Justin T. Ready


Arizona State University

Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

411 N. Central Avenue, Office 647

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Office: 602.496.2339


Justin Ready

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2009 Ph.D. Criminal Justice. Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, School of Criminal Justice, Newark, NJ.

Dissertation: Offender Adaptation: Understanding Crime Displacement from a Micro-Level Perspective

Committee: Ronald V. Clarke (Chair), David Weisburd, George Kelling, and Michael Maxfield

1996 M.A. Criminal Justice. Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, School of Criminal Justice, Newark, NJ

1993 B.A. Criminal Justice, Cum Laude. The University of Massachusetts - Lowell, School of Criminal Justice, Lowell, MA

Work Experience

2009- Assistant Professor

Present Arizona State University, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Responsibilities include teaching graduate and undergrad courses and writing research articles and grant proposals. Graduate courses taught include Statistics, Advanced Methods and Seminar in Criminal Justice. Undergraduate courses include Criminology and Crime Prevention and Control.

2003- Assistant Professor, Lecturer

2009 John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Sociology Department. Undergraduate courses taught include Research Methods, Criminology, Police and the Community, and Social Deviance. MA courses include Research Methods and Criminological Theory. Doctoral courses taught include Statistics and a Primer in Quantitative Methods. Served on the Curriculum Committee and the Student Appeals Committee. Drafted questions for the MA comprehensive exam; graded doctoral program comprehensive exams; analyzed MA degree data and coauthored the MA in Criminal Justice self-evaluation; analyzed faculty surveys to assess the Sociology Department’s hiring needs.

1998- Senior Research Associate

2003 Police Foundation, Research Division. Served as Project Director for three federally funded studies: Measuring Displacement and Diffusion: An Analysis of the Indirect Impacts of Community Policing (NIJ), Bringing the Crime Victim into Community Policing (COPS), and Risk Focused Policing at Places: An Experimental Evaluation of the Communities that Care Program in Redlands,

California (OJJDP). Also served as PI for a study funded by the Bradley Foundation: An Examination of Citizen Perceptions of Differential Treatment by the Police in Los Angeles, California. Developed research methodologies, drafted survey instruments, trained research assistants, conducted qualitative interviews, analyzed data sets, and drafted final reports.

1999 Instructor

Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, School of Criminal Justice. Designed, prepared and taught undergraduate courses on Police and the Community.

1996- Research Consultant

1997 Center for Criminal Justice Research, University of Cincinnati, Division of Criminal Justice. Responsibilities included grant proposal writing, data analysis and drafting the final report for a research project funded by the National Institute of Justice.

1995- Project Manager

1996 Served as Project Manager for the National Institute of Justice funded project Problem-Oriented Policing in Public Housing: The Jersey City Approach to Solving Drug and Violent Crime Problems in Public Housing. Responsible for collecting police data, monitoring problem solving strategies in six public housing sites and managing research assistants. Also constructed databases for the evaluation of police interventions, analyzed longitudinal crime data and drafted sections of the final report.

1994- Field Researcher

1995 Center for Crime Prevention Studies, Rutgers, School of Criminal Justice. Responsibilities included coding observational data and constructing data sets for the evaluation of two federally funded projects: Controlling Violent Crime Places in Jersey City and Problem-Oriented Policing in Public Housing: The Jersey City Approach to Solving Drug and Violent Crime Problems in Public Housing. These projects were collaborative efforts by Rutgers and the Jersey City Police Department to advance research and technology in the area of problem-oriented policing.


Weisburd, David, Brian Lawton and Justin Ready (2012). Staking out the Next Generation of

Studies of the Criminology of Place: Collecting Prospective Longitudinal Data at Crime Hot Spots. In Rolf Lober and Brandon Welsh (Eds), The Future of Criminology. New York University Press.

Weisburd, David, Josh Hinkle, Christine Famega and Justin Ready. (2011) “The Possible

“Backfire” Effects of Hot Spots Policing: An Experimental Assessment of Impacts on Legitimacy, Fear and Collective Efficacy.” Journal of Experimental Criminology.

7: 297-320.

Ready, Justin and Michael White. (2011). “Exploring Patterns of TASER Use by the Police:

An Officer-Level Analysis.” Journal of Crime and Justice. 34: 190-204.

Sousa, William, Justin Ready and Michael Ault. (2010) “The Impact of TASERs on Police

Use-of-Force Decisions: Findings from a Randomized Field Training Experiment.”

Journal of Experimental Criminology. 6: 35-55.

White, Michael and Justin Ready. (2010) “The Impact of the TASER on Suspect Resistance:

Identifying Predictors of Effectiveness.” Crime and Delinquency. 56: 70-102.

White, Michael and Justin Ready. (2009) “Examining Fatal and Nonfatal Incidents Involving

the TASER: Identifying Predictors of Suspect Death Reported in the Media.” Criminology and Public Policy. 8: 865-891.

Ready, Justin, Michael White and Christopher Fisher. (2008) “Shock Value: A Comparative

Analysis of News Reports and Police Records on TASER Deployments.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management. 31: 148-170.

