The Faculty Affairs Committee recommends honoraria for faculty whose professional achievements have gained recognition in their discipline beyond the university campus. The following eligibility criteria apply:

  1. Books which may or may not be peer-reviewed.
  2. Original research published in peer-reviewed professional journals.
  3. Works of creativity receiving professional recognition through judging appropriate to the discipline.
  4. Published book reviews.
  5. Original oral presentations.

a)  To academic peers delivered at professional gatherings, requiring academic or professional expertise but not necessarily dependent on original research.

b)  To professional peers yet requiring academic or professional expertise.

When a faculty member gives an oral presentation and that presentation is published in a professional journal, the faculty member can request an honorarium for the publication, but not for the oral presentation.

  1. Except for the activities of off-campus professional organizations meeting on our campus, on-campus presentations and publications are not eligible for honoraria.

7.  National/Regional Academic Conference Research Papers, (including poster sessions and conference proceeding papers).

8.  Non peer reviewed professional journals (e.g. Ministry Magazine, Journal of Adventist Education, American History).

Please note that “academic peers” refers to colleagues that hold advanced degrees and are your professional peers in higher education. The intent is to reward faculty for professional achievements that are presented to and can be critically evaluated by their academic peers and constitute a contribution to their academic discipline. Also, “professional peers” refers to individuals who are involved in the practice of your discipline.


To qualify for an honorarium, a faculty member must submit to the Faculty Affairs Committee a standard request form together with supporting documentation of the scholarly activity (see below) within one year after the activity occurs. Any given activity will receive an honorarium from the university only once, e.g., an oral presentation given to different audiences on the same topic will receive an honorarium only once.

The request needs to be supported with proper documentation.

·  For books and journal articles, an entire copy of the book or article is not necessary; however, a copy of the book cover and table of contents page, or the journal cover, index, and a copy of the first two or three pages of the article is requested.

·  Documentation for an oral presentation should include a copy of the program that includes the occasion, the name of the participant, the date, and the presentation title.

·  Submissions regarding presentations to on-line audiences will be considered on a case-by-case basis. A copy of the content, the URL of the site, and a description of the purpose of the submission is requested.

The Faculty Affairs Committee reviews the honoraria schedule every five years on 0 and 5 years.

Honoraria Schedule

Peer-Reviewed Book $300

Non Peer-Reviewed Book $150

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article $200

Non Peer-Reviewed Article in Professional Journal $100

Work of Creativity $150

Book Review $ 75

National/Regional Academic Conference Research Paper $125

Oral Presentation to non-academic peers $ 25

Oral Presentation to academic peers

Less than 1 hour $ 75

1-3 hours $100

3 or more hours $150

Maximum amount allowable per individual per fiscal year is $600.

Note: In the case that a faculty member joins with one or more colleagues in their professional work/presentation, a Joint Presentation Scale will be enacted. Each presenter will receive 75% of the honoraria of the category they fall under.