sedalia CO 80135-8216


Division A-1 (Grades 1-3) $12.00 for Manual Only

Division A-2 (Grades 4-6) $17.00 for Manual Only

Division B (Grades 6 - 9) $100.00 Registration Fee with Manual

Division C (Grades 9 - 12) $100.00 Registration Fee with Manual



Mailing Address ______

City / State / ZIP ______

Area Code And Telephone number ______

FAX Number ______

e mail Address of Contact Person ______