Weisburd, David, Nancy Morris and Justin Ready. (2008) “Risk-Focused Policing at Places:

An Experimental Evaluation of the Communities that Care Program in Redlands, California.” Justice Quarterly. 25: 163-200.

White, Michael and Justin Ready. (2007) “The TASER as a Less-Lethal Force Alternative:

Findings on Use and Effectiveness in a Large Metropolitan Police Agency.” Police Quarterly. 10: 170-191.

White, Michael and Justin Ready. (2007) “Exploring the Other Critical Questions Regarding

the TASER CEW: A Descriptive Investigation of Incidents and Outcomes in New York City.” In Physiology and Pathology of Conducted Energy Weapons. New York, NY: Springer Press.

Ault, Michael, William Sousa and Justin Ready. (2007) "How Reliable are your Policies and

Training? Putting the CED to the Test." In Subject to Debate, Vol. 21. Police Executive Research Forum.

Weisburd, David, Laura Wyckoff, Justin Ready, John Eck, Josh Hinkle and Frank Gajewski.

(2006). “Does Crime Just Move Around the Corner?: A Controlled Study of Displacement and Diffusion in Two Crime Hot Spots.” Criminology. 44: 549-592.

Ready, Justin, David Weisburd, and Graham Farrell. (2002) "Victims and Victim

Organizations in Contemporary American Policing: Findings from a National Survey of Police and Victim Organizations." International Review of Victimology. 9: 175-195.

Ready, Justin and David Weisburd. (2002) "Victims and Victim Service Organizations in

American Policing: Selected Findings from a National Study." In Networks, Vol. 17. National Center for Victims of Crime.

Mazerolle, Lorraine, Justin Ready, William Terrill and Elin Waring. (2000) "Problem-Oriented

Policing in Public Housing: Using a Mixed Model Approach to Examine Changes in Violent and Drug-Related Crime Problems." Justice Quarterly. 17:129-158.

Ready, Justin, Lorraine Mazerolle and Elyse J. Revere. (1998) "Getting Evicted from Public

Housing: An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Eviction Decisions in Six Public Housing Sites." Crime Prevention Studies. 9: 307-327.

Final Reports to Funding Agencies

Ready, Justin and Emmanuel Barthe. (2009) ““The Impact of Surveillance Cameras on

Perceptions of Privacy, Safety and Civil Liberties in Urban Drug Market Areas.” Final Report to the Professional Staff Congress - City University of New York (PSC-CUNY).

Weisburd, David, Nancy Morris and Justin Ready. (2006) “Risk-Focused Policing at Places:

An Experimental Evaluation of the Communities that Care Program in Redlands,

California.” Final Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Weisburd, David, Laura Wyckoff, Justin Ready and John Eck. (2005) “Measuring

Displacement and Diffusion: An Analysis of the Indirect Impacts of Community Policing.” Final Report to the National Institute of Justice.

Ready, Justin, Edwin Hamilton and Laura Wyckoff. (2002) “A Study of Citizen

Perceptions of Differential Policing Practices in Los Angeles, California.” Final Report to the Bradley Foundation.

Greenspan, Rosann, David Weisburd, Erin Lane and Justin Ready. (2002) “The Second

Responders Program: A Coordinated Police and Social Service Response to Domestic Violence.” Final Report to the National Institute of Justice.

Ready, Justin, Graham Farrell, Earl Hamilton and David Weisburd. (2001) “Towards

Victim-Oriented Policing: Findings from a National Survey of Victim Service Organizations and Police Departments.” Final Report to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.

Mazerolle, Lorraine Green, Justin Ready, William Terrill and Frank Gajewski. (1998)

“Problem-Oriented Policing in Public Housing: Final Report of the Jersey City Project.” Final Report to the National Institute of Justice.

Funded Grant Activity (Selected)

Grant from NIJ 01/01/12 – 01/01/14 Ready (Co-PI)

Examining the Effects of the TASER on Cognitive Functioning

The goal of this study is to examine the effects of Electronic Control Devices (i.e. TASERs) on the cognitive functioning of criminal defendants.

Grant from BJA 01/01/12 – 01/01/14 Ready (Co-PI)

An Experimental Evaluation of Police Use of Body Cameras on Police-Citizen Encounters

Funded under the Smart Policing Initiative, the goal of this study is to carry out a randomized experiment examining the effects of police body cameras on citizen complaints, compliance, and suspect resistance.

PSC-CUNY Grant from the New York City 01/01/04 – 08/01/07 Ready (PI)

The Impact of CCTV Cameras on Residents’ Attitudes Relating to Privacy, Safety and Civil Rights in Drug Market Areas

The goal of this study was to examine perceived civil rights violations in drug market areas resulting from surveillance technology.

