Deception Prevention
Lesson 6: The Truth about Circumstances
Day One:
1.Do you think that if a person were completely happy in his/her circumstances, he/she would be less likely to sin (see Genesis 2–3:6)? Why or why not?
2.How did Job respond in the worst of circumstances to his wife’s suggestion to be angry with God (see Job 1:13–2:10)? What did Job’s statement reveal what he believed about God?
3.In 2 Corinthians 4:7–18, Paul records his perspective about his personal trials.What words describe the kinds of trials Paul faced?What did Paul believe that kept him from feeling victimized?
4.What difficulties do youhave presently in your life?Do you see them as trials to endure or problems to get rid of?How is God working in you through your circumstances?
Day Two:
1.Everyone faces difficulties in this life since the Fall (Genesis 3).How did Job describe the certainty of trials in Job 5:7?Why was Job certain that suffering was inevitable?
2.Trials produce the environment in which we are tempted to sin.What does God promise all believers in 1 Corinthians 10:13 in regard to temptation?Will you ever be tempted in a way no one else has ever been tempted?How do you know God will keep His promise?
3.Where do we go when we are tempted according to Hebrews 4:15–16?What can we expect to receive from the “One who has beentempted in all things as we are” (v. 15)?Describe a time when you found this to be true in your life.
4.We are often tempted to think “if only” our circumstances were different we would respond better.What “if onlys” have you entertained as a reason for being angry, unforgiving, or unkind?
5.Read Hebrews 13:15–16.How does obeying 1 Thessalonians 5:18 require a “sacrifice of praise?” How does doing good and/or sharing constitute a sacrifice?What sacrifice are you willing to make to please God?
Day Three:
1.Identify some of God’s purposes for allowing His loved ones to suffer in these verses.
Psalm 119:67, 71—
John 15:2—
Romans 5:3–5—
2 Corinthians 1:6—
2 Corinthians 12:7—
Hebrews 12:10—
James 1:2–4—
1 Peter 1:6–7—
1 Peter 2:21–23—
1 Peter 4:12–13—
2.Give an example of the “sanctifying fruit” of suffering in your life.
Day Four:
1.Name the Bible characters in the following passages and what they believed when they were tested.
Genesis 22:1–18—
Genesis 7:13–22—
Genesis 45:3–8—
Joshua 2:1–14—
1 Kings 18:20–40—
Luke 1:26–38—
Day Five: Eternal Perspective
1.What should be the believer’s focus according to Hebrews 12:1–3 in order to “run with endurance the race that is set before us” (v. 1)? How did He set the example of endurance?What will that focus help to prevent in us?
2.What assurance is attached to present trouble in 2 Corinthians 4:16–18 that helps to make it bearable?To what is our trouble compared?How should we view our present trouble?
3.Match these commands to have an eternal perspective with their references.
a.Set you mind on things above1 John 2:15
b.Seek ye first the kingdom of GodColossians 3:2
c.Do not love the worldProverbs 3:5
d.Do not lean on your own understandingMatthew 6:33
4.Have you been overwhelmed by circumstances that seem endless?How will you endure in light of eternity?
Carolyn McGuireSpring 2005