Twins show Bishop Brenchley and Matfield School

16 October 2012 LW/BM/01/2012

Twins, Max and Grace Jae (11), head boy and girl of Brenchley and Matfield Church of England Primary School showed the Rt Rev James Langstaff, Bishop of Rochesteraround their school onTuesday 16 October 2012 at 0900.

Bishop James said, “Visiting schools is an important part of my life as a Bishop. The Diocese of Rochester has 89 schools and it’s always a pleasure to see the excellent work being done in them. Brenchley and MatfieldSchool is a school with close links to the local church and is an excellent example of the church working for the good of the local community.”

During his first visit to the school, Bishop James joined pupils for an assembly to talk about this role and one lucky pupil from Year 6, Tristan (10), who is also one of the head boys, had the chance to dress in Bishop’s robes.

Pupils from Year 4 also had the chance to question the Bishop on his role; amongst the questions were: How old were you when you decided to become a Christian? Bishop James said it was from the age of about 17. What is your favourite parable? In St Luke’s Gospel there are three parables about a lost sheep, coin and son and the Bishop explained these were his favourites. Finally, Are bishops related to



God? To which Bishop James said we are all related to God because we are all God’s children.

Rachel Green, Headteacher of Brenchley and Matfield said, “We are thrilled that Bishop James visited our school. Alongside ensuring the academic progress and development of the whole child, we have been explicitly looking at the distinctive nature of the Church school and embedding the school's Christian values of integrity, humility, grace, compassion and forgiveness. The bishop’s visit has been a fantastic way to reinforce the Christian values and ethos of the school and raise the profile to parents.”



  1. Image shows Bishop James Langstaff with Tristan dressed as a Bishop. The second image shows Bishop James with twins, Max and Grace Jae
  2. More information about Bishop James and the Diocese of Rochester may be found at
  3. For more information on Brenchley and MatfieldSchool visit


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