Grant from the Bradley Foundation 08/01/01 – 01/01/03 Ready (PI)

An Examination of Citizen Perceptions of Differential Treatment by Police in Los Angeles, CA

The goal of this study was to examine factors leading to perceived racial injustice and differential patterns of treatment during police traffic stops

Grant from OJJDP 08/01/00 – 01/01/04 Ready (Director)

Risk Focused Policing at Places: An Experimental Evaluation of the Communities that Care

Program in Redlands, CA

The goal of this study was conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the Communities that Care Program and to examine the risk and protective factors associated with neighborhood decline.

Grant from NIJ 01/01/98 – 01/01/01 Ready (Director)

Measuring Displacement and Diffusion: An Analysis of the Indirect Impacts of Community Policing

The goal of this study was to evaluate the nature and extent of crime displacement in urban crime hot spots.

Doctoral Dissertation Committees

Morris, Patrick. (2009) “Dual Arrest in Intimate Partner Violence Incidents: The Influence of

Police Officer, Incident, and Organizational Characteristics.” John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY). Committee: Justin Ready (Chair), Michael White and Valli Rajah.

McCarthy, Jennifer. (2009) “The Relationship between Possessing Child Pornography and

Child Molestation.” John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY). Committee: Karen Terry (Chair), Justin Ready and Cynthia Mercado.

Master’s Thesis Committees

Moule, Richard. (2011) “Moving Towards a Quantitative Understanding of Thrasher's Threat-

Cohesion Hypothesis.” Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University. Committee: Charles Katz (Chair), Justin Ready and Travis Pratt.

Jorgensen, Cody. (2011) “Public Perceptions Matter: A Procedural Justice Study Examining

an Arrestee Population.” Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University. Committee: Justin Ready (Chair), Charles Katz and Michael White.

Peer Review Service

·  Journal of Experimental Criminology

·  Justice Quarterly

·  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology

·  Crime and Delinquency

·  Journal of Quantitative Criminology

·  Police Quarterly

·  International Review of Victimology

·  Crime Prevention Studies

·  Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency

·  Journal of African American Studies

Awards and Recognition

2010-2011 COPP Scholars Reception, Undergraduate Favorite Instructor

2002-2003  Morton and Roberta Clayman Fellowship

1996-1997 Doctoral Fellowship, Rutgers University – Newark


2009-2012 NIJ Working Group on Technology in Policing

2006-2012 Campbell Collaboration on Experimental Criminology

1995-2012 American Society of Criminology

1995-2012 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

2008-2012 American Civil Liberties Union

2008-2009 Doctoral Faculty, John Jay College

2002-2005 Crime and Place Working Group, University of Maryland

2001-2004 Advisory Committee, Covenant House

2000-2002  Coordinator, Police Foundation Institutional Review Board

Selected Conference Participation (2001 - Present)

Ready, Justin, Clair White, Charles Katz and David Choate. “The Effects of Risk Aversion on

Illegal Prescription Drug Use: Identifying Predictors of Rx Drug Use.” American Society of Criminology. Washington, DC (November 2011).

Ready, Justin. “Examining Officers’ Willingness toUse the TASER: A Comparison of High-

Frequency Users, Users and Non-users across Ten Police Departments.”

The Stockholm Criminology Symposium. Stockholm, Sweden. (June 2010).

Ready, Justin, Phillip Kopp and John DeCarlo. “Examining Factors that Influence Officers’

Willingness to Use the TASER: A Multi-Site Study.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. San Diego (February 2010).

Famega, Christine, Justin Ready, David Weisburd and Josh Hinkle. “The Impact of Broken

Windows Style Policing on Trust and Confidence in the Police: Overall and Race-specific Effects.” American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia (November 2009).

Ready, Justin and Michael White. “Examining the Physiological Impact of the TASER:

Identifying Predictors of Suspect Death.” American Society of Criminology. Atlanta (November 2007).

Ready, Justin and Michael White. “The Use and Effectiveness of the TASER by the Police: A

Comparison of Different Data Sources.” American Society of Criminology. Los Angeles (November 2006).

Ready, Justin and Emmanuel Barthe. “The Impact of CCTV Cameras on Residents’

Attitudes Relating to Safety, Privacy and Due Process in Drug Market Areas.” American Society of Criminology. Toronto (November 2005).

Hamilton, Earl and Justin Ready. “Racial Differences in Opinions of Police: A Two-City

Comparison.” American Society of Criminology. Toronto (November 2005).

Ready, Justin and Emmanuel Barthe. “Geographic Analysis of Crime Displacement and

the Diffusion of Benefits Resulting from CCTV Cameras in Drug Market Areas of

New Jersey.” American Society of Criminology. Nashville (November 2004).

Barthe, Emmanuel and Justin Ready. “The Impact of CCTV Cameras on Police Calls for

Service in Drug Market Areas of Jersey City, NJ.” American Society of Criminology. Denver (November 2003).

Ready, Justin and Jim Bueermann. “Bringing the Crime Victim Into Community Policing:

Findings from a National Survey of Police Departments and Victim Service

Organizations.” COPS Conference. Washington, D.C. (July 2002).

Ready, Justin and David Weisburd. “An Examination of Citizen Perceptions of