Mapleton Park Board Minutes 7-12-15
Members Present-Shanna Garcia, Mario Garcia, Jerry Volk and Donna Donley.
Meeting was called to order at 6:38pm, Donna made the motion and Jerry Second. Motion Carries.
Minutes and Agenda were approved, Jerry made the motion and Donna second. Motion Carries.
Old Business:
Open Position- Amanda Olson attended the meeting and expressed interest in the open position. Jerry made the motion to allow Amanda to fill the open position, Donna second. Motion Carries.
Happy Days- A special meeting is scheduled for July 13, 2015. Details to follow. Happy Days will be August 21-22.
Summer Projects-
Mowing- Going well, all parks and ball field is being mowed weekly.
Maintenance-Dugouts need to be replaced, more discussion will follow on the options available for 2016. The pitcher’s mound needs to be replaced, Mario will check into the cost.
Securing Picnic Tables and Garbage Cans-project will be finished the week of July 19.
Posts in the Parking Lot/Prairie View Park-project will be finished before Happy Days.
Tree Grant (Removal/Replace)- Mary has copies of all of the grant paperwork on hand at the city office. No work will start on these projects until the grant contract starts. Park will match the grant dollars with in-kind work. There will be a special meeting for these projects in the near future. Mary will be taking care of all of the paperwork.
Future Projects- Sledding Hill and Ice Skating Rink. Details and discussion in future months.
Baseball Program-
Update 2015 Summer- the season finished on July 8, ending with the Squirts teaming attending the Redhawks. We had a rocky start but finished strong. The coaches and parent assistants did a wonderful job and we cannot thank them enough. We have some changes to make to our program, and those are in the works now to make our 2016 program go off without a hitch.
Redhawks-our Squirts team was the DQ Featured Team on July 8th. A good time was had by all.
Concessions-concession sales were good for the few games we had them for. Next we are planning on concessions at every home game. More details to follow.
New Business:
Disc Golf Baskets- removing baskets during the time they are hauling dirt. The board will decide in the future where the new Disc Golf Course after the plans for the new development is established.
Flag Football- to late to schedule games for this year, but will be putting together a program for 2016. The park board is looking into other activities that the community would be interested in.
Halloween Party Planning/Budget-a $500 budget was set for the party for prizes and treats. Mario made the motion, Donna second. Motion Carries.
Budget and Bills-checks were paid for mowing, reimbursement for gas and concession products. We are on track with expected expenses for the year.
Open Discussion- Donna has taken over the website responsibilities.
Next Meeting- August 9, 2015 6:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm. Jerry made the motion and Mario second. Motion Carries.